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minakichan, I hope you're joking, because if you were married you'd be kissing... and more.
minakichan wrote:XD;;;
Like I said, I don't think it's necessary, it's not like you are required to do that when you're married. (You just shouldn't do That when you're not married.) Think about it, there are plenty of couples who still love each other that get along fine without that kind of stuff (whether they've lost sexual desire, cannot physically do it, have some kind of medical condition so that it's dangerous to do it, are separated or in a family/social position that they can't do it, etc), so I don't think it's an "If A happens, then B will happen" situation.
minakichan wrote:Like I said, I don't think it's necessary, it's not like you are required to do that when you're married. (You just shouldn't do That when you're not married.)
Nate wrote:While this is completely true, and I don't deny that, then I would have to ask. If you're not going to have sex with the other person, why bother getting married? The reason Paul gave in the NT for getting married was if we can't control our desires, otherwise we should remain unmarried to focus on God. If you have control over your desires, then, there would be no point to getting married at all, right?
So while in theory your statement is true, it still really doesn't make sense, if you know what I mean. If you're not going to have sex with the other person, there's no reason to get married. Well, aside from tax breaks and getting to use your spouse's health care insurance, I guess. But that's a pretty shallow reason to marry someone.
@bakura_fan: Like I said, I don't really mind if people get a little physical, but if I do get married, I want it to be Platonic-- not friendship, the way lots of people see Platonic Love, but "chaste but passionate love, based not on lack of interest but on spiritual transmutation of the sex force, opening up vast expanses of subtler enjoyments than sex." (All right, it might also have some "lack of interest" factors in my case simply because I don't really find physical intimacy all that interesting.) I think there are actions that are more eloquent than kissing or sex in portraying one's love for another person.
minakichan wrote:Nonono, I'm saying more like, I don't believe that all marriages MUST involve kissing and sex, IF THEY DON'T IT'S NOT MARRIAGE kind of thing. Heh. Let me think of a bad analogy (hold on, it's coming to me...).
See, the thing is, I've gotten into a debate with someone else before, who told me that marriage was about having children, and that if you didn't have kids, it was pointless; you get married because you want to have kids, but you don't want to have them outside of marriage because that's wrong. I just didn't agree at all; I think that you definitely shouldn't have kids outside of marriage, and that people who marry and start a family are great-- it's nice to have a happy little family and raise a child and all-- but I don't think that YOU MUST HAVE KIDS IF YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED. There are people physically incapable (oh, there's the word again) of bearing or fathering children. This reaction I had here was kind of similar to that, to me (kinda?).
minakichan wrote: I'm sure there've been couples who had no interest in having children, and before birth control ever existed (because I know some couples only think of sex as the way to have children), so wouldn't you think that they're probably not having sex?
minakichan wrote:I do think, however, that there isn't necessarily something wrong or unnatural about not caring about sex, even as a mature adult-- there are still lots of people who never have that interest their whole lives.
Unlikely, since marriage, until very recent history, was the only place TO have children without becoming a pariah in the western world. (Ever read the scarlet letter?) The best thing one could do (if uninterested) was to stay unmarried, really. On the note of birth control... its been around since at least the 1500s in some form, and has been dated back as far as ancient egypt.
Momo-P wrote:Except isn't that wrong?
I don't want children (only child) and neither does my boyfriend (only child). While some may argue we're too young to consider marriage, it's not like we haven't thought of it and even my parents have brought it up. So...what? We're full of passion for each other and we get married. But then we go to have sex and we can't?
If I don't marry I'm doing something wrong, but if I do get married, I'll still be doing something wrong. Hence forth I can't help but wonder if not having kids is so evil. Otherwise why would God put certain people in a situation where they're pretty much sinning both ways?
Birth control is merely man trying to play God again. Don't do it.
Birth control is merely man trying to play God again. Don't do it.
There are some people who need to take birth control for medical, non-sexual reasons
Ashley wrote:There are some people who need to take birth control for medical, non-sexual reasons, such as a very common disorder called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which effects up to 30% of women.
And I'm just curious, and if necessary PM me your reply: say there are two couples. One who is a very prosperous family and have chosen not to have children; the other a very poor couple with so many children they live in abject poverty and starvation. Which couple is the worse, spiritually?
On a side note, I can kinda understand taking it for the hormonal part, if you're not married... But, seen the side effects for the pills? Heart attack and stroke risk? I'd rather have a normal period XD
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