Danderson wrote:That's a scary thought...I have some friends who've lived in Michigan before and it sounds like a really nice place (both the people and the landscape)...I'll definetly be praying...
I grew up in West Michigan until my parents divorced and I moved to the East side. West Michigan is
so much more beautiful--white sandy beaches by Lake Michigan and Silver Lake (went up there a lot as a kid! It's an amazing place) and the people are much more friendly there and helpful and stuff. I had some really tight friendships as a kid because of it, everyone tried to be friends with everyone; then again, that was the time when I was an Elementary student, so that was the way it should have been, anyways.
There's so much hate around East Michigan it's not even funny. I had a rough time making friends when I moved (and even beyond that) because I'm so much different from everyone else.
If I could have a choice to make, stay here or move back over to where I lived as a kid and go to the highschool I could only dream of going to...I seriously would move back there. Not that I don't like the friends I've made, because I love them, but because I dearly miss the people I started my life with in gradeschool, Kindergarden to the Third Grade...
I haven't seen them in five years, and haven't actually hung out together in eight...
But as far as the economy goes, it's just one big landsliding dune =/
It could be an awesome place to be and live and start a family....but...there's always got to be a but... Right now money is tight everywhere, income level doesnt matter. I was
very lucky to get 3 (technically 6) weeks worth of allowance because I won't be seeing my dad for a month after this...
It's just another thing added to my list of stressing things. Bah.
Freaking government. >_<