Radical Dreamer wrote:I agree 200%. I don't believe I can add anything else to this post that would further express my view on the matter. *applause*
animedude90 wrote:But I hope you aren't insinuating that A Bugs Life wasn't a good movie.
Tenshi no Ai wrote:Oh no, I mean like, they made that movie and pretty soon after Antz came out (was it by Dreamworks? Can't remember...) It's like, they're trying to copy one another with the trend, as the above examples were shown. Unless it's all just one big coincidence, which I doubt :/
animedude90 wrote:So basically what your saying is Pixar good, and Dreamworks bad. Yeah I agree. Believe me in my childhood, I would always watch the Lion King. Don't make jokes the Lion King was all the rage in 1994-1995. And so were those other movies that you guys have just mentioned. Dreamworks pictures are funny but only because as others have said before that they are built around popculture and thats true. I hate Madagascar, its probably the worst movie ever made. I can't believe I saw it. Don't see it, its humor is a little sick and stupid. I almost feel like Dreamworks is "dumbing them down a bit just for laughs and not that good feeling that you should get when coming out of a movie for example Pixar...
mitsuki lover wrote:The Black Cauldron was based on the late author Lloyd Alexander's trilogy based on the Arthur legend.
mitsuki lover wrote:Some of Disney's based animated movies were based on literature like that:
Sleeping Beauty,Snow White And The Seven Dwarves,Aladdin(the original movie),etc.
mitsuki lover wrote:Though their greatest movie ever made still remains Fantasia because it was daring and original.
Tenshi no Ai wrote:The Fox and the Hound and 101 Dalmations are the only ones off the top of my head that I can think of that were original, as far as I know.
mitsuki lover wrote:The Black Cauldron was based on the late author Lloyd Alexander's trilogy based on the Arthur legend.
Actually, 101 Dalmatians was based on a book. I forget who wrote it, though. XD The Fox and the Hound, though, may have been original. I don't know much about that one, other than that it's reeeaally good. XD
mitsuki lover wrote:The Black Cauldron was based on the late author Lloyd Alexander's trilogy based on the Arthur legend.
mitsuki lover wrote:One of the problems with many of the more recent films was the need to insert unneeded musical numbers.Alas even Mulan suffers from this.
mitsuki lover wrote:I was unaware of any other books in the Prydain series.Actually I believe that
The Black Cauldron is based on the first three and especially the first book.
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