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Postby Wave » Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:08 pm

I don't know if any of you are going to be able to help me with this. But I pulled an Id10t last night. I deleted the libray folder on my start up valume on my mac
I was tring to creat more harddirve space. The thing was I remembe doing that befor and it not being a big deal. But I guess there is another Library folder in my accunte and I got the two mixed up. I gess that file contans just about every sysetm wide seting that there is.

But there is hope because I have a back up copy of my oprating system that I made not to long ago. Dose any one know how to recover the library from the back up copy.

I have a ibook G4 which its running OS 10.3.9

The back up copy of my hard dirve is on a esturnale firewire hard drive. It is bootabel.

I have alredy tried smilply copening the library from my backup to the harddrive. this dose not work for some ressen.

••• ––– •••

You have heard that the law of Moses says "Do not commit adultry." But I say, anyone who even looks at a women with lust in his eys has already committed adultery with her in his heart
Mathew 5:27-29
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Postby itch » Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:18 pm

Wave wrote:I don't know if any of you are going to be able to help me with this. But I pulled an Id10t last night. I deleted the libray folder on my start up valume on my mac
I was tring to creat more harddirve space. The thing was I remembe doing that befor and it not being a big deal. But I guess there is another Library folder in my accunte and I got the two mixed up. I gess that file contans just about every sysetm wide seting that there is.

But there is hope because I have a back up copy of my oprating system that I made not to long ago. Dose any one know how to recover the library from the back up copy.

I have a ibook G4 which its running OS 10.3.9

The back up copy of my hard dirve is on a esturnale firewire hard drive. It is bootabel.

I have alredy tried smilply copening the library from my backup to the harddrive. this dose not work for some ressen.


I really don't know much of anything about computers, but I felt bad that your thread had no replies. So I'll just throw some of my two sense in . . . have you checked in your recycling bin? :sweat:
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