uc pseudonym wrote:By the last, I mean that their goals are not simply "destroy the world." Something more disturbing, such as Seymour's motives in FFX. Perversions of good are far more disturbing than pure evil.
skynes wrote:haha you know some ppl actually found Omega Pirate VERY hard to beat!
cbwing0 wrote: Intelligence is an important trait in lone villains/masterminds, but the opposite extreme can be equally disturbing. By this I mean relentless swarms of mindless parasites, such as the Flood from Halo, or the Zerg from Starcraft.
Thing that scared me the most... ever: The Ring. 'Nuff said.
Of course they had a goal and a brain (or at least a central nervous system), or they couldn't do anything at all. However, the point is that they do not have any free will; thus they cannot be reasoned with, or feel pity and remorse for their actions. Their goal was rather scary as you pointed out, because it implies that if not contained, they would eventually become unstoppable.Needle Noggin wrote:Actually the Zerg did have a goal... a kinda scary one it was:
"Find Humanity...Eradicate...Learn...Evolve"
And the Zerg themselves (as in a zergling) didn't have a free will but they had a brain...mostly dedicated to fighting and making combat decisions.
DrNic wrote:Ooops! Forgot to mention...
Project Zero = English version of Fatal Frame
for all those that didn't know...
I'm just trying to find some screen shots...
Me, the "Brave Sir Robin" when it comes to ghosts... well... I did not need more nightmares, so I skipped it.
DrNic wrote:Lol. I bought it and sold it because, although I enjoyed it, I'd always played it with shivers running down my spine. It was a love/hate relationship of sorts. I love horror but I can't wind down playing a game like that. I always think of buying it again (and the second one)...I might...someday. THE GHOSTS IN IT WERE SO KOOL!!!
calbhach wrote:I'll tell you what, for some reason, when I was little, I played Super Metroid all the way up to the end...but when it came to going down into Tourian, I was terrified. The Mother Brain and the Metroid scared me so badly, I had to have someone with me...that's sad....LOL...now I have no problem with it at all.
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