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Who's the scariest badguy ever?

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Who's the scariest badguy ever?

Postby calbhach » Sun Mar 07, 2004 10:41 pm

What does everyone think?

I think it'd have to be Meta Ridley, cause he's so smart, powerful, and fast.

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Postby skynes » Mon Mar 08, 2004 1:52 am

Mantorok from Eternal Darkness.

[spoiler]this guy is soo evil he manipulated time, space and the good guys to make certain the annihilation of the universe[/spoiler]
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Postby cbwing0 » Mon Mar 08, 2004 6:57 am

The mutated scientist who took the G-Virus in Resident Evil 2 (He had a name, but I don't remember it). Either that, or the tyrant from Resident Evil 2. :o
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Postby skynes » Mon Mar 08, 2004 7:40 am

William's his name.

What about Yuri from Yuri's Revenge. Guy took over the minds of most of the world!
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Postby Needle Noggin » Mon Mar 08, 2004 12:17 pm

Sephiroth was creepy.Hojo was also creepy...too creepy...And in terms of sheer"If I was there I would have a heart attack" kinda scary I gotta say the Omega Pirate even though he was pitifully easy to beat.
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Postby skynes » Mon Mar 08, 2004 12:22 pm

haha you know some ppl actually found Omega Pirate VERY hard to beat!
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Mar 08, 2004 1:29 pm

The villains that are creepist, for my mind, have three things:
1) Disturbing appearance
2) Intelligence
3) Non-pure evil motives

By the last, I mean that their goals are not simply "destroy the world." Something more disturbing, such as Seymour's motives in FFX. Perversions of good are far more disturbing than pure evil.
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Postby cbwing0 » Mon Mar 08, 2004 1:37 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:By the last, I mean that their goals are not simply "destroy the world." Something more disturbing, such as Seymour's motives in FFX. Perversions of good are far more disturbing than pure evil.

I agree. Destroying the world is a rather irrational goal to seek, usually reserved for insane villains. This creates more pity than anything, because they are suffering from mental problems rather than just being malevolent or brilliant in their schemes.

Intelligence is an important trait in lone villains/masterminds, but the opposite extreme can be equally disturbing. By this I mean relentless swarms of mindless parasites, such as the Flood from Halo, or the Zerg from Starcraft.
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Postby Needle Noggin » Mon Mar 08, 2004 1:39 pm

skynes wrote:haha you know some ppl actually found Omega Pirate VERY hard to beat!

I beat the Omega Pirate on my first try.I think Meta Ridley was alot more difficult.It took me about 7 tries to beat him. :lol: It seems the reverse for most people though...
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Postby Staci » Mon Mar 08, 2004 1:40 pm

Hehe, the bad guy - from a video game - which made me most scared, eh? That's easy:

The final boss from Final Fanstasy 2/IV. ^^;; I played that when I was eleven or so, it took forty-five minutes, and I wanted to whimper because it was just hideous!

Thing that scared me the most... ever: The Ring. 'Nuff said. :sniffle:
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Postby Needle Noggin » Mon Mar 08, 2004 1:52 pm

cbwing0 wrote: Intelligence is an important trait in lone villains/masterminds, but the opposite extreme can be equally disturbing. By this I mean relentless swarms of mindless parasites, such as the Flood from Halo, or the Zerg from Starcraft.

Actually the Zerg did have a goal... a kinda scary one it was:

"Find Humanity...Eradicate...Learn...Evolve"

And the Zerg themselves (as in a zergling) didn't have a free will but they had a brain...mostly dedicated to fighting and making combat decisions.
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Postby DrNic » Mon Mar 08, 2004 1:56 pm

Thing that scared me the most... ever: The Ring. 'Nuff said.

Lol. I hear ya! Little evil kids are scary *Shiver* , anyway, I just find disturbing bad guys scary. The Blind Woman from Project Zero, the Broken-Neck Girl from Project Zero, The Headless Priest from Project Zero, The Editor from Project Zero...just all the ghosts from project zero really...they REALLY creeped me out...

...that was such a cool game!
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Postby cbwing0 » Mon Mar 08, 2004 1:56 pm

Needle Noggin wrote:Actually the Zerg did have a goal... a kinda scary one it was:

"Find Humanity...Eradicate...Learn...Evolve"

And the Zerg themselves (as in a zergling) didn't have a free will but they had a brain...mostly dedicated to fighting and making combat decisions.
Of course they had a goal and a brain (or at least a central nervous system), or they couldn't do anything at all. However, the point is that they do not have any free will; thus they cannot be reasoned with, or feel pity and remorse for their actions. Their goal was rather scary as you pointed out, because it implies that if not contained, they would eventually become unstoppable.

I apologize for the confusion. Next time I will be more careful with my wording.
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Postby DrNic » Mon Mar 08, 2004 2:06 pm

Ooops! Forgot to mention...

Project Zero = English version of Fatal Frame

for all those that didn't know...

I'm just trying to find some screen shots...
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Postby Staci » Mon Mar 08, 2004 2:09 pm

DrNic wrote:Ooops! Forgot to mention...

Project Zero = English version of Fatal Frame

for all those that didn't know...

I'm just trying to find some screen shots...

*laughs loudly* I was about to make a post geared toward Fatal Frame, too! Guess I do not need to now.

When I worked for Electronics Boutique, all my regular customers who purchased Fatal Frame said it was UBER scary. Me, the "Brave Sir Robin" when it comes to ghosts... well... :sweat: I did not need more nightmares, so I skipped it.
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Postby DrNic » Mon Mar 08, 2004 2:13 pm

Me, the "Brave Sir Robin" when it comes to ghosts... well... I did not need more nightmares, so I skipped it.

Lol. I bought it and sold it because, although I enjoyed it, I'd always played it with shivers running down my spine. It was a love/hate relationship of sorts. I love horror but I can't wind down playing a game like that. I always think of buying it again (and the second one)...I might...someday. THE GHOSTS IN IT WERE SO KOOL!!!
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Postby skynes » Mon Mar 08, 2004 2:17 pm

The Xenomorph...


The creature from Aliens. The long headed telepathic warriors that burst out of your chest.

Those things scare me. Even now when playing Alien Vs Predator as the Marine hearing the hissing still freaks me out.
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Postby Needle Noggin » Mon Mar 08, 2004 2:18 pm

[quote="cbwing0"]Of course they had a goal and a brain (or at least a central nervous system), or they couldn't do anything at all. However, the point is that they do not have any free will]

The point I was trying to make wasn't that they had a brain, but rather comparing a zergling to the Overmind or possibly a Cerebrate(Cerebrates had personalities and mabye even feelings but could not disobey the Overmind.)In this case the Overmind and Cerebrates could technically have feelings, but were evil.I don't think the Flood have any kind of orginzation or a way to possbly feel any emotions regardless of what "type" of Flood.(Again I don't own Halo.)

BTW I was the one who didn't word it right. :thumb: Probalby becuase I saw the Flood and the Zerg grouped didn't seem right at the moment.(I shouldn't have said anything anyway becuase I don't own Halo and have only played it a friends house.)
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Postby Staci » Mon Mar 08, 2004 2:19 pm

DrNic wrote:Lol. I bought it and sold it because, although I enjoyed it, I'd always played it with shivers running down my spine. It was a love/hate relationship of sorts. I love horror but I can't wind down playing a game like that. I always think of buying it again (and the second one)...I might...someday. THE GHOSTS IN IT WERE SO KOOL!!!

*laughs loudly* I remember when I was thirteen and my brother brought home Resident Evil (when it was brand new on the market.) He said, "Staci, Staci! You've GOTTA check this game out, it rocks!" So - being an avid gamer - I did. I selected the girl (I always do), and was getting used to the controls. I'm running down a hallway past some mirrors and then three of those hounds jump out and start munchin' on me! I screamed, dropped the controller, and hid behind the couch. :sweat:

[size=84]Oh well, at least the scared female thing works now... I get snuggled by my hunnie-bunches! ]
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Postby TheMelodyMaker » Mon Mar 08, 2004 7:46 pm

I can think of no scarier bad guy than that of my own work-in-progress game, The Traveller's Guide. While I'm still trying decide on a definite name for this evil sleasebucket, and even whether it's a he or a she...

[SPOILER]...his/her purpose will be to conduct a modern worldwide all-out persecution of all Christianity. Melody Rouge (see my avatar), as the heroine, will eventually stop it from taking place.[/SPOILER]

Now that's a scary bad guy if I do say so myself. *shudders*
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Postby skynes » Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:34 am

I'd be more afraid of a dark insect like xenomorph ripping me in two... If not that grabbing me carrying me to the hive and having me implanted with a chestburster
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Mar 09, 2004 5:49 am

Childlike innocence combined with raw evil is also quite disturbing. I'm sure all of you can draw your own conclusions about that. When I aim for really disturbing, I usually go for this.
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Postby skynes » Tue Mar 09, 2004 6:35 am

If I wanted a really disturbing character I'd probably go for a head screwing up thing. His way of doing things just confuses you and since you're confused your gonna be a little freaked out when he pulls his trump card.
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Postby MasterDias » Tue Mar 09, 2004 10:50 am

Albedo from Xenosaga is pretty disturbing.
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Postby Kisa » Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:24 pm

Well, I dunno about the scariest bad guy ever . . . prob Sepiroth, but many people I have talked to agree that Ghaleon from Lunar 1 has to be one of the best bad guys ever. He has the laugh and the attitude and creepiness and all that encompasses badguyness. Hehe he's also cool. ^_^
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Postby calbhach » Tue Mar 09, 2004 7:13 pm

I'll tell you what, for some reason, when I was little, I played Super Metroid all the way up to the end...but when it came to going down into Tourian, I was terrified. The Mother Brain and the Metroid scared me so badly, I had to have someone with me...that's I have no problem with it at all.



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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Tue Mar 09, 2004 7:19 pm

Nemesis. 'Nuff said.
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Postby lobsterbucket » Tue Mar 09, 2004 7:27 pm

Definitly Sephiroth or just about anything you encounter in Fatal Frame. That is the scariest game on the face of the planet.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Tue Mar 09, 2004 8:00 pm

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Postby Link Antilles » Tue Mar 09, 2004 8:26 pm

calbhach wrote:I'll tell you what, for some reason, when I was little, I played Super Metroid all the way up to the end...but when it came to going down into Tourian, I was terrified. The Mother Brain and the Metroid scared me so badly, I had to have someone with me...that's I have no problem with it at all.



Well, your not the only one that the Mother Brain freaked out.... it scared me too as a kid. I dunno, I think I was in 2nd grade, but it wasn't the first time I fought Mother Brain that bothered me. It was the second time I versed the Mother Brain... late at night.... I liked the Metroid, but I got scared and sad when it died. Yeah, I put the Mother Brain on my list, along with the Zerg and the all the creeps from Eternal Darkness.
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