Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:15 pm
1. I only read it if there are pictures... Heh... I remember I hated the Super Pitfall instruction book because there were no pictures in it at all...
2. No... As of now, I always buy used games. My mom bought new games in the NES era, and I got Final Fantasy 8 and Tactics new, but I haven't gotten anything since then. My first New game in almost 10 years will very likely be Lair, but I'm not pre-ordering it...
Well, I take that back, I paid for my friend's preorder on Warioware: Smooth Moves... I wanted to make sure he got it, so i paid the tip and he paid for the meal.
I gotta feel honored. I got mentioned (or, talked to rather) in 2 gamecasts in a row.
Those Yamauchi quotes make me wonder why Kutaragi got such a bad rap.
Kutaragi: "It's like Jacking into the matrix"
Yamauchi: "RPG's are for lonely people"
Kutaragi: "4d graphics!"
Yamauchi: "No one wants cutting edge graphics and epic storylines!"
The thing with the Church is ridiculous...
I'd imagine there wouldn't be headset support on Pokemon battle thing... It'd be like the F-bomb on the DS scandal... Honestly, non-gamers are really ignorant about the way the game world works... Parents would blame Nintendo for little jimmy talking like a rapper.
"This is video recognition" - So he means Eyetoy? Eyetoy had an LED wand with wiimote like functions in development in 2004... They just never finished it. Honestly, with Microsoft going after Linux developers (and potentially linux USERS) and Open for "stealing" what Microsoft got from other programs to begin with, I'm realizing more and more that they are one giant joke... If they come out with a PlaystationEye like program with recognition in it at the level of what Sony has with Eye of Judgment and Eyedentify, then whatever. That will just fall in line with what they've done all along. Just don't try to sue people for doing what you excel at...
The surface thing, on the other hand, looks completely awesome... Though the fingerprints thing is gonna be pretty bad. This is the first truly cool thing Microsoft has come out with in a long time, though perhaps they'll need to show people how it's useful to the average person. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
Legend of Crying Bronies: Twilight's a Princess