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Postby crossalchemist » Sat May 26, 2007 11:27 pm

ChristianKitsune wrote:[spoiler] I THOUGHT SO! And I have to admit that i really didn't understand that part either. It made me sad though!! D: I mean...just because they had something to do with pirates?? :/ Did the kid have one of the pieces of 8? [/spoiler]
[spoiler] I had a hard time understanding the whole pieces of eight thing too! I mean, the version of the idea that they used at the end made sense, but it's as if in the beginning they were thinking of doing something completely different! The kid ahad a piece of eight (which for some reason had the East India Trading Company logo on it????) and then they all start singing. That British dude runs into the office of the big-bad-British dude and says,"They're singing my lord!" and Big-Bad says, "Finally!" as though it were something significant. Later Gibbs references the event and says, "The songs been sung!" What significance did the song hold? Also, when Big-Bad has Jack in his cabin at some point in the movie he has (i think) eight pieces of eight on the table as if those were of some sort of significance. My thought was that he was stealing the pieces of eight and needed Jacks, but then it turns out Big-Bad just had a bunch of pieces of eight laid out on a table in tiny significant-looking fashion cuz he likes pieces of eight?????

Sorry, the movie wasn't boring. It had great action, great scenes, great acting, but what it lacked was something that tied it all together as one continuous movie. (The kind you can take the derivative of and use as a solution to Schrodinger's Equation....)

One last continuity question that still really bugs me. If Fat was a member of first pirate court (the one that sealed Calypso) why on earth did he think that Elizabeth was Calypso?[/spoiler]

Woo! That was close! I accidentally posted without the end spoiler tag! Sorry if anyone saw it! It was only up for half a second.....
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Postby Fish and Chips » Sat May 26, 2007 11:44 pm

Kokoro Daisuke wrote:Random historical interjection: I got dragged out of the theater before I saw the scene after the credits, so I don't know if this is entirely germane, but
[spoiler]Regarding Elizabeth and Will's son, if it looked like he was in a 'dress', it's probably because during the time period, younger boys actually wore what looked like a dress until they were "breeched", or put into pants, somewhere between the ages of 9-13.[/spoiler]

Quoted for historical accuracy.
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Postby AsianBlossom » Sun May 27, 2007 12:18 pm

Hmm...while I haven't seen the movie, I can at least offer this piece of information after reading some of those spoilers:

[spoiler=supposedly random plot element in AWE]Somehow, I don't think that whole thing with Tia Dalma being Calypso was completely random. In the second movie, we all know that she tells the crew the story of the Dead Man's Chest, saying that Davy Jones fell in love with a woman who was like the sea. First of all, she knows so much about the story to have had to be involved in some way herself ("same story, diff'rent version; and all are true." Just how would she know it's true?), but I'm pretty sure you may be thinking that this is weak evidence. The strong evidence comes with the music box that lulled Davy Jones back to sleep when Will was trying to get the key to the Chest. Tia Dalma has the exact same music box in her hut/shack/whatever-it-is, as can be seen when the crew first goes to ask her for help.[/spoiler]

*wonders if people will go see for themselves*

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Postby Zeonic Freak » Sun May 27, 2007 5:50 pm

Wow my friend was right, this movie was bad.

I dont rate movies till the next day, but ill explain what my friend ment. He told me its the comedy in Spiderman 3 times x10, which that makes this film about 70 precent comedy.

I thought the whole "hey babe, lets cuts some davie jones homies down while we get married" and geffory rush is all "ah shoot, i got nothing else better to do, i pronouce ye husband and wife" was just not nessesary to me.

my over all rating as of now is an ok, so no its doesnt match up to the first film of course.

I think there were a few good parts, or finger full of them, thats all i remember.
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Postby Nate » Mon May 28, 2007 12:43 am

I haven't seen this movie, heck, I haven't even seen the first one. But I saw this on Sheldon yesterday and thought you'd all get a kick out of it.


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Postby Kkun » Mon May 28, 2007 8:11 am

It's true, but I still dug it.

I was sitting there with my friend and she kept nudging me going "Um....what's going on?"
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Mon May 28, 2007 8:48 am

the only problem I had was this:

"Who is the bad guy in this movie?" O_o

then, again. I think any movie that can make someone gasp hard, almost pass out and cry like it did me, is worth it!
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Postby Stephen » Mon May 28, 2007 10:20 am

*laughs* This movie only proves to me, that fans are 100% impossible to please. You can have the best movies ever...and someone will always find some way to hate them.
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Postby Debitt » Mon May 28, 2007 12:57 pm

ShatterheartArk wrote:*laughs* This movie only proves to me, that fans are 100% impossible to please. You can have the best movies ever...and someone will always find some way to hate them.

Well I'd chalk that one up to the fact that people have a vast array of standards as to what makes a 'good movie'.

If, you know, people aren't just pointing out what they didn't like about an otherwise enjoyable experience. Everyone complains, even about things they liked, there's no such thing as a perfect movie and people are going to point out the faults because that's just what they do.

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Postby crossalchemist » Mon May 28, 2007 1:17 pm

ShatterheartArk wrote:*laughs* This movie only proves to me, that fans are 100% impossible to please. You can have the best movies ever...and someone will always find some way to hate them.
What this movie seems to be proving to me (don't worry, I'm guilty of this too (I LIKED Spider-Man 3)) is that even if the movie is bad, or at least has some bad parts, the fans refuse to admit to it and can even become 'violent' in its defense. I've experienced this before at the hands of X-Men 3 and Two Towers and now at the hands of Pirates 3 (I've got a friend not talking to me right now cuz I said the movie changed the plot line several times mid-movie and I said something about that right after seeing it and my mother (my own mother!) was mad at me all the way home from the theater!)
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon May 28, 2007 10:32 pm

Well, I just came back from seeing it. For some reason, yes I'm one of those people that through all 3 movies I have a VERY tough time trying to follow them. Some accents are hard to understand, yes, but sometimes I just find myself zoning out and coming back thinking "ok what's going on? Who's on whose side now?" and so forth... Really, I know they are good movies and I wish I could be more of a fan and like them more, but I just have a hard time sometimes... As funny as it might sound, I hardly even knew what was going through the first movie until I played Kingdom Hearts 2 :/ All good but just... I dunno... :/

My thoughts on this one...



-great action scenes and CGI^^
-most of the characters were pretty well played^^
-some new interesting things, like how there's the whole pirate lord thing and the sea goddess Calypso
-...all I can really think of at the moment^^


-looooooong! I'm sorry, but I like it better when there's a super-long movie and I'm hanging onto it's every word all the way through without getting bored once... Lately I've been seeing alot of those, but this just wasn't one (plus the seats were SO not comfy >_<)
-although the Calypso thing was a neat addition it was rather... random and odd...
-Will and Elizabeth's wedding, as others said. It was just... .... yeah :/
-the whole Elizabeth being pirate king. I mean, she was hardly EVER a pirate! >_< Talk about a poser... only ever became one to save Will anyways. And that, is just not a real pirate, nor someone who should be leader :/ I'm all for heroines, but she just doesn't work... [/spoiler]

Oh, and I didn't end up staying for the part after the credits. All I heard was "it changes the whole movie!" but after reading spoilers here all I know is that [spoiler] Elizabeth has a kid [/spoiler] and that didn't seem to be as huge news as I thought :/
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Thu May 31, 2007 7:37 pm

Well, I just saw it [in costume ~ pics coming in the Post Your Pic thread], and I enjoyed it. Do not confuse that with thinking it was perfect, however.

Spoiler-laden analysis, AHOY! First box is critiques, second is what I liked.

[spoiler]Number One: Too much CG. I mean it. What made the CG work in CotBP [Curse of the Black Pearl, if you couldn't guess] was that it was understated. In the second two movies, they seemed to decide, "Hey! Those CG undead pirates were super keen! You know what we need? MORE CG PIRATES! WITH MORE CG! Blargh. And the fungus on the guys in the steam bath? Pointless. Srsly. However, I did think that, when they un-sealed Tia Dalma/Calypso, we should have gotten something other than her turning into a giantess and then a horde of crabs. But whatever. Too much CG. Also, I didn't like the "multiple Jacks" thing. It was kinda funny the first time, but it shouldn't have happened afterwards. It didn't make any sense. Okay, it didn't make sense the first time either.

Number Two: Contrived sequels. It was rather easy to tell that the second two movies were thought up after the first movie came out. How do I know? The second two movies connect stylistically and plot-wise quite well, whereas they don't connect to the first movie very well at all. CotBP was a straight-up, classic swashbuckling flick, with a little CG thrown in where it made sense. DMC and AWE [Dead Man's Chest and At World's End, respectively] were CG-heavy supernatural adventures with some piratey stuff thrown in. They should have planned the sequels out ahead of time [at least the basics], and then they would have worked better.

Number Three: Pirate Lords ~ WTC? The whole "Pirate Lord" thing didn't make much sense to me. It kinda goes against the . . . y'know . . . pirate thing. Also, the only Pirate Lords that actually looked like pirates were Barbossa [who is the man] and Jack. The Chinese lady didn't, the French guy was disturbing and wrong, the Indian guy didn't, the African didn't really either, the Arab almost did in a Middle Eastern kinda way, and the other guy [I think he was a Spaniard] only sorta looked like a pirate. If you're a Pirate Lord, you had darned well better look like a pirate. Captain Teague looked like a pirate, but a] he wasn't a Pirate Lord and b] things I liked aren't in this section.

Number Four: What were they thinking with Davy Jones, Will, and Norrington? Okay, first of all, we don't ever know what happened as far as Davy and Calypso goes. At least, I don't remember any closure, except for Davy's heart getting stabbed. Secondly, they made Will the new captain of the Flying Dutchman. WHAT? Who the HECK would make Orlando freakin' Bloom the Grim Reaper of the seas? That's stupid. Also, they killed Norrington. In fact, they kinda dumped on the guy for all three movies. First movie: He's at his best, but he really ends up being thwarted and upstaged by Jack and Will. Second movie: They take him way the heck out of character and make him some filthy, cranky drunk with none of the honor or concern for others that he had in the first movie. Third movie: as soon as we see him restored to who he was in the first movie and shown as the hero he should have been all along, he's pointlessly stabbed to death. I really liked Norrington and think he deserved better.

Number Five: I hear they're going to make a fourth film ~ they certainly left it open. NO. DO NOT WANT. Disney, you are terrible with the sequels. This cash cow's udder is sore. Let it go. If they do make a fourth film, I predict a horrible waste of film.

I just wish they had stayed with a classis swashbuckling story like the first movie. [/spoiler]

And now, for the positive comments:

[spoiler] I liked Keith Richards as Captain Teague. It worked well IMO. "Hang the code!" : : bang : : "The code is law." Although it seemed ironic that a guy like Keith Richards would be the character most obsessed with the law, no? I also liked that they made Norrington the hero he should have been all along. Sadly, he then died an ignominous death. Poor guy. It also appears that Will almost learned to emote in this film. Wow. Overall, the movie was much more entertaining than DMC. We did see Jack and Barbossa continue to bicker about whose ship the Pearl really was. That was fun. Although it was pretty random, the marriage scene was pretty funny. "You may kiss." : : fighting : : ". . . You may kiss . . ." : : fighting : : "Just kiss!" Thank you, Barbossa. Plenty of fun moments. [/spoiler]

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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:26 pm

Okay I saw it a second time... and it was SO much better the second time. I caught a lot more subtleties than the first time and things that annoyed me the first time (WILL) didn't annoy me this time. In fact, I almost liked him.

[spoiler]Honestly the first time I thought him being the Flying Dutchman's captain was a sudden jump since he didn't seem to act very pirate-y throughout the film, but watching it again I think he does start to display that quality after all... So my opinion about Will is changed. =]

Surprisingly, I didn't find the wedding as cheesy either. The animals bothered me more than the first time.[/spoiler]

So now I love this movie... and I will never understand why people don't understand it. It wasn't confusing at all.
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Postby Puguni » Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:54 pm

Kawaiikneko wrote:
So now I love this movie... and I will never understand why people don't understand it. It wasn't confusing at all.

There was just some things that weren't clarified, which I suspect is because they cut out too many scenes.


Probably what bothered me the most was the song. They made a huge deal of it, and even had the silver coins that rang! It seemed special! But then..nothing happened. They would have saved more time if they hadn't had the song incorporated in the movie much.

It was really action-y, I'll give it that. People probably got mixed up with all the betrayals that were going on; I know I did.. ;>>
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Postby Rachel » Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:19 pm

I have add and I didn't have any problem understanding the movie at all. I thought it was fantastic.
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Postby Scarecrow » Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:09 pm

I just got back from seeing it finally. It was ok. First is still by far the best. The things that bug me the most about the second two is that there are alot of things left open or not explained. [spoiler]In the first movie there was a lot going on but they did well enough to explain most of it. Things like the whole Davy Jones/Calypso thing.... they just dropped that or didn't bother telling us what happened. I was confused as to whether Calypso was good or bad. The whole unleashing Calypso thing seemed pointless as it didn't accomplish much. Big whoop, she made a storm. The song at the beginning? Never explained. The whole Pirate lord thing was a bit stupid... again, they didn't explain much of that either. And since the big thing with the Pirate lords was the unleashing of calypso, big whoop. I did like the action and stuff but I don't know. I wasn't crazy about the 2nd movie but I thought this being a direct sequel would make it work better but really IMO, everything just kind of fell apart plot wise and wasn't much closure. I also don't like how the second two movies have so much forced humor written into it. The first worked cause it wasn't exactly planned to be a comedy of sorts. These last two just milk the jack/rum/etc thing for every drop and most arent even funny. Oh well it was still a decent night at the movies, I just wish they planned these better. [/spoiler]
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Postby Doubleshadow » Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:46 pm

I pretty much have everyone else's stated opinion.

"Loose ends! We need more loose ends!"

Ugh! The plot was ridiculous, poorly conceived and poorly executed. The plot twists were thrown in with little or no explanation, adequate or otherwise, and did not add anything all to the story, just bogged it down and kept it from flowing smoothly. The spent far much time and some points (the death of the head of the East India Company) and not enough on others (the reconciliation of Will and Elizabeth). At the end, there were many unanswered questions, including the fate of Calypso and Davy Jones, Will and his father, and Elizabeth herself. They massacred the personalities of characters from the previous films.
My favorite peeve? Why don't Will and is father look alike??? With the customing budget they had the could have at least bought some brown contacts!
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Postby AsianBlossom » Sat Jun 09, 2007 6:11 am

Doubleshadow wrote:[spoiler]My favorite peeve? Why don't Will and is father look alike??? With the customing budget they had the could have at least bought some brown contacts!

[spoiler=quoted spoiler]Maybe Will's mom had different colored eyes than Will's father...just a thought.[/spoiler]

The way this whole thread is turning out sort of reminds me of the last episode of Teen Titans.

[spoiler]With the whole not-tying-up-many-ends and leaving-questions-open sort of thing...but I'll at least be lenient with TT because there was a good reason for that: they were planning on making a sixth season, but it was cancelled for some reason.[/spoiler]

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Postby Ingemar » Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:32 pm

So Orla--uh, Will Turner [spoiler]is now an Undead Pirate Lord....

But he's still not as cool as Jack Sparrow, who is much less cooler in this movie.

Geez, they had a lot of time to make this an awesome movie and squandered it all. I feel that the whole Calypso plot line was a shabby attempt at a Maguffin that ended up, what, turning a creepy black woman into a giant and then a bunch of crabs? (still getting bad images).

I agree that the "wedding" was cheesy, but nowhere near as horrid as the whole part with the Endeavour getting double broadsided and Lord Whatshisface not doing a dayum thing about it. And then the entire Navy retreated. Some great Imperial power you got there.[/spoiler]
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Postby mechana2015 » Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:20 pm

I saw it a second time, still think everything makes sense and is tied together, and is tied up nicely.

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Postby Puguni » Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:32 pm

Ingemar wrote:[spoiler] And then the entire Navy retreated. Some great Imperial power you got there.[/spoiler]

LOL, that's exactly what I thought. It was just...what? One boat goes down..and everyone else just retreats. Maybe it's because

[spoiler]the pirates had the Flying Dutchman on their side.[/spoiler]
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Postby K. Ayato » Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:17 pm

Just saw it this afternoon. The part I didn't like was [spoiler]when Tia Dalma became Calypso by GROWING. They could've done that in a better way without making her change size, you know?[/spoiler]
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Postby Stephen » Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:35 pm

I went and saw this again with my father today...and I gotta say...after seeing it twice...I really do love this movie. I think everyone wanted a different ending...but they decided to do somthing different. (Rather then feed right to what some fans were clammoring for) I found is just as enjoyable the second time...and the 3 hours flew by. (The same could not be said for movies such as...Hulk)
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Postby Maledicte » Sun Jun 10, 2007 1:49 am

Lyrics to the song "Hoist the Colors":

Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the Colors high.
Heave ho,
thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.

The king and his men
stole the queen from her bed
and bound her in her Bones.
The seas be ours
and by the powers
where we will we’ll roam.

Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the Colors high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.

Some men have died
and some are alive
and others sail on the sea
– with the keys to the cage…
and the Devil to pay
we lay to Fiddler’s Green!

The bell has been raised
from it’s watery grave…
Do you hear it’s sepulchral tone?
We are a call to all,
pay head the squall
and turn your sail toward home!

Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the Colors high…
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.

[spoiler]The first verse is obviously about Davy Jones and Calypso. Jones is the king, Calypso the queen, her bed is the power of the sea. By binding her to bones (human form), the pirates can now control the sea without fear of being ravaged by it. In theory.

Not sure what "keys to the cage" mean. I suppose the cage is Davy Jones' Locker, but while I've heard the phrase "Fiddler's Green" I'm not sure what exactly it stands for.

Also not sure what the bell stands for. My theory is that it's Jack, as he had a watery grave, and that his return means that Calypso can be unbound and that the EITC will lose its power, which they gained since Calypso was bound (Barbossa says something to this effect).[/spoiler]

In regards to my thoughts on the movie, I thought it was rather like watching a novel--the plot unpredictable, little hints scattered throughout, complicated relationships and multiple threads that needed to be followed. In the end I feel rewarded. For a movie though, pacing was a bit choppy.

And BARBOSSA~~~~! I didn't like him much until now.
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Postby Cardinalman » Sun Jun 10, 2007 6:07 am

that movie is the best of the all, I can not pick out my favorite part because it was so good

I give it 10 0ut 0f 10 dancing bananas\
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Postby SnoringFrog » Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:51 pm

SirThinks2Much wrote:Lyrics to the song "Hoist the Colors":

Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the Colors high.
Heave ho,
thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.

The king and his men
stole the queen from her bed
and bound her in her Bones.
The seas be ours
and by the powers
where we will we’ll roam.

Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the Colors high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.

Some men have died
and some are alive
and others sail on the sea
– with the keys to the cage…
and the Devil to pay
we lay to Fiddler’s Green!

The bell has been raised
from it’s watery grave…
Do you hear it’s sepulchral tone?
We are a call to all,
pay head the squall
and turn your sail toward home!

Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the Colors high…
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.

[spoiler]The first verse is obviously about Davy Jones and Calypso. Jones is the king, Calypso the queen, her bed is the power of the sea. By binding her to bones (human form), the pirates can now control the sea without fear of being ravaged by it. In theory.

Not sure what "keys to the cage" mean. I suppose the cage is Davy Jones' Locker, but while I've heard the phrase "Fiddler's Green" I'm not sure what exactly it stands for.

Also not sure what the bell stands for. My theory is that it's Jack, as he had a watery grave, and that his return means that Calypso can be unbound and that the EITC will lose its power, which they gained since Calypso was bound (Barbossa says something to this effect).[/spoiler]

In regards to my thoughts on the movie, I thought it was rather like watching a novel--the plot unpredictable, little hints scattered throughout, complicated relationships and multiple threads that needed to be followed. In the end I feel rewarded. For a movie though, pacing was a bit choppy.

And BARBOSSA~~~~! I didn't like him much until now.

[spoiler]Perhaps "keys to the cage" refers to the nine pieces of eight, the cage being Calypso's body and the pieces of eight being the keys themselves. Just a thought. [/spoiler]

I really enjoyed this movie, it was quiet interesting, and I like that they explained why Davy Jones is a weird quid thing, instead of just expectign us to accept that he is for no real reason.

[spoiler]One thing I noticed that I found interesting was Jacks's dad, Captain Teague. I'm not entirely sure, but when I first saw him, the name "Blackbeard" came to mind, and Blackbeard's real name was Edward Teach. However, I've seen numerous spellings and pronunciations of his last name, but I can't recall if Teague was one of these. I still think Jack's father was blackbeard though.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Also, now that Will takes the souls of those killed at sea to the 'locker', is it now William Turner's Locker, or does it remin Davy Jones' Locker? lol[/spoiler]
UC Pseudonym wrote:For a while I wasn't sure how to answer this, and then I thought "What would Batman do?" Excuse me while I find a warehouse with a skylight...
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Postby Maledicte » Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:41 pm

SnoringFrog wrote:[spoiler]Perhaps "keys to the cage" refers to the nine pieces of eight, the cage being Calypso's body and the pieces of eight being the keys themselves. Just a thought. [/spoiler]

Ooh, that makes sense. :)
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Postby shojoiscool2 » Mon Jun 11, 2007 11:22 am

I saw it. Not to give any spoilers but in general I thought the movie was pretty incoherent. I didn't understand why alot of things happened and what people's motivations were. I'd give a 3.
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Postby K. Ayato » Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:15 pm

You're missing the whole point in that after the first movie, little bits in the sequels tie into what you see in the previous film(s). If you just saw the 3rd movie itself, you're missing a whole lot of information.
K. Ayato: What happens if you press the small red button?

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Postby bakura_fan » Sat Jun 16, 2007 6:54 pm

ok..there's alot to read here..and i'm not sure if this has been stated yet. I was watching the behind the scenes disc for POC2 and they explained about why they made a second and third one...basically when they wrote POC they never intended to write anymore. They didn't expect it to be a big hit. so when it became a big hit, they told the writers we intend to start filming on this date and have the movies released on these dates, start writing. The writers were well, at a point of writer's block. They had made the first movie script to be just a one movie. They thought they'd never get a chance to write another pirate movie so they made POC the best movie they could write. You learn everything you need to know about the characters in the first movie so trying to expand on the characters was tough. It took them a long time to try and figure out what to write for the second and third movie. Maybe that's why so many people are dissappointed by em? Because it was originally meant to be a one ^^,

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