chibiphonebooth wrote:obviously, the moral of this story is that in order to defeat the 'lunch queen' (wth?) you MUST defeat her in a battle of talent. and then she will back down.
Kaligraphic wrote:...Somebody's aiming to sink the Earth one circle lower in hell.
This is all Mephisto's work, I tell you! He is behind the crappy movies!
crossalchemist wrote:Btw, is it just me, or are those dolls the most hideous things you've ever seen?
Zilch wrote:In a spurt of bravery I watched the trailer...
In a spurt of 30 seconds, my manliness rating went down by 5 percent. I need to go play Halo or Burnout to get it back up now...
MSP wrote:Because, good sir. There are bad films in this world that are still better than this one.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Somebody shoot me right now...
Or at least... the producer and director of this film.
uc pseudonym wrote:For me, it isn't an issue of believing that we're going to accomplish anything with this thread. As awful as I feel the premise of this movie is, realizing its existance is pretty funny in a sad way. Humor has intrinsic value. Similarly, my life is edified, if only slightly, when someone else has something witty to say in regard to it. I don't think this thread will generate any revenue for the company either (I'm not seeing it) so the negative attention doesn't necessarily benefit them.
On the other hand, there could be more serious benefits. Sure, it doesn't do any good to just bash a film, but bashing isn't the same as critiquing. If this thread can in any way inspire someone to be more discerning and critical in regard to what entertainment they allow to affect them, good has been done.
IZ&Trigun4life wrote:Never ever...EVER have a live action flim based off of dolls. Nuff said.
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