As part of the deal, Olson will pen a treatment for a sequel, which he also will write.
uc pseudonym wrote:And where exactly would a sequel go? The manga covers all the loose ends rather well, so any sequel would have to invent new plot elements. That would make it feel like a fabricated sequel for money (...which it would be).
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:This has been news for a long time XD
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Granted at the time I was one of the few (like two) Monster fans. Either way, it's been tossed around here and there. I'm still anticipating the movie though.
Bobtheduck wrote:I did a search for Monster and came up with nothing on this... I made sure of that.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:This has been news for a long time XD As for the Sequel, there sort of already is a sequel called "Another Monster".
Fish and Chips wrote:I wouldn't say that's a sequel. My roommate flipped over a translation he found, and it's essentially supplementary to the series, filling in plot holes and backstories, including supposedly revealing the real name of the twins. The book is written like a series of articles from someone reporting in the aftermath of the Johan incident, hence sequel confusion.
I'll double check, but I'm fairly certain this is the case.
Bobtheduck wrote:Well, I sorta hoped it would be planned as a trilogy to begin with. That way, they can cover more of the story. It is a very long story, afterall...
Fish and Chips wrote:Actually, it might actually do the series better justice to have it cut off at the halfway point (ending with the Schwald Arc) in the first film, then feature the rest of the story in a sequel.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:[spoiler]You mean when Johan and Schuwald are standing in the burning library, and when he meets Dr. Tenma face to face, but neither have the guts to shoot him?[/spoiler]
I think that would work perfectly.
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