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Fruits Basket Review~~!

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Fruits Basket Review~~!

Postby CaptSarena2050 » Sat Mar 06, 2004 7:31 am

Okay, so for some weird reason the anime review forum wouldn't let me post, so I'm going to post it here! In my opinion, Fruits Basket is the best anime for Christians because it's so clean and wonderful~! *cheesy blush*

General Information

English Title: Fruits Basket - A Great Transformation?
Japanese Title: Same
Subtitle: No-you can watch it in English if you want.

Distributor: Funimation
Your Name: Becca AKA CaptSarena2050

Genre listing: Drama/Comedy/Romance/Mystery(slightyly)

1. Rank: 8.5
2. Suitable for ages 12 and up.
3. Violence: 5
4. Objectionable Language: 3
5. Nudity: 1
6. Sexual Situations: nothing really, maybe a 1
7. Objectionable Religious Material: 3.5

There is an occational fight between rivals Yuki and Kyou and on the second disc, Hatsuharu.

Objectionable Language:
no f-bombs are anything, but a couple of the characters cuss out of rage and that's it

it shows their backs once and part of their chests; nothing besides that

Sexual Situations:
Nothing really . . . they never even suggest sex or making out.
On the other discs there are more sex related hints that were made, but only by the perverted characters that aren't continually on the anime.

Religious Stuff:
This is a great one because they don't ever mention anything but the Chinese Zodiac throughout the whole series. Tohru (the main character) talks to her mom's picture a lot to vent and stuff.

Tohru Honda is a 14 year old girl who lives in a tent after her mom dies in a car accident. She discovers that the most popular guy at her school, Yuki Sohma, owns the property she lives on and lives there with his cousin, Shigure. Through several events Tohru comes to live with them (no sexual scenes, I promise, not even hinted). Eventually she finds about their big family secret of being cursed by the Zodiac. When touched by a member of the opposite sex, they turn into a certain animal of the Zodiac.

Additional Comments:
This is a fun and cute anime with little to worry about in the areas of sexual situations and bad religion. The Chinese Zodiac is involved, but other than that, I would recommend this for teenagers.

The theme song and closing songs were sweet, fun songs that portrayed the lightness of the show as well as the deep aspects of friendship, love, and loyalty. The background music for some of the more mysterious parts really brings some tensity to your body. I really enjoyed listening to all the effects of it.

The dub is excellent with its wording and does a great job of bringing out the humor that would be there if we understood half of the jokes the Japanese version includes. The subtitles are available on the DVD if you wish to listen to it in Japanese, but it isn't as funny as the English version because of the translation.

It just came out last month and has a wonderful clarity to it.

Related Movies:
There are three other DVD's in the series that complete it (for now at least).
"I was simply too amazed at your stupidity to answer . .. " - Hatori (Fruits Basket)

" . . . I believe the technical term is being an . . . "
-Shigure (Fruits Basket)
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Postby RoyalWing » Sat Mar 06, 2004 7:40 am

I think that you need permission to post a review, so maybe that's why you couldn't post. you have to ask ashley or somebody first. (but i'm unsure)
^-^ also, i just wanted to add some information that i thought was missing in your post, (i hope you don't mind) i posted this information in another thread, i modified it slightly to fit your review:

kyo has a language problem initially, and so does one of tohru's friends arisa uotani (but it's more... rare). firstly the comic is not THAT bad, he usually just says the word "d*mn" alot, and i think once in a while he decides to say "sh*t" but this is part of the humour (because no matter how big he tries to sound, no one cares. poor kyo) in my experience when i go to read something translated into english, i find that they have added even MORE 'words', but since i am not interested in the english version, i'll just say it depends on the maturity level of you and what YOU think is appropriate for yourself.
it also should be mentioned that the characters in this comic are not christian. most of the time it doesn't matter, and it's very mild, but you should just keep this in mind, like in most cartoons. for example, once shiguré says; "i don't know what's going to happen. i don't even think our gods know.." and tohru saying "i went to the temple to pray that they get along better... but it doesn't seem to have worked" just little things like that. (because... well... the whole series is based on the chinese zodiac. so this should be expected.) also you will find out that a character in the series represents the "god" that made the chinese zodiac, however to my knowledge he is not granted any special powers, worship, and other "divine" thingies... he's just a guy, and infact, has very weak health.

the comic is still ongoing. i think the 5th volume has come out in english, the ninth has come out in french, the 12th just came out in korean, and finally, the 13th came out in japan. it hasn't ended and tohru has not gone with anyone to my knowledge. i don't think the anime will be continued, it stopped at around where the fourth volume was, i think.

This is just expanding on your review. You did a great job!
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Postby shooraijin » Sat Mar 06, 2004 8:42 am

Sarena, thanks for the review, except for a couple things:

The Anime Review forum is indeed locked to all but admins for a very good reason: we don't want someone posting a review on a series that can't be fact-checked, and it might be very damaging if someone disreputable posted a review that misled people greatly before it could be contained and removed.

Second, we have a Fruits Basket review already, as well as several others, officially in the database (although thank you very much for your own input!). The Reviews link (at the top of the page where it says home | forums | faq | reviews , etc.) goes into the official reviews database, where all the reviews that have been seen and approved are listed, along with pictures for some of them, and links to forum discussions.

I'm going to lock this thread and post the redirect to the Fruits Basket review thread so that all the comments go to one place.

Now, what do you do if you have a series to review that *hasn't* been yet? You can submit them to the official database, and they'll go into a holding area for review where one of the administrators or mods can check it and post it for you. That's all done from the "Reviews" link above.

Here's the Fruits Basket thread. And once again, thanks :) this isn't personal, just making sure everything goes where it should. PM myself or any other admin with questions.
"you're a doctor.... and 27 years.... + 27 years = HATORI SOHMA" - RoyalWing, when I was 27
"Al hail the forum editting Shooby! His vibes are law!" - Osaka-chan

I could still be champ, but I'd feel bad taking it away from one of the younger guys. - George Foreman
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