Firefly- wrote:I'm not sure if this is in the right place to put this or not sorry if it isn't.
I have heard that god has a book and in that book he writes down when you die and if you go to heaven or hell. My question is: If god loves all of these people so much(And I know he does) then why does he create the people that he knows are going to hell? It is kind of like having a baby only to torture it. If he knows these people are going to hell in the first place then why does he create them only to punish them?
I know this sounds weird but this question has been confusing me here lately.
Personally, I would rather risk going to Hell and have the chance to be with God than never have existed.We cannot have an omniscient God (who is the very definition of 'good' and of all other positive ideals) that subjects His own creation to such terrors and then call that justice. True justice would be for those people, perhaps for us all, to have never existed in the first place.
Because if he only made people who accepted him that would not be free will.The thing about it is...if God already knows wether we will or will not accept Him, then why does he create those whom he knows beforehand will not? That's cruelty. And God is not cruel.
Theres a chemical called benzene thats transparent even when burning. In Revelations the universe passes away. All light then comes from Gods presence, there isn't a sun or moon any more. Since to be in hell is to be away from God even the fire wouldn't give out any.Doesn't scripture also reference Hell as Total Darkness? How can fire and darkness concide toegether? As fire brings forth light. As jade panther said, its a symbol of anguish and pain and regret.
Actually God tells us to think about his ways all through the bible. God gave everyone the option of being good and being treated "fairly", if you like. "I set before you life and death, choose life" along with several whole chapters dotted around both testaments about sinners being forgiven if they turn from theirs ways. Logically for God to have people who choose to love him there must be people who choose not to. I still agree with you that believing its right because He said so Himself is the best reason though.I think these discussions are largely an attempt to vindicate God. But, does God really need our help? Our attempts to justify his actions invariably make him out to be trite, powerless or evil. If he merely foreknows he has no power in the world. If he predestines he makes us into puppets and commits damnation. If he foreknows and can act in the world he is losing at his own game, or even desires our loss. I shall trust in his own assertions of goodness and justice rather than try to see it through these poorly contrived labels.
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