I am currently having problems with my parents. I am worried that they are going to separate when they do love each other. I can see that. the problem is that my mother is a worrywart and cannot give anything up to God. She is always preaching to her children but not practicing it herself and i feel it may be leading my siblings astray since they are not getting a good example. She cannot sleep at night anymore and i can often hear her either crying, fighting, or blaming my father. I know he's not perfect either and has some skeletons in his closet, but my mother is not loosening her grip on anyone. She recently talked about giving it up to God but made it sound as though it is my father's fault. My problem is that i am having a hard time keeping my nose outta it. I just want to slap some sense into her and tell her that if she wants to give it up to God...then DO it already. I feel like im going to burst and this is the first time in years that i have worried this much.
To the point, please pray for my mother and my father also, and pray for me to use the right words and to not be hostile and to stop worrying about my parents and that i may give them up to God also.