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Gamecast - Episode 1 - “No Racing on the Ridgeâ€

PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:08 pm
by Link Antilles
I’m pleased to announce another episode of the Gamecast, which we are calling the “officialâ€

PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:36 pm
by Omega Amen
Yes, we really made an effort to listen to the feedback that you, the members, gave. Hopefully, this Gamecast episode addresses some of the problems some members expressed in the past.

Please download it (should be much faster and reliable) and tell us what you think.

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:04 am
by ChristianKitsune

I have played Bible Adventures..and as a KID, it was kinda fun...

the Noah level...odd...

Strange game...

I LOVE THIS RADIO guys need a female cohost though...

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:27 am
by rocklobster
Great show. And I agree about the Left Behind game. I'm not surprised, since those writers have a pretty warped view of Christianity, IMHO. I wasn't interested in the game anyway, since I hate the series for its anti-Catholic stance.

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:08 am
by Kkun
Great job, guys! You guys are definitely getting more comfortable with it. This one had me laughing my head off a few times. I really enjoyed it.

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 3:11 pm
by Omega Amen
ChristianRonin wrote:I LOVE THIS RADIO guys need a female cohost though...
Thank you. You have been the second person who has expressed publicly in wanting to have a woman host on the show. We, the current hosts, also believe that, but if no women apply for host positions (this includes the General/Anime show), what can we do? Speak in falsetto pitch?

If you do know a CAA lady who is seriously interested in becoming a host, tell her to contact Link Antilles about it at That e-mail might not work immediately, but Link will put it up rather soon.
rocklobster wrote:Great show. And I agree about the Left Behind game. I'm not surprised, since those writers have a pretty warped view of Christianity, IMHO. I wasn't interested in the game anyway, since I hate the series for its anti-Catholic stance.
The comment you expressed here will relate to one of the sub-issues that we will address in the second part of our State of Christian Video Games discussion.
Kkun wrote:Great job, guys! You guys are definitely getting more comfortable with it.
That is ironic. We were very self-conscious about the time as we recorded.... I guess, in a sense, we are more comfortable with it since we pulled that off while still getting positive reaction to the show.
Kkun wrote:This one had me laughing my head off a few times. I really enjoyed it.
Anything specific you remember that you found humorous?

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:39 pm
by Sephiroth
yo, thata was cool, am lookin forward to teh next one keep up teh good work guys.


PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 6:19 pm
by Joshua Christopher
I enjoyed this, but next time, can we get a piece about the new Sega console?

Just humor me.

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 6:37 pm
by rocklobster
Joshua Christopher wrote:I enjoyed this, but next time, can we get a piece about the new Sega console?

Just humor me.

There is no new Sega console. Dreamcast was their last one. They said so.

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 7:26 pm
by Joshua Christopher
rocklobster wrote:There is no new Sega console. Dreamcast was their last one. They said so.

Yes, I know. I just like to imagine that... I live in my own little dreamworld.

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:45 pm
by Myoti
Somehow, I wanna hear your stance on Movie-games, I think. :p

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 3:08 pm
by gungrave
rarg, I cant download it, it just wont load the thing...y to let me download it,
is there away to be nice to me and put it on yousendit or something?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:03 pm
by Omega Amen
gungrave wrote:rarg, I cant download it, it just wont load the thing...y to let me download it,
is there away to be nice to me and put it on yousendit or something?
I just tried it again, and I was still able to download the MP3 file just fine.

Did you right click with your mouse on the MP3 link and then select "Save Target As" or "Save Link As" (or something like that depending on your web browser)? You should be able to do it on your browser and that would allow you to select which directory to save the MP3 file in.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:59 am
by kaji
LOL, that was interesting guys. I never knew LA had such a good radio voice. Seriously LA, not every one has a good recording voice, but you really have somthing there . ;)

Anyway, I was thinking about some of the things you guys talked about.

First up, about SquareEnix. This company has tried time and time again to create a winning game formula. Yes, they have greatly suceeded in creating a game formula in Final Fantasy that can be reused and changed in minor ways, but still carry a winning mix. The differance between this and many other sucessful game formulas is that FF has minor trates that carry the majority of the weight. Sequels are not restricted to a singular world enviroment or concept. That gives freedom from continual storylines and character developments and gives each installment a clean slate with an already winning fomula. Its like a mad-lib, just fill in the blanks and its bond to be funny.

Yes, Chrono Cross was a great game, but the formula is to simmilar to FF for them to coexist (unless it was compettition against). Do this, take FFXII and play through it telling your self its a brand new CC game. Sure, you wont fight Lavos in the end, but whats the difference here?

So the point is, why not spend their profit else where? Invest in other areas of technology that may indirrectly increase their profit in the areas they have already secured a foot hold in (like games). Look at Microsoft, did they get big by just sticking to an operating system? Just like Square will not grow and profiet from just sticking with games (so much as it COULD by spreading out). They are already winning in the RPG relm with FF, so why waste money on trying to produce new game formulas when they can put their capital to work for the ones they already have.

In the end this is a business. Who knows, if their side investments turn big then they may have all the more resources to throw into new game development later on. Dont think of them as abandoning their roots so much as securing a future.

When I was in Japan this past year, I was amused to see Konami Sports clubs and fitness centers (Formerly known as People Co., Ltd). So I say spread out Square, invest and grow! ^_^

The other thing I wanted to mention was about Christian Video games. First of all, what is it that you guys are looking for? Specifically. You talk about the game enviroment but we all know that graphics or enviroment are nice, but a good game can manage a winning formula in its method and concept alone. I agree, throwing Biblical material into a game to serve another purpose then what it was intended for, isnt going to work. In some cases it isnt any different then say Evas use of Bible names.

But what are you looking for? FPS? RPG? Fighting? RTS? Think of the concept of most games them selves. You typically take the role of a protagonist who is faced with a problem who then initiates and follows through on a solution. In each case you have a series of options you can demand from the program to gain certain results.

Like you mentioned in reguards to prayer, this formula is drastically different from our lives as Christians. We do not pray expecting our wishes to be granted, though we have faith they will be heard. A game based on truthful Biblical teaching would leave the player no different then they would be today (in real life). No picking up your flame thrower in the name of Christ. In reality the player would probably be martyred in the first few min (of a modernday war game).

I agree, the problem is that most developers of Christian games (like the ones you mentioned) today are trying to make a game with Christian ideas but with a model that is not compatible. More importantly to me then making a Christian game that is fun, is one that can accurately portray portions of the Bible to its audiance (lest we loose the point of calling it Christian in the first place). Im not talking about scripture being pasted on the screen now and then, but perhaps a game around the Kings of Jerusalem and Samaria. However (as we have learned from the throwing of baby Moses in the river) it would have to be made with peramiters that do not deviate from the story. Which, in most Bible cases, means you lose in the end...

Perhaps the whole phylosophy behind a 'Christian Game' is what really needs to be reworked.

EDIT: Oh, and I think we all need to hear more of what MS has to say. :P

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:28 pm
by rocklobster
Did any of you ever hear of the SNES title Super Noah's Ark 3-D? Now that stunk!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:12 pm
by gungrave
Omega Amen wrote:I just tried it again, and I was still able to download the MP3 file just fine.

Did you right click with your mouse on the MP3 link and then select "Save Target As" or "Save Link As" (or something like that depending on your web browser)? You should be able to do it on your browser and that would allow you to select which directory to save the MP3 file in.

umm well I did try it, and it didnt work, Im willing to try it again but when I right clicked, it never came up as save anything.... but I appreaciate the help

PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 10:35 am
by rocklobster
so, when will the anime show start?