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Christian Symbolism In Anime
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:41 pm
by panegryst
Much like the Western use of Eastern and Native American myths/faiths in movies, anime is shot through with Christian symbols (good and bad). There are essentially three categories. The first is the symbolism that is only there to look cool. Evangelion is the number one example of this - Hideaki Anno (director) said that the cross-shaped explosions, names of the Angels, etc. were selected only because they thought it would look mysterious (it did- only 2% of Japanese are Christian). This kind isn't so bad, because it's meaningless and nonsensical to those who are familiar with Christianity. Category two is symbolism that either supports Christianity (Witch Hunter Robin) or at least represents a force of good (Chrno Crusade). Category three is symbolism chosen to directly attack/counter Christianity or organized religion as a whole. Probably the best known example of this is Final Fantasy: Tactics for PS1 (not an anime, but work with me here). The church (of 'St. Ajora' who was 'killed on a hill' and then deified - the parallels are obvious) is portrayed as corrupt, manipulative, greedy, and hypocritical. Bible Black also falls under this category. These, unlike the other two categories' anime, ARE harmful and false (obviously). Fortunately, they are relatively few and far between.
What kinds of Christian symbolism have you seen in Japanese media? Do all of them fall under these categories, or did I miss something? Another thread on this board had a discussion of the possible Christian meaning of Inuyasha; what about the Christian meaning/themes in Rurouni Kenshin, Gunslinger Girl, Noir, etc?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:48 pm
by ShiroiHikari
not mad at you, but just a reminder: Evangelion is a no-discuss title because it's sparked up way too much negative debate and strife in the past. Bible Black is also on the no-discuss list. so to all that would reply...let's follow the rules and have a mature discussion, okay?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:56 pm
by Gypsy
Interesting topic. I think many anime directors grab religious themes and symbols just to spice things up. Egyptian symbols and new-age symbols are also used frequently. And you're right, panegryst, some presentations are, in fact, corrupt and harmful.
I'd be a little wary to believe that since an anime portrays Christian symbols as powerful or good that it's ultimately supporting Christianity, as in the case of Witch Hunter Robin. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Robin herself use the powers of witchcraft? I'd be more inclined to think that this is a good example of an anime that used Christian elements for style or tradition rather than to support Christ.
As for the other anime you mentioned, I think they are also cases of Christianity, or it's symbolism to represent good and evil, right and wrong. Those are universal ideas, and using physical elements of Christianity is a general way to communicate those ideas - it's not exactly promoting Jesus Christ.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 1:30 pm
by Ashley
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne comes to mind. On the one hand, they use the same terminology/iconology as straightforward Christians---Satan (Maou-sama) is bad, God (Kami-sama) is good. Demons aid Satan, Angels aid God. The good characters use cruxifixes. There's even allusion to Adam and Eve.
It even goes a little further than that--the series makes heavy, heavy use of martyrdom and (St.) Joanne of Arc. But it mixes in ideas of reincarnation and a God that isn't the all-powerful, all-knowing one we worship. Tanemura's God is weaker and dependent on a single human girl. Yet Satan is wicked, deceitful, and very, very honey-tongued. You see him ruin the lives of many well-meaning characters which is a great tradgedy and one that happens all too often in the real world. Not everyone that falls prey to Satan drinks blood and performs rituals with a goat.
What to make of this nonsense, I don't know---it doesn't seem to be deliberately mocking God, though the series does have an underlying theme of self-reliance, which we as Christians know isn't true because we're to lean on God for everything. It's like they're painting Christianity in a good light, just not a perfect one.
I guess too I try to take what the Japanese say about our religion with a grain of salt--many, I believe, probably treat it as we do celtic or egyptian mythology. Not mockingly, but not with much reverence either. And I for one have no problems with using "universal" Christian symbols if they accurately represent good and evil.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 1:34 pm
by panegryst
Gypsy wrote: I'd be a little wary to believe that since an anime portrays Christian symbols as powerful or good that it's ultimately supporting Christianity, as in the case of Witch Hunter Robin. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Robin herself use the powers of witchcraft?
[align=left]She does indeed, but is only allowed to do so on the condition that she hunt witches - no craft users are allowed to live or walk free unless they work for the STNJ (witch hunting organization). In fact, using crafts is never viewed as 'okay', even in the context of hunting witches]
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 4:01 pm
by awsam007
panegryst wrote:Evangelion is the number one example of this - Hideaki Anno (director) said that the cross-shaped explosions, names of the Angels, etc. were selected only because they thought it would look mysterious (it did- only 2% of Japanese are Christian). This kind isn't so bad, because it's meaningless and nonsensical to those who are familiar with Christianity.
I agree that it looks nonsensical to
Christians, but my worry is for the
non-believers who may end up getting false doctrine or guidence. I understand that anime isn't the only example of how that could happen either, I'm just saying I can't agree that it's not "isn't so bad". That said, I'm not really sure what to do about it other than tell people about anime which contain distorted Christian beliefs.
panegryst wrote:In the same way, Robin uses her power under the authority of the government and (arguably) under the authority of God.
Hmm, I have to agree with Gypsy on this one. I watched the entire WHR series and kept waiting to see the whole part about "Robin being a Christian and the witches only being mutants", because that's what I'd heard others talk about when discussing that show. Other than the one time in the show where she briefly mentions prayer, I thought WHR was pretty much exactly what the show title implies. The whole "she's Catholic but practices witchcraft" vibe didn't sit well with me and I'm not even Catholic. My point is, I certainly can't say Robin was using witchcraft under the authority of God, but I'm not trying to bash you. I can see your point about Romans 13.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 4:16 pm
by panegryst
I am certainly not trying to say that WHR is a Christian show. However, it is about as Christian as it gets in anime. You are correct; Robin's Christianity is not very prominent. (Although there were several other moments where her faith is evident that you didn't mention.) I also agree that her moral position in regards to craft-using is not clear from a Christian point of view.
You take what you can get.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:29 pm
by fayefaye
Trigun is loaded with christian themes.The series deals with love,mercy,forgiveness,sin,and peace within.It has an adam an eve theme in it and some things they say in it really get you thinking about your everyday living and how you treat shows the story of a person and how he struggles to find peace within and restore love and peace with the people he meets.They have some really good messages,and as a christian I didn't feel offended after watching the whole thing.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:44 pm
by Lynx
fayefaye wrote:Trigun is loaded with christian themes.The series deals with love,mercy,forgiveness,sin,and peace within.It has an adam an eve theme in it and some things they say in it really get you thinking about your everyday living and how you treat shows the story of a person and how he struggles to find peace within and restore love and peace with the people he meets.They have some really good messages,and as a christian I didn't feel offended after watching the whole thing.
yeah there's lots of symbolism in trigun. the red apple represents sin, the green apple represents redemtion. also,
[spoiler="trigun"] before wolfwood dies, he walks into the church and puts down his cross, representing his burden that he's carried around everywhere. he finally lays it down and gives it to God before dying... oh yeah, just like to mention, in my mind, wolfwood is a Christian after that... ^_^ [/spoiler]
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:50 pm
by Gypsy
I'm pretty much set against poking around for hidden meanings and themes in any kind of secular media - let alone anime. We don't have to find God in anime in order to justify watching it. Also, going around saying that certain anime titles are a huge Christian allegory will make you look a bit cracked. Number one, it's usually not true, and number two, it gives the appearance that you're grasping for straws in a fanatic sort of way.
Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying. I like it when characters and stories will demonstrate Biblical principals, but that doesn't make them a Christian story. And that’s ok, because it’s a form of entertainment. We’re accountable for what we take in, true, but not being a Christian show doesn’t necessarily mean it’s no fine to watch.
I think it's great that people will see a truth portrayed and recognize it, but you also have to remember to see the source for what it is, and don't make it into something that it's not.
I think, panegryst, that you and I are pretty much on the same page in that respect: honor the good in anime. Slightly off topic, while Robin is using her witchcraft under the law, that wouldn't exactly make it under God's law. The Bible has some specific verses about such things. Just food for thought. ^^
PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:16 am
by panegryst
Gypsy wrote:while Robin is using her witchcraft under the law, that wouldn't exactly make it under God's law. The Bible has some specific verses about such things. Just food for thought. ^^
I agree that the state's goals and means may not be what God favors.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:39 am
by Shinjuma
Dont Forget Angel Sanctuary
PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:52 am
by Shinjuma
Don't forget Angel Sanctuary (Retyped)
Angel Sanctuary Is probably in the 3rd category since it twists so many things. In the story God supposedly is asleep and the angels are lusting after battle and are killing demons after the peace treaty. The director gives human likeness to the angels and demons and it seems like the demons are the poor victims. One of the lead angels gets mad at what is going. So here is the description. A beautiful angel wages war against God and loses. Reborn as a human boy, Setsuna struggles with visions and supernatural powers. Angels and demons flock to his awakening, spoiling for battle. Will Setsuna lead them to the apocalypse, or to salvation? Basically the series tells you not to rely on God but yourself. Oh and please if I get any of this wrong please correct me; I have only seen this once. Anyways, the main character is in love with his sister and she is in love with him. The director makes a point that she thinks incest and homosexuality is ok if you’re truly in love with that person and you can't be with anyone else. This movie had references to a sword of seven blades which is Gods number, and the main character uses that sword. Also the main chaacter prays to god asking if ti can be right to love his siter and he admits it's wrong and even asks God if he thinks of him as disgusting since he wants to sleep with her. He said he also knows hes condeming her to hell. The sister also knows what she is doing is wrong but loves him, she also knows she is condemed to hell. (this series makes it seem like you can't repent, mroe of a new age religion) Basically this is a movie/series based on new wave religion I guess you could say.
sorrry for my previous post I couldn't edit all the typos
PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:18 am
by shooraijin
(Blank post removed.) Just as a reminder, since some people might not know, a number of the titles that have been brought up in this thread are considered highly controversial here (ironically because of the unusual conventions they take with religion) and have caused so much wrangling in the past that we'd prefer them discussed over PM, not in public. Angel Sanctuary is definitely one of them, and Shiroi mentioned a couple others; here is the complete list.
Gypsy wrote:I think it's great that people will see a truth portrayed and recognize it, but you also have to remember to see the source for what it is, and don't make it into something that it's not.
I think that puts it very succinctly.
Im very sorry everyone
PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:28 am
by Shinjuma
I'm very sorry. I'm new to this website and I did not know the animes we could not discuss. Once agian,sorry.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 8:19 am
by Tenshi no Ai
All I can say with Christianity in anime is well, I don't even know anymore! They don't really use it in the right sense, since it's usually Shintoism and Buddism being promoted in a lot of the anime. When it comes to Christianity, they use it in odd ways. In shows like Digimon, it's interesting because some of the monsters represent many kinds of religions. There are angels, but it's more in the Judism belief of the three great angels or whatever. But usally if they use a cross, it's in a show that involves vampires or whatever (Hellsing) and even then it's... upsidedown or whatever :/ Then in some anime they use references to God... but then he's talking on the phone to goddeses (OMG). I also noticed that they have series with people hanging on crosses (Sailor Moon un-cut and X).
One thing I've noticed though, is that the ONLY kind of Christianity in anime is Catholic. In many shows like Sailor Moon, live-action Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, etc. the only kind of church is a Catholic one. So who knows, maybe that's why they don't get that great of an idea about the religion over there (not trying to bash Catholics, but coming from a Pentecostal church myself it's.... quite different). And yet, I wonder if they even have modern churches in Japan. It's possible, but if not it could be a great place for a mission trip ^^
PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 8:33 am
by Ashley
I'm very sorry. I'm new to this website and I did not know the animes we could not discuss. Once agian,sorry.
Hey no need to bash yourself. Yes many of the "do not discuss" titles have been mentioned here, but arbitrarily banning them from any sort of discussion is not the idea behind the said list. So far everyone here has been very courteous and polite in their opinion, and as long as it stays that way this thread will remain open. As I said, it's a do not discuss, not do not even consider saying the title under any circumstance list.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:01 am
by panegryst
Tenshi no Ai wrote:One thing I've noticed though, is that the ONLY kind of Christianity in anime is Catholic. In many shows like Sailor Moon, live-action Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, etc. the only kind of church is a Catholic one. So who knows, maybe that's why they don't get that great of an idea about the religion over there (not trying to bash Catholics, but coming from a Pentecostal church myself it's.... quite different). And yet, I wonder if they even have modern churches in Japan. It's possible, but if not it could be a great place for a mission trip ^^
Japan does have modern churches. The reason why nearly every Japanese Christian is a カットリック (Catholic) is that the first missionaries to visit Japan were Jesuits. Soon afterward they were unceremoniously tossed out and Japanese Christians were killed + persecuted. After that, missionaries weren't to eager to try their luck there...
PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:48 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
[quote="panegryst"]Japan does have modern churches. The reason why nearly every Japanese Christian is a カ]
*Tries not to go too much off topic*
Yeah, Asia is obviously a hard place to preach in. I remember reading something in the New Testament on how either the apostles or Paul (can't remember very good) weren't able to go preach in Asia, where it's the one continent in the world pretty much with a huge impact of other religions.
Hmmm modern church in Japan... I've always wondered if Christian JPOP existed...
PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 7:23 pm
by Yamato145
Lynx wrote:yeah there's lots of symbolism in trigun. the red apple represents sin, the green apple represents redemtion. also,
[spoiler="trigun"] before wolfwood dies, he walks into the church and puts down his cross, representing his burden that he's carried around everywhere. he finally lays it down and gives it to God before dying... oh yeah, just like to mention, in my mind, wolfwood is a Christian after that... ^_^ [/spoiler]
i would like to get even deeper into this ...
okay wolfwood starts out his life normal just like all of us ...
then he kills ... a huge sin happened it burdens him ... then he becomes a priest which to me represents simply becoming christian ... now we skip ahead to the show itself where he is still "christian" but what he is, is a kind of half-christian like many of us struggle with ... he's a good person by all means and a good friend he even does a little witnessing. but he keeps sinning (killing ... remember all sins are equal in God's eyes) now we go to the point of his death ... where he has realized the truth and moments ago fought temptation by not killing but unfortunately satan( legato) has tempted another, chapel (who could represent a secular friend) and brought about his downfall ... but only physiccally. he holds no grudge and dies happy laying his burden on christ (the cross like you said) like we all have to do to truly get anywhere and died a repented christian. [/spoiler]
hence i believe wolfwoods life represents our journey to salvation
PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 7:32 pm
by Yamato145
also an anime with lots o good stuff is "now and then here and there" although religion is never once mentioned it portrays many christian morals ... which really seemed more effective ... especially to atheists! but they do have some violence and suggestive moments (never gloriusly though) in it so don't watch with the kiddies!!!
PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 9:17 pm
by ClosetOtaku
Well, I will weigh in with one of my favorite anime - Haibane Renmei - as an example of how, when creative people start looking deeply into the meaning of existence, they frequently come up with Christian truths (whether they meant to or not).
I will try to avoid any major SPOILERS, but it is not possible to talk about the series without revealing some of the plot elements. Proceed at your own risk.
The series begins with a girl dreaming of falling from the sky -- then awakening to find she has hatched from a cocoon. She is greeted by a number of other girls with wings and halos -- not angels, but Haibane, young people who have similarly hatched from cocoons. They live a humble life as second-class citizens among humans, prohibited from owning anything new or earning money directly for themselves, but having their needs taken care of by the community at large, the other Haibane, and a mysterious organization called the Haibane Renmei. The city they live in -- Guri -- is walled; no one, including humans, may leave, and those who live outside (called the Toga) may enter only to conduct trade -- and may not speak to or even touch anyone in the city. The Haibane must work hard, set an example for the younger Haibane, and obey the orders of the Renmei. All in all, however, it is a pretty idyllic existence.
Initially, it seems like a Utopia. But it is not too long after Rakka, the main character, arrives that she begins to discover some unsettling things -- not about Guri or the Renmei -- but about herself and how she relates to the other Haibane.
In some ways, the story is reflective of the ideal community -- where people recognize and accept the strengths and weaknesses of others and work for the betterment of all. Another story line is compassion -- and how being able to relate to another's weakness or handicap opens lines of communications that were not there previously. It is about forgiveness and redemption, especially when things look the most bleak.
It is definitely a spiritual series. I believe there are both Christian and Buddhist elements in the story -- but the Buddhist elements for the most part do not detract, because many of these are very similar to Christian beliefs (such as discipline and self-control).
This series has made it easier for me to explain to anime fans who are not Christian some of the elements of Christian belief, especially as it pertained to Jesus and his role as the compassionate High Priest as well as the humble servant. Compared to many other titles, I'd suggest watching this (only 13 episodes) and seeing the many Christian themes that have crept in to the production.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 9:24 pm
by Zane
PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 11:33 pm
by Ducky
I know one with really christian themes! Superbook... it isn't really in the other categories because it is actually Bible stories, granted it's for small children but still...
More on topic Trigun did have some nice themes in it. It really made me think about balance as far as justice and mercy go what with the spider/butterfly thing, but that's probably just my twisted take on it. I'm off to squish some spiders then...
PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 3:28 am
by shooraijin
Well, I wouldn't say that -- Superbook's USA dub was definitely targetted towards a younger audience, but the original wasn't necessarily so.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 7:02 am
by Neosevangel
I will support the thought of the majority of christianity in anime being for show which in my opinion is kinda sad. Though I do believe shows like Haibane (though I've never seen it) seem to support christians morals wheather they planned to or not. The biggest anime that I believe really puts our religion to show is probably Sailor Moon Super. The show has lots of Catholic references. Such as the Holy Grail. It also has references to messiahs. Because I'm pentacost I'm greatly uncomfortable watching this season. I also didn't like the way the director (or someone stated that worked on that season.) said that one of the reasons why they put stuff like that in there was because it looks good. He didn't say that exactly but I think someone else said Neptune looked good on a cross. (I"m not sure though.) There is also an episode in SuperS where a nun is targeted for her dreams. They made a scene of her praying that america greatly cut down by several seconds. However in the Super manga the messiah thing is more or less a side plot and the real intent is killing Saturn to prevent world destruction. Whereas in the anime the main intent was finding the messiah along with killing the evil messiah (and or saturn). Thats another thing that bothered me is the Messiah of Silence business. The Messiah is pure and should never be betrayed as something evil. (though they had the good one to balance it out but that didn't help because it still wasn't Jesus.) Anyway I hope I didn't offend anybody with this. And I'm not striking down Catholics at all.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 12:03 pm
by termyt
I liked the symbolism in Trigun very much. So much so that I've been able to use it as a witnessing tool, but you must be careful. There are good themes running in a lot of anime. Many contain a little piece of the truth, which can act like a hook for unsuspecting Christians and non-Christians alike. Once a show uses a little truth, what do they do with it? When the show reaches it's conclusion, is the truth still intact or has it been twisted into something else altogether?
The new age movement survives because they take a small portion of truth and twist it to meet their own needs. I think a good example of this is Star Wars. (I'm hoping I can avoid controversy by using a show that isn't anime.) The movies contain all kinds of good themes - sin and redemption, the power of love and friendship, etc. But it also preaches heresy - the Force that guides the universe and is present in all things. It also labels some emotions as good and some as evil, a trend I do not like since our Lord has displayed all emotions and has no part in evil.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 4:45 pm
by termyt
What? 666lesbogirl's been banned? Boy am I gonna miss her. She's always been so thoughtful and encouraging.
Anyway, she does have a point. There's even s Christian theme restaurant in Tokyo. I doubt many of us would be comfortable eating there.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:44 pm
by Professor Hojo
I must disagree with what someone said about Final Fantasy Tactics.I am very faithful to God but I was a little upset about that game in the beginning but I heard some wise words "RPGs are what you make of them" so they can be considered blasphemic or very good.I believe that the corrupt church was modeled after the Christian Church before the Reformation.We all know about the "Christians" who laughed insanely as the "Witch" was killed in an awful way right in front of them.Yes,Ajora seems alot like Jesus however no one knows if the authors were trying to be harmful or not and I dont think they were.I believe that they just wanted to make a fantasy game in feudal europe that involved the Church and the violence.I dont think they wanted to make that be Jesus himself,just a warped RPG Jesus figure.They had the lucavi demons posess many religious officials so that kind of goes to the point of how they acted before the reformation-Yes the church was very bad before the reformation.They demanded MONEY for redemption in the feudal days! And I dont think Ajora was the villain,Altima,the satan of the game was.He is Ajora's alter ego and an alter ego is the exact opposite of the other person so that means Ajora was a good person.Remember the holy stones? They allowed lucavi to corrupt you and Ajora got one at the end and was corrupted by Altima so what Ajora said at the end was not what he wanted to say if you ask me.Once I thought of this and many more things I thought of FFT as a very good game.They just wanted a game in feudal europe with the swordfights and the knights and such...they just added the old SquareSoft touch though.They made the story very complicated and it had many shocking moments and great music.I dont think they really wanted to OFFEND anyone...they just wanted a good game and they thought we wouldnt take it seriously.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:43 pm
by Kat Warrior
I'm shocked that no one mentioned Spriggan (or is it a no-no topic? I don't think it is...). It's religious theme is portraying the ARK as some highly advanced yet ancient computer, capable of controlling the Earth's weather, and supposedly where life cam from. Which is pretty much wrong, only correct in the fact that God used it to re-start life with Noah, his family, and the animals. They skewered a Bible story, but hearing Takana quote directly from Genesis was kinda cool. I'd probably place that under the category of "Religious themes make stuff look cool".
But another theme completely unrelated to the ARK that I rather liked is that the main character, Ominae Yu, was a softy at heart. He goes into battle on behalf of assassinated friends, and regrets harming his enemy (who is a ten-year-old kid with psycho-path issues). And after his enemy dies, he still sees the kid's face in his mind. Talk about a soldier of a different kind! And his friend even says his softness is a good quality! [/spoiler]Okay, I'm rambling now. But over-all, this movie has too much swearing. >< Ugh...