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Yet Another Blow To Anime's Image

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Yet Another Blow To Anime's Image

Postby MillyFan » Wed Jul 16, 2003 9:34 pm

Blue Gender is coming to CN in August. :mutter: :bang:

I hope they edit, but I don't think I'll be watching anyway. . .where's Shinji's vomit smiley when I need it?

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Postby inkhana » Wed Jul 16, 2003 9:36 pm

I just read the article also. I get the impression that if they do cut it, there won't be much show left. Sounds atrocious...and yet, somehow typical...*pessimistic, sad sigh*

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Postby MillyFan » Thu Jul 17, 2003 4:12 am

There is so much better stuff out there, and they choose this. . .this garbage? ^sigh^ There are so many series that would fit the block better, that seem much more artistic than BG (which appears to use its violent and sexual content for mere shock value or the most depraved form of fanservice rather than for any reason of story advancement or character development), and that aren't on the edge of hentai. . .grrrrrr.

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

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Postby BrianC » Thu Jul 17, 2003 9:32 am

I read some reviews of Blue Gender. It doesn't sound like a total piece of trash like you are describing and it sounds like it has some nice scifi elements in it. It's not something that I want to watch becuase of the more disturbing content in it and definatly not something I would recommend here, but I hate seeing uninformed complaints about anime that come from only one source of info.

IMO, this topic shouldn't have been started. All it does IMO is add fuel to the fire.
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Postby Ashley » Thu Jul 17, 2003 2:59 pm

IMO, this topic shouldn't have been started. All it does IMO is add fuel to the fire.

One of our primary goals IS to warn others of potentially dangerous anime...if we fall under fire during the course of that, the admins are registered firefighters...that is to say, we're prepared for it. In the end, we can only guide/warn...whether someone watches a show or not is between them and God, not us.
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Postby MasterDias » Thu Jul 17, 2003 3:45 pm

I don't know anything about Blue Gender but I do wonder what CN is thinking. You can really only edit so much out of something before it totally loses all resemblence to the original series. And you know how a lot of Anime fans tend to detest any cuts and edits whatsoever. I wonder if the series is going to be successful.
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Postby sskg0tt0 » Thu Jul 17, 2003 4:33 pm

ive only see the frst ep of blue gender,seemed a little creepy but not too horrible
does it go compleatly nuts after the first ep?
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Postby BrianC » Thu Jul 17, 2003 6:07 pm

It's one thing to warn others and it's another to overreact over it. Just becuase something with harmful content exists doesn't mean we should worry about it putting a damper on anime's image. I do think that it's good to warn about content and I did say that Blue Gender sounded like something that I might want to avoid. However, general statments that come from ONE brief source of info that isn't even a full review or content list for the anime is not vaild for making judgements about the anime.

Yes, people should know about content, but the really disturbing anime will exist no matter what we do, so it's no use making posts complaining about how more bad stuff will hurt anime's image. It's wrong to judge all anime or any film based on one title. This topic shouldn't have been started. Like I said, it only adds fuel to the fire.

There should be more topics about the good stuff in anime and the titles that are worth seeing. Too much needless complaining about the bad stuff does nothing.

I mean so what if Blue Gender airs intact on CN? If it really is bad as Millyfan makes it sound, we should avoid it and warn others about the content in it, not worry about what it does to the image of anime.
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Postby EdHead » Thu Jul 17, 2003 7:06 pm

Maybe Cartoon Network is trying to make competition with TNN's Stripperela?

(A good vomit smilie would be a good way to end this post)
Behold, the after-vomit smilie: :drool:
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Postby BrianC » Thu Jul 17, 2003 9:12 pm

EdHead wrote:Hmmm...
Maybe Cartoon Network is trying to make competition with TNN's Stripperela?

(A good vomit smilie would be a good way to end this post)
Behold, the after-vomit smilie: :drool:

How do you know that Blue Gender is as vulgar as stripella? Do you know for sure that it is complete trash? That article Millyfan linked to says next to nothing about the actual show. Nobody here has seen anything beyond this first episode and I don't think that the anime should be judged on the basis on one article. This is how negative impressions of anime start. Someone reads one article about the anime and assumes that that one article is true without any actual knowledge of the anime.

I don't think either of the Blow to anime's image topics should have been started becuase they both make quick assumptions and stir up needless worry.
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Postby inkhana » Thu Jul 17, 2003 9:52 pm

All right then, why doesn't someone post some reviews of it from other sources? (BrianC, here's your chance) Everyone can draw our own conclusions from that. Although...I think anime already had a bad image in some circles...O.o

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Postby EdHead » Thu Jul 17, 2003 9:53 pm

BrianC wrote:How do you know that Blue Gender is as vulgar as stripella? Do you know for sure that it is complete trash? That article Millyfan linked to says next to nothing about the actual show. Nobody here has seen anything beyond this first episode and I don't think that the anime should be judged on the basis on one article. This is how negative impressions of anime start. Someone reads one article about the anime and assumes that that one article is true without any actual knowledge of the anime.

I don't think either of the Blow to anime's image topics should have been started becuase they both make quick assumptions and stir up needless worry.

Well... I just said MAYBE... not YES or NO...

But MAYBE since TNN's putting some dirty cartoons on their late night line-up, Cartoon Network's loosening up a bit. Anyway, CN already has adult shows on adult swim.(ain't it obvious?)

But hey, this is just a thought. Don't want anybody mad at me or something... :angel:
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Postby BrianC » Thu Jul 17, 2003 10:24 pm

inkhana wrote:All right then, why doesn't someone post some reviews of it from other sources? (BrianC, here's your chance) Everyone can draw our own conclusions from that. Although...I think anime already had a bad image in some circles...O.o

I really don't want to reply to this topic anymore. There is a link to a page with links to some reviews in the article MillyFan posted.

I think the only reason CN MAY BE loosening up on content is because the block was already meant for adults to begin with. Considering how unpredictable CN's edits are, it's hard to tell if they are loosening up or not. However, the majority of the series on Adult Swim are PG-13 at the most, even in unedited form.

BTW, nobody here even knows how CN will edit Blue Gender. EdHead, the reason why your MAYBE is wrong is becuase it's an assumption. We don't know for sure how bad the content in Blue Gender really is or how edited it will be.
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Postby Benu » Fri Jul 18, 2003 5:19 pm

Thanks for the warning Guys I didn't know that Blue Gender was that bad. I was thinking all along oh cool A new Anime on CN. But it looks like another one I won't be taking a look at. Well most of the Anime that comes to american TV is a buch of Junk anyway. CN totally ruined Lupin the III for me. Well I heard from alot of people that is was pretty good and well i was watching it for awhile and it was pretty good. But it seems they got an X rated dub or somthing the other day because it seemed like every other word was a cuss word. But CN always butchers Anime. It's America. America does not uderstand anime.
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Postby Jimmothy » Fri Jul 18, 2003 5:33 pm

I was mad with the comedy block on CN now this what is this world coming too.
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Postby BrianC » Fri Jul 18, 2003 7:00 pm

Benu wrote:Thanks for the warning Guys I didn't know that Blue Gender was that bad. I was thinking all along oh cool A new Anime on CN. But it looks like another one I won't be taking a look at. Well most of the Anime that comes to american TV is a buch of Junk anyway. CN totally ruined Lupin the III for me. Well I heard from alot of people that is was pretty good and well i was watching it for awhile and it was pretty good. But it seems they got an X rated dub or somthing the other day because it seemed like every other word was a cuss word. But CN always butchers Anime. It's America. America does not uderstand anime.

Benu, nobody here has even SEEN Blue Gender. They saw a reply from one site and took it as fact. That is not how to judge any show. The Lupin III TV dub isn't X rated, but they did add too many innuedos and cursing. IMO, if you warn about content in anime, you better make sure you know what the anime is about and you know for sure exactly what type of content is in it. Warning against the bad stuff is a good thing, but giving incorrect or misleading information is bad.

Don't blame CN for the change. They only show the anime on TV. They aren't the one who translated it. Media Concepts, the dubbing studio that dubbed Lupin III for Pioneer (NOT CN. CN got the rights to show it, not produce it) decided to dub Lupin III the way they did. If you want to see the Lupin III anime the way it was meant to be seen, watch it in subtitles on the Pioneer DVDs.

Manga Entertainment's dub of the Lupin III movie Castle of Cagliostro was also in poor taste. They added a gratitous amount of cursing. However, the well translated subtitles are a light PG and the subtitled version is very clean. If you want to see Lupin III the way it was meant to be seen, watch it in subtitles.

Cartoon Network doesn't dub anime, it's the dubbing studios who do that and the companies who produce the DVDs and the dubbing studios are in charge of translation. Cartoon Network only gets the anime and edits it for TV, they don't do the actual translation.

I really hate how people blame CN for things they weren't responsible for. They had nothing to do with the dub of Lupin III. They do edit anime, but other companies are responsible for the dubs and translation. If you have a problem with the voices in some of the anime like Inuyasha, blame the dubbing studio, not CN.
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Postby Benu » Fri Jul 18, 2003 7:21 pm

Wow thanks BrianC for clearing things up. I've been blaming CN for alot of thing because I've always heard CN does all this stuff to the Anime before they air it. Some of the stuff I've heard was kinda out there too. We really shouldn't belive everything we hear. Thanks for telling me about Lupin the III too. I was really wondering about that because alot of reviews I've read on it say it's pretty clean but I was wondering why the one they air on CN have so much cursing. Now I gotta pick me up some Lupin the III dvd's
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Postby inkhana » Fri Jul 18, 2003 7:33 pm

All right, getting back to the topic at hand, here are a number of reviews of Blue Gender, chosen fairly randomly with the help of Google. If anyone has a review, they can add it too. People can draw their own conclusions from these.

Please note that I did NOT look at these sites as a whole, I simply linked to them from Google directly to the Blue Gender review. I don't know what kind of content the sites have for the most part (save Sci-Fi, I can probably guess). So I wouldn't go scratching around a lot if you are sensitive...might want to just read the review and come back here.

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Postby BrianC » Fri Jul 18, 2003 7:44 pm

Thanks. I think these articles give a better idea of the show. I think I will probably avoid.
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Postby Kenchii » Mon Jul 21, 2003 10:24 am

AS has a good comedy part..kinda. these are the conz:

Family Guy - curses way to much.
Fururama - the same

The rest are fine, funny.

The anime on it are great too.

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Postby MillyFan » Mon Jul 21, 2003 2:49 pm

Ummm, the comedy block isn't anime, it's American works I think.

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Postby Jimmothy » Mon Jul 21, 2003 2:52 pm

The only stuff on the comedy block i like are: Home Movies and Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Milly you are right it isn't anime.
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Postby Kirika » Fri Jul 25, 2003 8:59 am

Well I rented Blue Gender a while ago, I didn't really knew what it was...
And I stopped it at the second episode since it was too disgusting. And gore and stuff usually don't bother me, but there's limit to everything.
You thought Evangelion had a lot of sexual matter, well they're is in that one which is a lot worst than every part of Evangelion.
And in the first episode, the monster comes out of the wall and kills two people and the one remaining falls on the ground and there's a close up to see that he's peeing.
Come on! I don't want to know that!!!! :stressed:
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Postby Game Master » Fri Jul 25, 2003 9:01 am

Well either way, I'm not watching it. :angel:
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Postby EdHead » Sat Jul 26, 2003 6:35 am

Kirika wrote:Well I rented Blue Gender a while ago, I didn't really knew what it was...
And I stopped it at the second episode since it was too disgusting. And gore and stuff usually don't bother me, but there's limit to everything.
You thought Evangelion had a lot of sexual matter, well they're is in that one which is a lot worst than every part of Evangelion.
And in the first episode, the monster comes out of the wall and kills two people and the one remaining falls on the ground and there's a close up to see that he's peeing.
Come on! I don't want to know that!!!! :stressed:

The editors have got to be editing(redundancy :bang: ) this anime like nuts!
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Postby Celtic_Moon » Sun Jul 27, 2003 10:58 pm

I definately think I'll have to agree with Brian on this one folks. I mean, doesn't the Bible say Judge not lest ye be judged? As for potentially dangerous anime...unless it's going to set my TV on fire or be something like LaBlue Girl, Shin Angel, or Cool Devices ect ect. Which I have seen BTW. I doubt it could be classified as potentially dangerous. IMO, I think that god gave everyone a brain so he or she could make his or her own descisions.
Yep, Another blow for anime was definately too harsh of a subject heading IMO. And we all know I'm full of those tonight.:evil3

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Postby Psycho Ann » Mon Jul 28, 2003 2:11 am

But even so, the Bible tells us to avoid temptation and general nastiness of the world ^^ If it doesn't leave you feeling that it was worth the time, why waste time watching it when you can do other productive things?

And you still gotta admit, these kind of anime DO give a nasty blow to anime's image as a whole.

(Gee, come on, Hollywood itself gave the U.S. a nastu image to our brothers in the Mid East)

And the last time people were burned at the stake was when the Scripture was neglected and humans took punishment into their own hands. ;P
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Postby MillyFan » Mon Jul 28, 2003 3:29 am

LOL, if you live with someone else or you're younger, watching something like unedited BG just might get your TV set on fire-or at least thrown out the window ~.^

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

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Postby Gypsy » Mon Jul 28, 2003 7:59 am

Celtic_Moon wrote: Judge not lest ye be judged?

That verse is hardly referring to anime, or any other kind of entertainment.
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Postby inkhana » Tue Aug 05, 2003 12:02 am

OK, let us know what you find out. :thumb:

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