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Heatguy J

The real heart of CAA; discuss specific series, issues, and things related to anime here.

Heatguy J

Postby righteous_slave » Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:42 am

Curiosity overcame me this morning and I checked out this Heatguy J that has been popping up on the program guide on MTV2. Imagine my surprise to find a new anime. It looks like a pretty good cop drama with a 8 foot tall android thrown in for good measure. Has anyone else seen it? Is there any objectional material that MTV has cut out (yeah right, like MTV would cut out anything they could get away with)?
You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. Rom. 6:18

God can do anything, anytime, anyway He wants to.......if He wants to paint me blue and hang me upside down nekkid from an apple tree, thats alright, as long as it's God doing it. Of course, if He comes through with a directive like that, I might have to ask for some I.D. Michael Wanke
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