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Postby Wild Eagle » Tue Apr 11, 2006 5:07 pm

I've started watching this anime and it seems to be pretty interesting. I'm somewhere on the fourth episode and I really like the animation and music.

Has anyone else watched this series? If so, what do you think of it?
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:07 pm

I've seen some of it. But I think there is some shonen-ai references.
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Postby Joshua Christopher » Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:09 pm

Fafner is NGE, except they changed the characters' names. Kinda like RahXephon, but RahXephon is really, really good.
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Postby MyrrhLynn » Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:38 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:I've seen some of it. But I think there is some shonen-ai references.

Ahhh... kind of. But not really. XD If someone wants I can go into in in more detail about that but I'm not going to now because I'd have to go and look up character names. :lol:

Ok I have seen the whole series, and as the series goes it gets more and more wierd. The fact that it is a pretty scienfic series comes out more in the later episodes. What are those gold things that attack them called again? Well anyway there are all sorts of discussions about which of the 2 species (gold things vs humans) has the right to live, which one is in the right, etc. There is also some partial nudity, and the show gets more violent too. People rely very much on themselves and science to save them from this attack (mostly themselves since backstabbing is pretty common). As the plot continues, characters die (some main characters, some now) some get taken over as zombies by the gold things and kill their allies, and some go into this wierd trans state where they aren't really human anymore. (Like I said it's a wierd show.)

Overall I don't think I would say it is a bad series (in terms of quality, and also Christian viewability). There are quite a few plot twists that keep this show from getting boring, but when I finished whatching it, honestly my first thought was "well that was dumb" (the ending is kind of lame). I would say this is a "view before you buy if at all possible" type of series. ;)

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Postby GundamGeek » Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:59 pm

I've seen Soukyuu No Fafner... twice, because I enjoyed it so much. :) It definitely doesn't portray a Christian viewpoint, but it is a very interesting secular story about the search for the meaning of life: Existence vs. Nothingness. It does get pretty confusing in parts... lots of science and lots of names thrown around. But I thought it was well worth the effort. (And the "gold things" are called Festums. They don't really turn you into zombies, but it's kind of a spoiler to say what it does do to you. :))

Yes, it was very "Eva-esque", but I watched Eva and didn't like it nearly as much as SNF, mostly because NONE of the Eva characters were very likeable to me. (Okay, I did like Misao most of the time, and I felt sorry for Shinji until watching the End of Eva, when I detested him. :)) However, I really liked many of the characters in Fafner and cared about what happened to them. The character development is much stronger in Fafner, in my opinion. And you get to see the Fafners in action much more than the Evas, which is a plus for a mech lover like me. ;)

As far as the shonen-ai stuff, I think people who WANT to see that will find it. But I didn't read any of the relationships that way.

Fafner is definitely not a cheery series, but it was one of my favorites from last year. It even has my favorite opening and endings of all time... I watched them both for all 26 episodes. The ending changes with the growing sadness for many episodes toward the end of the series... quite beautifully done.

It's pretty late, so I'm a bit too brain-dead to come up with my long list of why I love this show, but if you'd like more details, I'd be more than happy to write more later. (But it sounds like I may be in the definite minority in my enjoyment of this show, so maybe I've said plenty already! hee! :))

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Postby Jeikobu » Sat Apr 15, 2006 11:33 pm

When possible, please do go into more detail. This has been helpful but I want to know more about this series in terms of bad religion/spirituality/etc. I also noticed vol. 6 of the series has a name having something to do with evolution. Is this dwelt on in the series? Please fill me in in terms of content.
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