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That's Freakin' Cool!!!!

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That's Freakin' Cool!!!!

Postby Myoti » Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:36 pm

Mainly speaking of action ones, but are there certain things within an anime that you just seem to love seeing and thinking about? I mean like, a certain action taking place during a fight.


-The slow 'n' snap. This would be those times when a character may have, say, a sword or the such, and as they're dueling, they suddenly pull in their weapon, having it move slowly, then slash slash out as they move (I'm not referring to the whole "Samurai finisher" thing). I think it's done in the faster paced mech-styles and some sword-fighting fantasy.

-Bloody cough. Not because of the violence, but there's just something about it, like the way the certain character has been fighting, only to be suddenly struck down. I typically mean when like a character is struck, and they're stuck in mid-air, going all slow-motion, they're eyes white in surprise/fear, and their mouth opens, spewing blood out.

-Bajillion shots from afar (perspective). Mech stuff is probably a good example. This is when a character suddenly flies off into the distance, causing them to appear really tiny, then either all these spots open on their body or they just fire like crazy, causing a "bajillion" shots to fly out, then in towards the opponent.
Another is the single-but-unbeliavably-big-lazer-thingy-from-the-mouth-or-cannon-etc.. XD

-Rapid punches. Yes, I'm thinking about Luffy's Gomu Gomu Gattling and Storm. Just seeing all these hits go everywhere so quickly just seems awesome to me. :lol:

-Exploding ditch-maker. Basically, this is either when a character hits the ground or throws/slams another character into the earth at high speeds, creating this long ditch mark in a flash of explosive debris.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:45 pm

Essentially no. There are some parts of fight sequences that interest me enough that I go over them mentally multiple times. But in terms of thinking about general elements, no. The only case I can think of is considering the use of sword slashes in the first episode of Samurai Champloo (which I think is very professional and effective).

Myoti wrote:Bloody cough. Not because of the violence, but there's just something about it, like the way the certain character has been fighting, only to be suddenly struck down. I typically mean when like a character is struck, and they're stuck in mid-air, going all slow-motion, they're eyes white in surprise/fear, and their mouth opens, spewing blood out.

This one irks me, actually. As has been stated before: "Coughing up blood is a sign that a character has been injured, not that they have massive amounts of internal bleeding that will kill them within minutes."
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Postby Myoti » Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:56 pm

As has been stated before: "Coughing up blood is a sign that a character has been injured, not that they have massive amounts of internal bleeding that will kill them within minutes."

I know. It just somehow looks cool to me (the whole sequence in general, not just the coughing of blood.

Actually, any moment when a character is struck hard and gets stuck in mid-air for a moment tends to be an interest for me.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Sat Dec 17, 2005 11:19 pm

I too often think about stuff like that in terms of fight scenes, although I havn't actully gone and named all the different aspects like you seem to ^_^...except for one. Any time an anime has a fight scene where someone launches a bunch of missles or projectiles at their opponent and the opponent just barely dodges the projectiles (like the scene in End of Eva where unit 02 dodges the missles, or when Seiji's fighter plane dodges Panther Jill's spikes in Re: Cutey Honey) reminds me of the fight scenes from Macross. Usually the scenes are animated so the projectiles come into frame from the bottom of the screen and the target flies away from the screen into the backround as they dodge. It's a Macross Moment ^^
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Postby Godly Paladin » Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:00 pm

The style in which two swordfighting combatants charge each other, freeze just as they pass, and then you get to see the aftermath. This is especially cool in Rurouni Kenshin, since the effect is often delayed by up to a minute. Tre awesome.

And yeah, the insane flurry of heatseeking missiles never fails to bring joy. Endless Waltz, anyone?
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Postby Nate » Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:04 pm

Godly Paladin wrote:The style in which two swordfighting combatants charge each other, freeze just as they pass, and then you get to see the aftermath.

Heh. Actually, this is one of the things I hate most. It makes me feel like the animators were too lazy to do an actual fight scene. To me, it's cheap and boring (and apparently another mark against me ever watching Kenshin).

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Postby Debitt » Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:07 pm

Well placed explosions in a normally explosion-free series tends to make me go "*_* Ooooh, shiny."

The fight between Heimdall and Loki at the end of Matantei Loki Ragnarok comes to mind. XD;

Also, fights with blatant spoofing/references to other series or martial arts movies. XD I guess it would be considered more humorous than "cool" persay...but still...>.>;

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Postby Myoti » Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:25 pm

although I havn't actully gone and named all the different aspects like you seem to

Eh, I'm making it up as I go. :p
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Dec 19, 2005 3:16 pm

There are two techniques of my own I consider (in that I am tinkering with the ideas) fairly frequently. One is a new take on a force field and the other is an attack too odd to be summarized.

kaemmerite wrote:Heh. Actually, this is one of the things I hate most. It makes me feel like the animators were too lazy to do an actual fight scene. To me, it's cheap and boring (and apparently another mark against me ever watching Kenshin).

Agreed. I would like to see one of these in slow motion, actually. Presumably the two run just past each other but only one hits.
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Postby Hitokiri » Mon Dec 19, 2005 6:58 pm

When a character looks up fast enough to see something heading right towards him/her at high speeds.
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Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:18 pm

Actually I love violent fighting. and I do have to admitt that the coughing up blood is really cool and kinda fun to watch. I know it sounds wierd that i say that but it just does'nt bother me. Also another thing that is really cool is when a character is injured and can't really handle it much longer, their vision blurrs, its like you're looking through the eyes of the person. yes I'm thinking of when Ed is fighting #48 (I think thats his name) from Full Metal Alchemist.
But yes, I do have to say that the only two bad things that happens when fighting, is when someone has really long flashbacks right in the middle of the battle that are like five minutes long. its like "hold on a minute will you enemy? I've got to remember something" I mean thats really annoying. and when the foe is right infront of the charcter and thier just standing there talking, its like total boredom. maybe when thier like pushing eachother away with swords or something but when they are just standing there like they have nothing else to do in the world, and they just talk. that's really annoying.
but besides that, anime fighting is Freak'n awesome ^ ^
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Postby Godly Paladin » Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:18 pm

Heh. Actually, this is one of the things I hate most. It makes me feel like the animators were too lazy to do an actual fight scene. To me, it's cheap and boring (and apparently another mark against me ever watching Kenshin).

If that's all they do for the encounter, then yes, I feel cheated as well. But if they use it as a climax after a solidly animated swordfight, then I have no problems. As a general rule, Rurouni Kenshin does use this as the finisher shot after a full-motion combat.
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Postby Myoti » Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:31 pm

Another thing: those liquidy, stretchy kinda creatures.
I.E.: the wormy things and the Forest Spirits headless form from Princess Monoke and the giant Groudon's blue 'spike' things from Jirachi: Wish Maker.

(I'd count NoFace, but that thing still freaks the crap out of me. @_@ )
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Postby Hitokiri » Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:34 pm

Oh and when someone loses a limb or sacrfices himself/herself to destroy an enemy. [spoiler]Like when Jin Kunigi from RahXephon blows Headquarters up to the destroy his former commender in that crazy dolem.[/spoiler]
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Postby Godly Paladin » Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:24 pm

I just thought of another one that I really like, although it usually isn't found in combat scenes. That shot where the camera spins 360 around the head of a character. This is used in various ways, but nearly always has an incredible effect - especially when meshed with appropriate music.
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Postby Tommy » Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:35 pm

I loved when Izumuki (sp?) coughed blood. It made me feel so happy. I think i should show everyone that clip 500x times on live Tv. It was sooo enjoyable.

Seriously, my life isn`t complete until Edward Elric uses that sword he uses in the videogame and gets in a swordfight with Bradly. Too bad, tht Ed only uses a sword in the videogame and nothing else.

Ed vs. Greed is my favorite fight EVA! (sooo far)
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