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Unfinished Collections? The Next Generation

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Unfinished Collections? The Next Generation

Postby Rev. Doc » Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:46 am

Ripped from the other Unfinished Collections? thread, I'll head in the direction I thought it was going with I first saw the title.

Are there any titles you began to collect that after you had started you didn't care for or thought better of and just couldn't bring yourself to finish up? I have a few that are still taking up space on my shelf. I really should use them for frisbees or something:

Wedding Peach (Volume 1) - Had a hard time just getting through the first volume. Seemed to repeat the same formula episode after episode.

Steam Detectives (Volumes 1 and 2) - I gave this title two volumes to sell me but I never really could get interested in the characters. Perhaps I need to revisit this one.

Wandaba Style (Volume 1) - Only took one volume of this series to turn me away from the uninteresting fanservice fest that it kept dishing out.
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Postby Nate » Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:11 am

Final Fantasy Unlimited. I was quite impressed by the first episode, and liked the first DVD in general. After that, though...I don't know. The story just kind of went nowhere, and I didn't really care about any of the characters. It fell flat.

Saiyuki. Bought the first DVD, watched the first episode, was unimpressed by it.

All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku DASH!. I adore the original Nuku Nuku, and thought DASH! was going to be just as cool...oh, how mistaken I was, as after three episodes I couldn't bear to watch any more...and one thing that bugged me was it was obvious why Nuku Nuku was called a cat girl in the original series. But in 3 episodes, they never explained it in DASH!. Maybe I just didn't watch far enough, but I don't really care at this point.

Robotech: The Masters Saga. I heard everyone on the net say how much they didn't like this story arc in Robotech. But I didn't care. I went in with an open mind, and figured I'd make my own judgements. Well...turns out my own judgements line up with theirs. Boring, no interesting character development, and no cool space battles like in the Macross Saga.

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Postby eva-boy7985 » Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:45 pm

Peacemaker Kurogane. I got up to volume 3, and then kinda fell behind. By now all 7 volumes are out, but then I thought, "If I wanna get the rest, thats 4 volumes, and that's an $80 I don't really wanna spend O.o. Kinda sad, I guess, since I really like the show. I just ended up getting caught in other shows that seemed to take higher priority, thus leaving Peacemaker on the wayside. I'll most likely rent the rest :-) Also, I have yet to "finish" Gundam Wing; I still need volume 8. The reason I keep forgetting is because I've already seen the entire show before, so I still forget that I need one more disc :-p When I was collecting Escaflowne and .hack SIGN, there was sometime months-long gaps between purchasing the various volumes due to money issues and/or forgetfulnes O.o That's about all I can think of regarding this thread....
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Postby agasfas » Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:47 pm

I have a few:
Love Hina. Bought all the dvd's but didn't even finish the last dvd. I felt no need to; it's not like anything ever got resolved anyways. Everything seem to just drag on and become repeative.

Real Bout High School. The first episode introduced a cool concept about people fighting in school, but after the second episode, I felt no need to even finish it after episode 2.

Ikki Tousen. Fighting with way too much fanservice. Got old quick. Quiet watching after the first volume. Someone I knew recommened it so I gave it a try.... Wish I hadn't. Fanservice bugs me...

To Heart. I like drama series, but this series just seem to go no where. Draged on with no purpose. Stoped watching after episode 6 or 7.
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Postby Tarnish » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:19 pm

Rurouni Kenshin.
I own the first box set and I haven't gotten around to selling it. I heard a lot of good things about it, but I guess it was a bit to repetitive for me.
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Postby Rogie » Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:10 pm

Urusei Yatsura. I just don't like it that much, and then the whole confusion in an early episode between Santa and satan kinda bothered me. I've been trying to sell the first six volumes on, since I don't plan on watching anymore of it.
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Postby shooraijin » Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:12 pm

Someday's Dreamers. Loved the music, the series was eh.
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Postby TrigunX89 » Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:47 am

Love Hina: Bought the first volume... It's funny, but I just didn't feel like buying the rest. Especially after hearing about the ending.

Excell Saga: Again I bought the first volume. Well, it's funny for a couple episodes, but then it just starts to annoy me. Sorry, it's just not my thing.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:46 am

Sakura Wars: I bought the original OVA a long time ago, on a spur of the moment decisions. It was a good 4 episodes, but then came the other OVAs and the TV show, and the movie...and more OVAs from Funi!! The series is almost as never ending as Tenchi, and I was never motivated to buy any of the other DVD beyond the first one.
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