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Pirated anime and theft

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Pirated anime and theft

Postby MillyFan » Fri Oct 03, 2003 9:32 pm


I'm sick of it. I've seen posts on here advocating pirated anime sales sites, fansubs and Internet downloading of licensed series, and this annoys me to no end.

I'm sure no one here would waltz into a store, slip a few DVDs into their coat or purse, and walk out without paying.

I'm sure none of you would pay a friend $30 to copy anime episodes they own to DVDs, give you the DVDs, and then that you would proceed to tell anyone else who wants to watch the series to go see your friend for a really good deal.

Yet this happens more commonly than many of us would admit. Thing is, because we commit our thefts via the internet and via "discount anime retailers" rather than with "magic coats" and shady friends, theft has become sanitized. It's become something some of us don't even think twice about, much less see as a wrong act or one we need to reconsider.

Sure, doing things legally might cost us more money or might make us have to wait a little while. . .but theft costs *everyone* money. It makes anime/manga producers less likely to license products or even produce new anime or manga, it raises the costs for licensed and above-board sales, it causes writers and artists to lose royalties-and those are only a few of the costs the "pirate tax" costs everyone who buys anime.

Also, there was a little thing many of us here seem to forget. Whatever happened to "You shall not steal" and "He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need."?

Sorry everyone, but I just had to get this off my chest. :stressed:

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

First, Ban all the Trolls. . . :bootout:

Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

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Postby RefractedAhav » Fri Oct 03, 2003 9:41 pm

Do you consider downloading a few fan subs from an unlicenced series to see if you want to buy it stealing?
If so could you suggest another way of previewing a series befor you invest any money in it?
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Postby MillyFan » Fri Oct 03, 2003 9:46 pm

No, downloading free fansubs for an unlicensed series for preview purposes is not theft.

Watching an entire series that way, or paying for fansubs/copies rather than a licensed edition, *is* theft-or at least very close to theft.

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

First, Ban all the Trolls. . . :bootout:

Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

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Postby RefractedAhav » Fri Oct 03, 2003 9:48 pm

Thank's for clearing that up. ;)
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(> <) You Will Be Assimilated"-Elowen

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Postby Ashley » Fri Oct 03, 2003 10:49 pm

You know, you end your post with an apology, but the entire thing is just going to stir up a lot of trouble, hurt feelings, and things that we have said over and over and over again, both officially and personally. I'm sick of this debate. It's fine to advocate not doing what you were talking about, but I don't want to hear this condemnation for it either. People need to decide for themselves--based on their interpretation of scripture and their walk with God--what is acceptable and permissible to them. Each will be held accountable, and sure, I'm all for warning people or advising them, but don't force them. And it's that forceful tone I'm picking up in your post.
Here's something else to think about: do you ever tape shows on tv? Sports games? Anything? How about dl'ing? Mp3s, and even what we'd consider "legal" dl of fansubs the government may or may not, we're not officially sure. That's just as illegal. So I urge you sister to sister to make sure your own heart is pure before you rant on someone else about it, and no, I claim no perfection either. I have a lot of tapes, "cheap" dvds, as well as "perfectly legit" stuff, so I claim no superiority.
In short, there's nothing new or good that will come of this post. It's being closed. We've all stated our opinions multiple times, and there's always PMs if you really want to carry on with this.
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