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Postby creed4 » Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:51 am

Revolutionary Girl Utenia the movie (I haven't seen the seris) One of the worst movie I've seen
Boboboboboboboboobo..... I felt my IQ drop
That about it
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Postby termyt » Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:18 am

CDLviking wrote:I didn't have any problem with RahXephon. I understand pretty much everything that happened. It might take a second viewing to see connections that you glossed over the first time, but it all makes sense. The movie was actually totally worthless. There was maybe two minutes of new animation and the rest was just cutting and pasting the show into the movie with some new dialogue and a gratuitous implied sex scene.

Yeah, you got me. I really didn't either. It's just that the rather uninteresting characters and the nagging feeling that they were trying to copy Evangelion (and failing) really kept me from trying to understand it.
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Postby Myoti » Fri Mar 03, 2006 2:23 pm

Yeah, um, okay... this is getting wierd again.

This would be the reason I REALLY don't like these kinds of threads: people don't really seem to understand the difference in "bad" and "don't like".

Yes, some of this truly are bad, but that typically means they had:
-bad writing
-bad acting
-bad animation (careful on this one; some anime are older than others)
-little if any plot

Et cetera. There are some listed here that were actually GREAT, but some of you are saying "I didn't like the way it looked" or "I thought it was stupid" therefore you think "its the worse th1ng eva!!!!111" (sorry if that sounded harsh).

There are some, including a certain mecha-style one (I won't say it, as I don't want to start an arguement, but most should now what I speak of) that is typically considered to be a well-crafted anime. At the same time, alot of people (namely Christians) don't like, and for good reason. That still doesn't make a badly made anime.

FLCL is also a good, "artistic" anime (though it does have some possible "moral" problems). It's meant to be wacky, as is stuff like Bobobo, and if you don't like wacky, well then, it wasn't for you. That still doesn't make it bad.

To those that realize this, thank you. To those that keep bashing everything, I hope you learn something.
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Postby MPX42 » Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:19 pm

-bad writing
-bad acting
-bad animation (careful on this one]I'm voting DBZ as the worst anime I've seen then.
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Postby TriezGamer » Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:16 pm

Worst thing I've seen? I couldn't really say.

Xenosaga: The Animation comes to the top of my mind though.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Mar 04, 2006 2:44 am

Legend of the Twilight Master, I think was what it was called... It was funny that the dub voices of Tenchi and Sasami were in it, though... It was one of like 10 hourlong anime "movies" that they showed on the Action channel a few years back... Nearly all of them were horrid, though they had Blue Seed, which I actually liked.

Really, though, the worst anime I ever saw was "Dead Leaves" gave it a 13+ rating, but the thing is FULL of [spoiler=disgusting content]phallic imagery, direct and indirect homosexual jokes, and just really nasty humor the whole way through, including a guy who's "part" is a drill, and he uses it for practical and sexual purposes... [/spoiler] The cover made it look really stylistic, and a nice change from normal anime, but that just translated to uber-crappy animation and what was there was vile from one end to the other... I felt violated after i got done with that one...

Trust me, the cheese that is Yu-Gi-Oh or Fighting Foodons or whatever else that is cutesy or just childish does not COMPARE in the SLIGHTEST to the pervfest that is "Dead Leaves"

EDIT: Wow, I didn't even remember posting in this thread... didn't realize it was that old... Well, I expanded on two of the anime I hate... Twilight of the Dark Master and Dead Leaves... I sorta forgot about a few of those on the list... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby MyrrhLynn » Sat Mar 04, 2006 9:14 am

Well Piano was incredibly boring, but Avenger was just horrible. The plot is horrible, and wanders around with no direction whatsoever. At the end of the last episode I was like "what the heck, I'm so confused. Did I skip an episode or something?" But no that's just how the series is.

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