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Angel Sanctuary

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Postby Griffin » Mon Dec 01, 2003 5:47 am

uh...oops! that isnt suposed to be there-i was replying to Volt's write up about BIble Black. sorry! *didnt know that it would make a diff if she posted long after the reply from volt* sorry Admins! Sorry ppls!
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Postby shooraijin » Mon Dec 01, 2003 6:42 am

But in the end, he learns some valuable lessons. He has to choose between either living in a perfect dream world while not conscious of it, or going back into the real world and living a real life, with all its problems.

Let me clarify: what I'm not saying is that there's no redeeming value whatsoever to the lessons that might be in such media.

What I am saying is that whatever message might be present tends to be obscured in all the sex and violence and language and whatever else. While the core message is important, its wrapping also counts for something, and I think that a lot of people can lose sight of a deeper picture or meaning if they're caught up in content that causes them to stumble (no matter how artistic or altruistic the core vision might be).
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Postby Griffin » Mon Dec 01, 2003 12:34 pm

gotta agree again Shooraijin. i wasnt saying that the message of defeating the devil was bad, either.

i just think its a little backwards.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Dec 01, 2003 1:58 pm

Woah STOP! HOLD IT! Not only are we all getting of Topic but we're going to end up causing this thread to get Locked... These are the last few sentences i'm going to share and let's leave it at that.

#1) LOL , like i said DON'T draw to any conclusions, i am NOT supporting Hentai or Porn in any way. IT breaks up families, causes demonic addictions to sexuality. that's the whole point in me wanting to EDIT IT ALL OUT... :thumb: I can't stand Porn, even hentai, heck i can't even stand Gravitation, stuff like that isn't spiritualy good for you thus i wanted to *edit it out*

#2) Lilya 4 ever - isn't a PORN film...It's based on a true story of a Russian girl abandoned by her parents and ending up having to enter the Russian Prostitution ring...It's all true story, reality based, and it focuses on showing all this in a NEGATIVE way...

#3) Like i said let's leave this and get back on topic, I am in no way a hentai fan...Ewww brandon is though...But I bop him every time he starts talking about it. I think it's because in the back of my mind i See *BIBLE* Black and think ...oooo bible!!! Anyway let's all get back on topic...Gorsh hense the post
Volt wrote:Do NOT automaticly draw conclusions
It's okay thought, just trying to keep the board clean, I understand. (poor 13 year olds)
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Postby Griffin » Mon Dec 01, 2003 2:05 pm

Thank goodness, Volt. Glad to hear it. I am sorry that i jumped to conclusions.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Dec 01, 2003 6:31 pm

No Prob...With Angel Sanctuary it's the same...We christians haven't seen "Christian" anime in such a long time (never) and so we try to find righteousness that was never ment to be in that perticular anime... [spoiler=some mature content]The reason I watch movies like Lilya 4 Ever, and Angel Sanctuary is becasue i was sexually abused myself, so a lot of it is really being desensitized to anything overtly sexual, It doesn't bother me.[/spoiler]
BUT angel Sanctuary did bring up a few old sores.

If Angel Sanctuary wasn't so against God, i wouldn't mind the incest...Stuff like that really hapens...Sometimes i get sick of censoring everything and living in a fantasy world where stuff like that doesn't exhist, but then again other times i'm sick and tired of the realism that goes on every day... I don't know anymore...
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Postby inkhana » Mon Dec 01, 2003 9:25 pm

Volt wrote:If Angel Sanctuary wasn't so against God, i wouldn't mind the incest...Stuff like that really hapens...Sometimes i get sick of censoring everything and living in a fantasy world where stuff like that doesn't exhist, but then again other times i'm sick and tired of the realism that goes on every day... I don't know anymore...

Actually (this is slightly OT) but this is one of the reasons I wondered about the content I should put in my manga. I was (and still am) wondering if/how much people (particularly victims of violent acts) can benefit from reading about certain terrible events in the lives of characters and how they react to it. Bad things do happen to good people and I should imagine it's very possible to portray the rawness of the emotion of the victim (and gather sympathy for them) without actually showing the act itself (and possibly turning the stomach of the reader and pushing them away prematurely). IMHO, such things are better left to implication.

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Postby Fsiphskilm » Tue Dec 02, 2003 7:20 pm

Yes that is a hard one...With Angel Sanc..we shall now abreviate it to "AS" well with AS if it was christian do you think it should still show the events in full graphic? I mean look at our BIBLE it's very literatarily graphic on the end times and sins and such...I don't know, I think showing a censored like version of what happened and then showing the Characters reaction is best...Like instead of showing an "actual rape in a back alley" just show the camera behind a dumpster and the shadow on the wall or ground...Get it?

Back on topic though, I still can't make up my mind about AS becuase like I previously said-> At least it acknowledges that there IS a GOD, ANGELS, SATAN yes in a very negative response and it just twists everything around...OH OH GOOD IDEA below!!!!

Let's hand it over to 4KIDS entertainment! With thier butchering skills and our Christian insentive AS will be morally and biblically likable in no time.. :thumb:
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Postby Haibane Shadsie » Tue Dec 02, 2003 9:56 pm

I hope you're not serious. Heh... if I can find that minisite on Anime Jump... AS 4Kids could be like... "Hecksing!" It was a parody over on Anime Jump I saw one time... laughed over it even before watcing Hellsing...

I've never seen AS, and I don't plan to. I've heard way too much bad about it... in the words of one person I asked about it: "If you take Christianity seriously at all, don't watch it."

As for anime with angels, I think I'll stick with my current obession, "Haibane Renmei", which, though not specifically Christian, is far from anti-Christian, and has such wonderful themes of friendship and finding one's place in the world. Or, on the more negative perspective, Evangelion, which just has it's own weird sci-fi mythos mixed mostly with Jewish mysticism, and "angels" that are cool because they look very weird (and remind me of certain Biblical visions of angels... the many eyes and stuff). Yeah... I'll stick with the stuff that's a lot tamer than AS as far as twisting stuff. :sweat:
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Postby shooraijin » Wed Dec 03, 2003 4:40 am

> With thier butchering skills and our Christian insentive AS will be morally and biblically likable in no time..

I'm sure you didn't mean this seriously, but even if you did, I think the joke's over in this thread. Serious discussion from here on out, please, or this thread will outlive its usefulness (i.e., be closed).
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Wed Dec 03, 2003 5:16 pm

Well of course it's a JOKE ...uggg, like I said I don't want to get the thread closed. Anyway back on topic...

I never understood who played the role of satan in the story, People keep saying it was the guy with long black hair and glasses (name starts with K or something). But I though he only sold his soul to satan?
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Postby DK_Sol » Tue Dec 23, 2003 1:34 pm

My friend told me about it. I look at the art and is so pretty, but she told me that two main characters are brother and sister. And that the brother is being control by something and falls inlove with his sister. To me that's just creepy and super not chirstian at all. The manga is coming out. I was joking with my friend yesterday and told her that I would buy it and she said "You must be crazy" and I told her that it has a lot of Bishounen and she said " Even if I'm bishounen fan, I draw a line. And AS is in the other side of my line" ^.^ The way she said it made me laugh. :lol: I'll check it out and if the first vol. is clean I'll buy it and try to draw like that. I love the art, and I can't say is ugly because is not.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Tue Dec 23, 2003 3:43 pm

Nothing Angel Sanctuary is clean...Do you even know what it's about ?!?! I mean do you have any idea what Angel Sanctuary is about?
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Postby Quiet Hood » Mon Dec 29, 2003 12:50 am

I haven't watch AS, but I know what they are about. It's just that their story about the siblings who don't know they are family and they are in love with each other...
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Postby Gabriel » Fri Jan 16, 2004 1:06 pm

I guess its kindof obvious that I like Angel Sanctuary :cool: I have the DVD, Scanlations of the manga, and both artbooks. I also have a nice wallscroll:
^my wallscroll

I think someone asked about the black haired guy, ill clear it up. Lucifer does not really show up in the anime, but Kira is a reincarnation of lucifer. I think later in the series he becomes lucifer completely.(I havent read all the mangas yet)

I also like Bible Black, great stuff :thumb:
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Postby Ashley » Fri Jan 16, 2004 2:42 pm

'I also like Bible Black, great stuff "

You might want to watch it there, buddy. Last time I checked, Black Bible was a hentai title. Such things are not approved of here.
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Postby Gabriel » Fri Jan 16, 2004 2:56 pm

I was just saying I liked it too, not anything explicit :(
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Postby Gabriel » Fri Jan 16, 2004 5:16 pm

Volt wrote:I see what you mean...I have a secret desire for Bible Black...

Well WAIT FIRST, DON"T DRAW ANY CONCLUSIONS!!! Yes Bible Black is possibly the worst Hentai ever created...But it does have a story, and a very nice one at that, It's about satanic rituals bla bla, this girl, stuff happened and she survived only because she made a deal with satan to extend her life a bit more, well her time is almost up and so now she must , get this "Find a way to defeat SATAN" I mean isn't it just sad how one of THE MOST CHRISTIAN anime in japan is the most hard-core Hentai...

<naughty pic snipped by an admin>
Seriously, who watches hentai for the story? :eyebrow:
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Fri Jan 16, 2004 5:23 pm


Was that image really necessary? There are 12 year olds running around on this site you know.
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Postby Gabriel » Fri Jan 16, 2004 5:27 pm

Aww come on, you know its funny :angel:
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Postby Lochaber Axe » Fri Jan 16, 2004 5:29 pm

Dude you seriously crossed the line this time. Putting on a pic here that uses "that" word and also mocks the pope. I am in no way Catholic but you have single-handedly offended everyone on this Website. As the game show says, "You're the Weakest link... Goodbye!"

EDIT: It kinda loses its impact when he gets banned before I post it... uh... now can someone take off that piece of filth?
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Postby Taslin_Jewel » Fri Jan 16, 2004 5:30 pm

Lochaber Axe wrote:Dude you seriously crossed the line this time. Putting on a pic here that uses "that" word and also mocks the pope. I am in no way Catholic but you have single-handedly offended everyone on this Website. As the game show says, "Your are the Weakest link... Goodbye!"

You tell'em, Lochaber Axe!
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Postby Kite » Fri Jan 16, 2004 8:13 pm

Was that image really necessary? There are 12 year olds running around on this site you know
*Runs Around site* Thx goodness I don't check this area often.
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Postby Lochaber Axe » Fri Jan 16, 2004 8:17 pm

Good job Admins, I couldn't stand thinking that the pic still was on this thread. I think we have found one of the target audiences for AS. Knowing that guys like that are fans of it, definitely makes me want to stay very far away from it. The best way to judge anime is to look at the fans of that anime. Of course there are fruitcake fans in good anime but the majority follow a certain mindset. Its like observing a fruit plant from the creatures that eat of it. If nothing but disgusting bugs and worms feed on it then it is not safe for your consumption. However, if song birds and field mice eat of it, then it is safe for you.

That is pretty good, I think I'll add that last part to my sig.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Fri Jan 16, 2004 9:10 pm

Gabriel wrote:<naughty pic snipped by an admin>
Seriously, who watches hentai for the story? :eyebrow:

Okay that chat was done and delt with a long time ago...LONG time ago.

I am in no way in support of Hentai no matter how "Good" the story line is. That's no excuse, Porn is dangerous and leads to dozens of other sexual addictions. None the less certain things affect certain people, sometimes we all get a bit curious and without thinking properly want to watch something and ignoring our little alarm...

I've seen parts of Bible Black. And no the pornography did not bother me. My background isn't clean, But it's over and I have my immunities, and really porn has little affect on me. It's like me going to art museum and looking at a nude statue. I don't see things how you see them

It was the unique story of "Bible Black" that really got me wanting to watch it. As you know I've said countless times that I wish it were edited. The story line is sexual and that's the way it was ment to be. I'm not going to ask that all the characters abstane from sinning. becuase that's not the point. But they shouldn't show that. Those scenes should be suggested, but NOT shown in graphic detail.

It's a bit like watching a movie based on a person's life...The camera should follow him/her everywhere, but NOT in the bedroom with their spouce or in the bathroom taking a shower...Of course that will happen but it's the morality of the issue that causes our "Spirit Sense" to tingle. That tells us what we should and shouldn't watch.

Most of you guys know I've had a horrible almost demonicly sexual past as a child and really this movie about a girl that was ment to be satanicly sacraficed survives and tries to combat the so and so...It just ...

I feal like I'm Foolishly trying to find something in it that I can relate too. It's nothing shockingly new to me. But I'd also rather not look at things like that...True, yes today I'm still a very sexual person...But a good sexual. Self diciplined and under control...Through everything I've been through, In every way I'm still a virgin. Sexualliy is God's gift to the man and woman. Use it the way it was ment to be used. Not lustfully. I'm sexual but I'm not a pervert, I've never stared at a woman's body in lust. I see that as wrong and just not clean. Sexual but controlled.

(never stared in lust yet watched porn? We are NOT going to go into that topic, Because there is NO possible clean explanation I can give you.)

I regret the Porn thing, I wish I had never clicked on that e-mail link. I didn't know that's what was going to pop up but none the less even if I didn't know the website I went to was porn(which is how my whole addiction happened, later on I probably would have ended up going to one..maybe?)

...but really I was fighting it the whole time...It was seriously a Demonic addiction I had from some other spiritualy unclean issues. At one point I remember trying to make myself stop from typing in the URL to a site...I just couldn't like something was controlling me...And the thing is in real life, I'm just a innoscnet, almost angelic person...I'd act like a little kid trying to be cute and get attention only stuck in a body that was just crazyily wild. I even mashed my keyboard so as to get a random password to keep myself from downloading anything.

Britney Spears = Sexual + Insanely un-controlable.
Volt = Extremely sexual + Self Control + faith + cleanliness + Self diciplined

Some people's hormons are just... ... ... Wildly Freakish with a capital

Gabriel wrote:I don't really see why you are against pornography, I mean to me its just fantasy. I don't really see anything all that sinfull about it, its not like you are going out and doing the stuff or anything. Seems like a normal part of being a guy to me...

btw, the pic was not ment to be taken seriously, it was just ment as a joke. Unfortunatly the others didnt like it too much

<----------------------------------Flaunting lifestyle----------------------------->
Are you SANE, MAN? I'm warming up to do a Sarcastic Shatterheart on ya.

Hey here's a good Idea, Let's join a ->CHRISTIAN<- message board and then Post porn pics, Then when you get banned question yourself like "I don't see what's so wrong with it?" Are you completely here? Are you trying to set a World record for fastest time to be banned? I just don't get it.

Ontop of this. I can obviosly tell you're a young man still going through puberty. And you have BILLIONS of lightyears left to go. That seriously offended me. I mean not only is pornography Logically and morally wrong. But that's like saying it's a normal thing for guys? Yea well for me it's normall to go through hell trying to fight an addiction that billions of other's have had. But for you it's all just fun and games... Fantasy??? Uh ->NO<- Fantasy is different from 2 factual people engaging in ... and you sitting there watching it and doing God only knows what...then posting online a CHRISTIAN message board that there's nothing wrong with it... I'm kind of glad you are banned, as me and you would NOT have made good freinds. None the less I'll be praying for ya man. I'll be praying...Hopefully you're not going around and getting other's to fall in the same trap with you...

Do you know how many BILLIONS of dollars are spent each year for Psycological help for men and women that are addictied to pron to the point where they've gone mad?

Or the Millions of poeple who have lost their JOBS and FAMILIES and DIgnity due to porn addictions??? You just Slapped and spit on every single one of those people. Heck, porn doesn't bother me and YET STILL i refuse to go anywhere near it. Thus the request for the edited version of Bible Black. I mean I don't blame myself for not knowing it was hentai when I downloaded it. But still I deleted everything I downlaoded and refuse to watch it. Of course there's a cursious part of me that wants to continue with the story line but I've said no... (Unless I have the software and Comp to edit that trash out. ) As you can see I myself am still stuck in a LIMBO here. I'm no pure clean anybody. But from the first day of my first PORN to the last day of my last video clip. I've always known that it was wrong... I mean it's LUST...You can't get more lust than that...

What's next... "Watching Children getting beaten and saying it's just fantasy?!?!" I suggest you your'self get some help...about you're porn problem... You remind me of a very very young and stupid version of myself...Inwilling to admit the truth. You have a long way to go man...A long way to go...A true man doesn't need porn....That's for immature boys who find excuses to their immature actions.

<--------Mod's, Admin, and Users, I'd like to apalogize for this Huge Off Topic, But I had to say it-------------------->
Back on topic. Let's drop the whole Bible Black thing, this thread is about Angel Sanctuary. Any Newbies Please I'm beggin you, read everything before you post, don't read page 1 out of 10 and then become interested in a topic on page 5 and respond to it. Chances are it's already been delt with and over...Issues like this one are degrade the board. Becuase when someone asks...somebody has to respond.I regrete and apologize for ever bringing up the "Bible Black Ordeal". Well at least we learned something new.

I bet ya 5 avatars this thread is going to get closed...Hopefully not, This last post I made should explain everything. and If you feal a disire to throw in your opinion let's just PM each other.

Sinceraly Sorry,
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Postby J_Howard » Sat Jan 17, 2004 10:23 am

well i think the art is good but the storyline will surely turn off a lot of people who are discomfort by its content, i would see an anime from an artistic point of view of what is the message is the creator of the show is trying to produce, but yeah one would have to keep an eye on self-checking personal life.

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Postby RoyalWing » Mon Feb 09, 2004 2:45 pm

... and to think this one was a HUGE hit in Japan.
i liked your review. it was very "to the point", and you explained your warnings very carefully.
is this the same comic i've heard that at the end, God is a computer, and the angels destroy it, and Lucifer becomes ruler? o__o
but don't be too surprised of the artist, though. kaori yuki seems to worship gore and dark themes... he has another series, called "Comte Caïn" (in english: "Count Cain"; but I'm not sure if it's translated in english yet.) it is about a detective/ "count" that goes investigation of crimes, and paranormals things. even the covers are questionable in this series. the crimes are made expecially gruesome... i would evade this author completely. it's so sad that his works have won so many popularity. in both Japan and anywhere else (the "Angel Sanctuary" title is a popular in france, where it's translated; i also once saw the publisher contest where the prize was a box set of "Comte Caïn". >.<)
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Feb 09, 2004 7:19 pm

Such a waste of talent...:shake:

Wow I didn't know that Angel Sanctuary was popular in japan. I didn't even know they got past the first DVD (4 episodes). Well I'm glad it's not popular in the US.

I heard that Angel Sanctuary is the name of a program that one of the characters wrote in the "MANGA". That would make sense about the

"God is a computer, and the angels destroy it, and Lucifer becomes ruler"

Strange man, just strange. Anyone here know about the rest of the series? I mean thanks to this wonderful review we know about the first DVD but Heck we curious kittens want to know about the rest of the rest of the series.
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Postby RoyalWing » Tue Feb 10, 2004 2:01 pm

i don't like kaori yuki's art. he is not talented in my eyes. >.< there is too much disgusting detail in his images. for me art is not about the picture but it's also the message you send. if most of the messages of his art are darkness, hell, and gore then i don't consider that talent. (sorry... :() here is more information i got from fansite:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Six Arcs of Angel Sanctuary

Angel sanctuary is split into Six Main story arcs. These are:

*Assiah (the Earth arc)- Volumes 1-3 and part of 4.
*Hades - Volumes 4-6 and the beginning of 7.
*Gehenna (or the "Hell/Sheol" arc)- Volumes 7-10 plus part of 11.
*Yetzirah (the world of Creation) - Volumes 11-13 and beginning of 14.
*Briah (the world of Formation)-Volumes 14-16.
*Atziluth (Final AS story arc) -Volumes 17 and on...

The Angel Sanctuary OAV, which is 3 episodes long, is based only on the Assiah (earth)arc. There is no information that indicates whether or not the rest will be animated. You can buy the domestic release of the OAV from Central Park media. Click on the following link to go to their site:
in Japan they have not done any dvd besides the one you metioned. sorry, i was talking about the comic books again. ^-^;;
and you know about the ending i said..."God is a computer, and the angels destroy it, and Lucifer becomes ruler" it is true, as far as i know. i checked a fansite (in french. this is the resume of the last volume, #20. it says, in the last paragraphs, something like: "Lucifer cuts the cable.. and all is left is for Setsuna to destroy... then, Alexiel finishes her promise to Lucifer, and destroys the malediction of God(??)...[babbling about other characters here] [something about Lucifer permitting things to people, for someone to say good bye to their father (??)] Setsuna goes back on earth normally with Sara."

sorry!! I spoiling the ending, but this will make you stay away from the comics anyway! >:D haha~ oof.. i'm tired after all that researching through...
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Tue Feb 10, 2004 2:33 pm

LOL wow that was great info! Thanks a lot. Seriously, You made a good approach on telling us the ending.

From now On if I'm tempted to watch something bad I'll just go read a spoiler on the ending. Hey it works...
I'm leaving CAA perminantly. i've wanted to do this for a long time but I've never gathered the courage to let go.
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