RedMage wrote:OK, first (of many) practical questions: do you know what Satan's face looks like?
Questions ahoy!
Is Satan.....the only name we can use? What if we wrote down The Devil/The Beast or some other cultural reference to Evil?
Referring to something more human, what if an individual's name was changed during the course of his lifetime? The only thing that proves an individual is of said name is it's written down on some birth certificate, which is attached to some thumbprint. Either, how the Death Note may work is related to birth certificates or to the cognitive response of that individual to his/her own identity. If it's the former, you can get away if your birth was never registered. If it's the latter, then ppl who forgot who they are cannot be killed or have psychological disorders like multiple personality disorder.
Question: Am I right to say that the Death Note has no use for someone who is blind, especially one who was blind from birth?
Question: Does the Death Note work for someone who can only visualize the target when he was young? Ok, I want to kill Dude A coz as a kid, he bullied the crud out of me. I haven't seen Dude A for ages but I know his name. Can I still kill him if I remember his younger face and wrote his name down?
EDIT: To answer the original question, I guess I would destroy it. The only reason I would kill is on-spot self defence and the Death Note does not work on that approach.