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most powerful or emotional anime episodes(plz use spoiler boxes)

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Postby Splitter 2.0 » Mon Mar 27, 2006 10:53 am

Air 9

[spoiler="Air"]Kanna trying to show her mother how well she can juggle, but she fails every time she tries in front of her, despite how much she practiced[/spoiler]

Air 11

[spoiler="Air"]When Misuzu started kicking and screaming as her father took her away then started walking back to Haruko in tears shouting "Mama!"[/spoiler]

Air 12


Fullmetal Alchemist 25

[spoiler="Fullmetal Alchemist"]Hughes' daughter asking why they're burying her daddy.[/spoiler]

Kanon 13

[spoiler="Kanon"]When Nayuki sees Ayu's name on the hospital room door[/spoiler]

Full Moon wo Sagashite 33

[spoiler="Full Moon wo Sagashite"]When Mitsuki finds out she can't go on her school trip and starts singing Eternal Snow, then Takuto and Meroko join in to make her feel better[/spoiler]

Full Moon wo Sagashite 42

[spoiler="Full Moon wo Sagashite"]When Mitsuki finds Eichi-kun's grave[/spoiler]
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Postby CDLviking » Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:47 pm

ILoveArt wrote:No one will agree with me but!

While I didn't find it sad, I did find it very moving.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:36 pm

Splitter 2.0 wrote:Air 11

YES. I almost cried at that scene. One of the best scenes in the entire series, I think.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:39 pm

Radical Dreamer wrote:YES. I almost cried at that scene. One of the best scenes in the entire series, I think.

The whole show's one big tear-fest really (and the movie's no better :/) I think the Summer Specials about Kanna were pretty sad too v_v (If you haven't seen it, it's basically the "filled in the blanks" TV Specials that went in more depth about the whole anchient Japan thing that went on).
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:43 pm

Tenshi no Ai wrote:The whole show's one big tear-fest really (and the movie's no better :/) I think the Summer Specials about Kanna were pretty sad too v_v (If you haven't seen it, it's basically the "filled in the blanks" TV Specials that went in more depth about the whole anchient Japan thing that went on).

Aw, I thought the summer specials were kind of funny, actually. XD It was the scenes dealing with Kanna, Ryuuya, and Uraha in the actual show that were so sad...Especially when [SPOILER]Kanna is shot, and also when her mother dies.[/SPOILER] I've yet to see the movie, but I hear it's not half as good as the series, so who knows. :lol:
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:46 pm

Radical Dreamer wrote:It was the scenes dealing with Kanna, Ryuuya, and Uraha in the actual show that were so sad...Especially when [SPOILER]Kanna is shot, and also when her mother dies.[/SPOILER] I've yet to see the movie, but I hear it's not half as good as the series, so who knows. :lol:

Hm didn't the specials show that scene too? It's been a while...
The movie was quite different and the guy (ug I forget his name) had a quite different personality in it too. I quite liked it. Be warned when you watch it that there are a couple "passionate love scenes" in it. (Well not that I think about it, not nearly as HALF as surprising as knowing that AIR was orginally based off an H game... @_@)
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:51 pm

Nope, the specials were just about the three of them on their travels.
[SPOILER]It basically had a, "We'll find Kanna's mother soon!" ending, which leads up to the actual episode when that does happen.[/SPOILER]

Pretty cute, though. Kanna is so adorable! XD
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Postby Myoti » Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:46 pm

Another One Piece one:

When Luffy finishes off Crocodile (using Gomu Gomu Storm to knock him through the roof) while "New World Symphony" plays in the background.

After all that happened, you can't help but cheer for the Strawhat Rubberman. =D
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Postby meboeck » Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:14 pm

Those of you who said Full Moon scenes, I'm not going to repeat them, but I totally agree. That series really has so many sad/moving scenes, but the three RD mentioned are definitely the most emotional.
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Postby TheMelodyMaker » Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:32 pm

I'm surprised no one's even mentioned Sailor Moon in here, with all you Moonies out there. :lol: Seriously, though, as annoying as Serena's whining can get after a while...

[SPOILER]...I can think of no other episode that nearly brought tears to my eyes when in one episode during the R season she broke down in the phone booth after Darien essentially broke up with her and he wouldn't tell her why. ;__;[/SPOILER]
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:01 pm

I thought Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid was very moving when

[spoiler]Sagara is in China and meets the prostitute that looks like Kaname. So he just simply wants to talk to her. He was really lonely. I felt sorry for him[/spoiler]
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Postby Maledicte » Mon Mar 27, 2006 10:34 pm

[SPOILER=Samurai 7] The episode when Kikuchiyo reveals what he really is, and not a true samurai. Good scene, even if it's from the movie...but dang that was some good voice acting.[/SPOILER]
[SPOILER= Giant Robo] Episode 4, in which SO MANY CHARACTERS DIE, and the final episode, when MORE PEOPLE DIE and Genya really killed so many people when he could have just saved the world.[/SPOILER]
[SPOILER=Witch Hunter Robin] Episode 15, when Amon leaves Robin to fend for herself.[/SPOILER]

[SPOILER= Wolf's Rain] I forget which episode, but the one where Darcia finds that Hamona has died. It's a short scene, but packs a real punch. [/SPOILER]

I agree with what's been said about RahXephon, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and Now and Then, Here and There so far.
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