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Poll: So what did you think of the FMA finale?

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Postby R. Zion » Tue Mar 21, 2006 11:50 am

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:[spoiler]but WHY is he a dragon? Why didn't he revert back later and stuff? It's like he was forced to be like that permanently! And if Pride was a regular Jewish Human, how the heck then does envy have special powers? They are BOTH Homunculi[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Because the Pride in the movie isn't Pride the Homunculus, it's a man who is the our world counterpart of the man on whom Pride/Bradley was based.

As to Envy the magical dragon, as far as I'm aware (and the others have said), their powers would be muted, so to speak, in our world just as Alchemy is. Thus, Sloth couldn't probably turn into water, Lust would have normal fingers, Gluttony would probably break his jaw on metal, and thus Envy, having transformed in his rage into a dragon inside the gate, travels to our world and, thus having lost his powers, can't reverse his transformation there.

Make sense?[/spoiler]

Impact Alberto wrote:

[spoiler]Why the heck did Envy look like a young Hohenheim? Timeline-wise, Hohenheim would not have had that same body.[/spoiler]

I really didn't get the Fullmetal Archer thing. I mean, WHY was that even in there? It had no point.

[spoiler]Now, how could anyone consider our world on the other side of the gate more "technologically advanced?" They have blimps? Yeah, the FMA world has automail and cyborgs (Archer). You cannot honestly expect me to believe our world is more advanced.

Also, the atomic bomb was created in the FMA world, and sent to ours. Now that's just random and silly.[/spoiler]

If you'll remember in the flashback several episodes before of when Dante and Hohenheim made their first Philosopher's Stone, we see Hohenheim's original body which looks rather like his current one, blonde hair and all.

Thus is why 'he' looks like Hohenheim.

I'll agree with you that the Archer thing was kinda least when they got to his trusty old mouth canon. He can somehow survive a grenade yet a few shots from Hawkeye take him down.

And, as far as I'm aware of....

[spoiler] Noone ever said our world was more technologically advanced, only that we developed on a different technological track. How the advent of Alchemy has affected transportation technology, however, is beyond me.
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Postby erlic4god » Tue Mar 21, 2006 7:16 pm

I was wondering why Envy's 'real self' looked like the current Hohenhiem, but, I guess since I missed the first 5 minutes of the episode where they explain the first phislosopher's stone, "A Rotted Heart", that would make sense.
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Postby DragonSlayer » Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:00 am

Radical Dreamer wrote:Bah, I didn't like it. I watched it subbed a few days before it aired on TV, and I thought I absolutely hated it. However, after watching it again last night, I realized that it wasn't ALL bad. For instance, the acting was fantastic (as usual), Riza and Roy ended up together (yay! :3), the dramatic effect was very good, Pride's death scene did rock, and we still got to see Al being human and happy again.

Wow if you didnt like that just wait till you see the movie, really as to what happen to Dante I can actually answear that qeustion, its not really a spoiler but I'll put as one just incase.
Dante was definetly eaten by gluttony!
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:29 am

But R.zion. [spoiler]Why did envy even turn into a dragon?[/spoiler]
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Postby Sami_jane » Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:15 am

i just firgured it was the power of the gate or something. i mean envy has never turned into an anime before. he has only turned into humans. who knows. lol
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Postby blue elf » Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:23 am

Sami_jane wrote:i just firgured it was the power of the gate or something. i mean envy has never turned into an anime before. he has only turned into humans. who knows. lol

Okay, I know you meant animal, but the thought of envy starring in his own anime show is amusing to me. I wonder what it would be about? He'd probably just sit around and complain about how much he hated the Elrics and Hohenheim. Sorry, that little tangent was a bit off topic; I'll go away now.
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Postby R. Zion » Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:19 am

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:But R.zion. [spoiler]Why did envy even turn into a dragon?[/spoiler]

Just by the tone of his voice, the reaction of the gate to him, and his general reaction to Hohenheim, I figure he just transformed into the dragon as a matter of rage and a painful means of execution.
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Postby Sami_jane » Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:25 pm

[quote="blue elf"]Okay, I know you meant animal, but the thought of envy starring in his own anime show is amusing to me. I wonder what it would be about? He'd probably just sit around and complain about how much he hated the Elrics and Hohenheim. Sorry, that little tangent was a bit off topic]

lol i dont know why i put that. ;) but yes i meant to put animal. and ya that would be an interesting anime. lol
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Postby erlic4god » Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:50 pm

[quote="blue elf"]Okay, I know you meant animal, but the thought of envy starring in his own anime show is amusing to me. I wonder what it would be about? He'd probably just sit around and complain about how much he hated the Elrics and Hohenheim. Sorry, that little tangent was a bit off topic]

I would SO watch an anime devoted to Envy XP XD He'd strike me as a good talk show host XP :thumb:
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:15 pm

Ah!So Jerry Springer is REALLY Envy in that would make sense!LOL!!!:)
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Postby Sami_jane » Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:59 pm

ROFL the truth is revealed!!!!
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Postby Roy Mustang » Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:28 pm

Sami_jane wrote: i also find it ironic that wrath now has automail like ed did. in the end neither of them got to keep ed's arm and leg.

That because in a few years, we are going to have anime called Full Metal Wrath. In it, Wrath will be the next great alchemist and save the world just like Ed. Rose's baby will come the next wrath and wipe out Rose (I hope! she was annoying) and it will be a fight to the death between Full Metal Wrath vs I had an annoying mother homunculi (aka: Rose's baby) Wrath will win and Al will be married to Wriny. Wriny will make more of those great ovens and Al will door to door oven sellsmans. Ed come back just in time for Roy and Riza's wedding and show off the greatest alchemist trick ever in the history of man. Which will be.. look at the spoiler down below.

[spoiler]The metal DDR Pad!![/spoiler]

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Postby Tommy » Thu Mar 23, 2006 2:55 pm

Impact Alberto wrote:Pride has his super eye of actions that allows him to see stuff real good.

And I don't get how the homunculi use alchemy. I thought you needed a soul for that, or something.

The finale, IMO, was just not great. I tell you what would've added at least a little more depth to it...

[spoiler]Dante killed Ed and Al's mother. : P[/spoiler]


[spoiler]Why the heck did Envy look like a young Hohenheim? Timeline-wise, Hohenheim would not have had that same body.[/spoiler]

I really didn't get the Fullmetal Archer thing. I mean, WHY was that even in there? It had no point.

[spoiler]Now, how could anyone consider our world on the other side of the gate more "technologically advanced?" They have blimps? Yeah, the FMA world has automail and cyborgs (Archer). You cannot honestly expect me to believe our world is more advanced.

Also, the atomic bomb was created in the FMA world, and sent to ours. Now that's just random and silly.[/spoiler]

Seems kinda like Winry got axed towards the end. I know all the fans wanted her and Ed to get married and have half-metal children or something like that.

Here's my basic take on the ending: They made you think it was good. Everything was all cinematic and pretty, and dramatic, and everything was there to get you caught up in the moment without really thinking about how ridiculous a lot of it was. I don't think the movie really adds a whole lot, either.

Not all of this will correspond with your post but anyways...

It is never revealed that FMA`s world has better or worse technology. A whole different level. Ed never said to himself:
"Wow...this world has better technology."

He said:
"What are those flying machines?"

Therefore, they excel in technology in some areas and in others, we were dominant during that era. Specifically speaking, we were more advanced with flying and they were more advanced in making metal limbs.

Now as for Archer...

That was inserted in because it was cool. There was no point but it would`ve been a lot cooler if there was some big battle.

That`s the thing about FMA..

The fighting is lacking. I think the last battle of the series was less than 20 seconds long.

(Mustang vs. Pride)
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Postby Sami_jane » Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:09 pm

Wingzero22 wrote:That because in a few years, we are going to have anime called Full Metal Wrath. In it, Wrath will be the next great alchemist and save the world just like Ed. Rose's baby will come the next wrath and wipe out Rose (I hope! she was annoying) and it will be a fight to the death between Full Metal Wrath vs I had an annoying mother homunculi (aka: Rose's baby) Wrath will win and Al will be married to Wriny. Wriny will make more of those great ovens and Al will door to door oven sellsmans. Ed come back just in time for Roy and Riza's wedding and show off the greatest alchemist trick ever in the history of man. Which will be.. look at the spoiler down below.

[spoiler]The metal DDR Pad!![/spoiler]


lol that would be halarious! nice plot. :P
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Postby mitsuki lover » Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:48 pm

Actually what happens is that Riza gets so annoyed with Roy for not proposing to her that she shoots him in the back so that he can't sit down for an entire year.Meanwhile Armstrong somehow travels to our world where he meets OUR
Louis 'Satchmo' Armstrong and the two of them form the Two Louis' and make beautiful music together.Of course no-one misses Armstrong,except his sister who has become engaged to Havoc.
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Postby Joshua Christopher » Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:51 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:The fighting is lacking. I think the last battle of the series was less than 20 seconds long.

(Mustang vs. Pride)

I think that's one of the things I liked about the show. It's not about fighting. The fights were very realistic and never drug on (okay, maybe not THAT realistic, but you get the point).

In the end, I think the entire half of the series fell on its face.
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Postby Tommy » Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:59 pm

I know, but come on Alberto, at least a LAST BATTLE!

I can agree with you. Fighting that drags on for 12 episodes isn`t my cup of java either.
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Postby Katrina » Thu Mar 23, 2006 5:57 pm

I missed the ending in English, though I saw it in Japanese. I wasn't impressed. I felt like it could have ended well, but they needed an opening for a movie, so they left some plotholes. I had hoped the movie would complete the story, but that didn't really happen either. Most of the characters who showed up were mostly there for the same of a cameo. I do wanna see the omake OVA that's coming out, though. Eventually.

Tom Dincht wrote:Ed vs. Greed remains my favorite fight scene in FMA, no, anime history.

That had to be one of the most interesting fights in the series, if nothing else because Ed thinks he knows exactly what's going on, and he hasn't got a clue. As Marta points out later, Greed essentially set the fight up with the intention to lose it and to charge Ed with defeating Envy and the others.
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Postby blkmage » Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:15 pm

I didn't like the ending too much, particularly the whole other side of the gate is WWI thing.
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Postby Joshua Christopher » Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:24 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:I know, but come on Alberto, at least a LAST BATTLE!

I can agree with you. Fighting that drags on for 12 episodes isn`t my cup of java either.

Well I think the Mustang/Pride fight was supposed to be the "final battle" in a sense. Remember, you're really supposed to treat the final two episodes as one long episode.

There's really not much in the way of epic battling in the film, and the one "final" fight that does occur is pathetic. : /

[spoiler]The Gluttonymonster versus Wrath fight is totally random and nonsensical, not to mention Wrath pretty much doesn't do anything except die

The other fight between Ed and that witchnazi was so bad it was funny.[/spoiler]
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Postby erlic4god » Sun Mar 26, 2006 6:24 pm

mitsuki lover wrote:Ah!So Jerry Springer is REALLY Envy in that would make sense!LOL!!!:)


You know what I want to see: a show for the Seven Deadly Sins. It would be a behind the scenes look at the homunculi and what happens between them that doesn't involve the Elric brothers ;)
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:27 pm

I just wish the episode had been longer. Too many scenes felt rushed.
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Postby erlic4god » Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:09 pm

I agree. I wish the Mustang/Pride fight had been longer, and more emphasis was put on Ed realizing Al was gone, and he had to bring him back, no matter what the cost.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri Mar 31, 2006 6:23 pm


You know what I want to see: a show for the Seven Deadly Sins. It would be a behind the scenes look at the homunculi and what happens between them that doesn't involve the Elric brothers ]

Except that they killed off all the best ones:Lust,Sloth,Greed and Pride.
I suppose they could set it parallel to the same time frame as FMA.
hmmm...I always wanted a anime that showed the action through both the heroes and villians eyes in paralleling format,maybe... :jump: :angel:
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Apr 01, 2006 4:44 am

mitsuki lover wrote:Except that they killed off all the best ones:Lust,Sloth,Greed and Pride.
I suppose they could set it parallel to the same time frame as FMA.
hmmm...I always wanted a anime that showed the action through both the heroes and villians eyes in paralleling format,maybe... :jump: :angel:

.hack//sign kinda does that.
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Postby erlic4god » Sat Apr 01, 2006 6:51 pm

mitsuki lover wrote:Except that they killed off all the best ones:Lust,Sloth,Greed and Pride.
I suppose they could set it parallel to the same time frame as FMA.
hmmm...I always wanted a anime that showed the action through both the heroes and villians eyes in paralleling format,maybe... :jump: :angel:

When they killed Lust, I almost screamed at the TV (she's my fav homunculus). Wrath's second fav, and he's still around, but

That would be cool to have an anime did that...that KINDA happens with DNAngel, but you really have to look to find it
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