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to watch anime or be a man?

The real heart of CAA; discuss specific series, issues, and things related to anime here.

Postby DanekJovax » Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:41 pm hmm... there's lots of pirated stuff on there, so you'll need to use the Anime Pirate FAQ to distinguish which ones ar which (legal or bootleg), which I posted in this neighboring forum:

Other 'hotspots' for pirated/bootlegged stuff are ebay, and as we've found recently -

Feel free to add more bootleg URLs if you want.

That's my 3 yen. Ja ne!
<>< DanekJovax :2) ><>
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Postby Chibi » Sat Sep 27, 2003 9:06 am

Gremio wrote:I wore an evangelion tshirt to work once and had to suffer the indignity of having everyone say it was pokemon :shake:

Here here!! I remember when I first started drawing manga, and when I'd show it to people, they'd say, "Oh, that's like Pokemon!" And I'd just be like, "NO IT'S NOT! LOOK AT THEM! THEY'RE HUMAN!" and so on... :sweat: Anyway... the scariest thing my artwork has ever been compared to was Harry Potter. This woman that I showed a picture to said something to the effect of, "That's really good. Keep it up. It could become the next Harry Potter." Thanks, but... I think that the day when a shipment of my comics are hijacked and sold on the black market is the day I quit drawing and move to a deserted island, never to heft a pencil again. ^_^
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