[SIZE="4"]What is this?[/SIZE] Kaiba is a twelve episode 2008 television anime created by Studio Madhouse and directed by Masaaki Yuasa.
[SIZE="4"]Okay, whatever. What is Kaiba about?[/SIZE] Memory.
Memory has become something that can be stored as data, which can be moved from person to person, or illegally altered. The Rich have become richer, the Poor have become poorer, and the lower classes are now forced to sell their good memories to survive, causing their existences to be miserable. There is no Order or Society.
Kaiba is a man who wakes up with no memories or possessions barring a locket containing a picture of a girl. Holding onto this locket, he sets off and travels the stars, seeing this broken universe.
[SIZE="4"]Why should I watch it? Isn't that just like Ghost in the Shell? Why don't I go watch that instead?[/SIZE]
If you haven't been looking at the pretty pictures in this thread, the artwork and animation for Kaiba is both fantastic and unique. Yuasa took what he was working on in Mind Game and Kemonozume and has now perfected it to look absolutely stunning. Yuasa also takes a very interesting approach to storytelling, and Kaiba has a much different tone than Oshii's approach to the subject. Also, if you have seen The Tatami Galaxy, this is by the same director despite the very different character designs.
Recently I had a discussion on ambition. If you value ambition and originality in anime, this show is worth a watch.
[SIZE="4"]Okay, cool. Where can I get this?[/SIZE]
Kaiba is unlicensed, so it is up to you own conscience to watch it or not.
[SIZE="4"]When will we be doing this[/SIZE]
We will beginning next week on Mondays. This may change if a) I do not have time on Mondays because of soccer games or if by next Monday we don't have many interested people.
Spoilers will be unmarked, and if you have already seen the show, please still participate in the thread. The goal is to foster good discussion and expand people's anime viewing and range of titles they've seen.
never forget