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Postby Jeikobu » Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:26 pm

Ok, time for my next anime suggestions thread. I need a Christian opinion on these three:

Kiki's Delivery Service-Yes I read the review here. ;) Looks appealing, but the fact that the main character is a witch bothers me. Even if the witchcraft is very minimized, I still don't like the idea of witches being portrayed as good. What are your thoughts?

Chrono Crusade-Looks very cool, but I hear a demon is one of the main protagonists. Is this a real demon or just bad dubbing like with InuYasha (whereas the "demons" are youkai, not evil spirits)? This is the thing keeping from trying the series. I hate the idea of demons being portrayed as good.

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind-I'm almost sure that I want to try this, but I thought I'd double check just to be safe.
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Postby Rev. Doc » Fri Feb 04, 2005 7:35 pm

Jeikobu wrote:Ok, time for my next anime suggestions thread. I need a Christian opinion on these three:

Kiki's Delivery Service-Yes I read the review here. ]Chrono Crusade[/b]-Looks very cool, but I hear a demon is one of the main protagonists. Is this a real demon or just bad dubbing like with InuYasha (whereas the "demons" are youkai, not evil spirits)? This is the thing keeping from trying the series. I hate the idea of demons being portrayed as good.

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind-I'm almost sure that I want to try this, but I thought I'd double check just to be safe.

Kiki's Delivery Service: It is true that Kiki is a young witch in training. However, most of the practice is seen at the very beginning and that surrounds the character of her mother. The most that Kiki does is fly around on a broom delivering to people. If you get the Disney channel or ToonDisney this title is played occasionally. My suggestion is to keep an eye out for a showing and watch it. Then if you're offended you can turn it off. However, I found it very innocent and charming and no more offensive than most animated fairytales (perhaps even less so than many).

Chrono Crusade: This is one series where there is no mistaking. The story involves demons and demonic forces. If that does bother you then definitely stay away from this one. It is very violent and tense.

Nausicaa: I also am awaiting it's release later this month and have it preordered.
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Postby Mangafanatic » Fri Feb 04, 2005 8:10 pm

[quote="Jeikobu"]Ok, time for my next anime suggestions thread. I need a Christian opinion on these three:

Kiki's Delivery Service-Yes I read the review here. ]

There's really nothing we can say to you about this. I think we all know how you feel about it. Witch craft bothers you. Kiki is a "witch" in the strictest sense of the word. But so is the Glenda in the Wizard of Oz or the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella. Kiki has the ability to fly on broom sticks. You just have to figure out how you feel about it.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:11 am

Monster: nothing blasphemous. It's in a normal type setting. No "blue hair" or "random sweat drop" those anime elemnts. And nothing too anti-christian
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Postby termyt » Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:59 am

Kiki's - The test of this is how you feel about Disney movies like Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Pinoccio. All of these feature "good" magic as a background plot device. Although Kiki is a witch, she certainly isn't like the witches we know. There is no religious content in the movie. I found it to be very charming and a story with a good, possitive message.

Chrono Cruisade - I doubt you'll be comfortable with this one. I believe Chrono is a demon in the traditional Japanese sense - like InuYasha. However, there is a ton of Christian imagery, all of it used without express knowledge of our religion. I'm sure no offense is meant, it's all intended to be just a trendy plot device, but it could make one rather uncomfortable.

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind - My favorite of Miyazaki's works and one of my favorite movies of all time. I recommend this film for all fans of animated movies.
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Postby Jeikobu » Sat Feb 05, 2005 3:07 pm

Well I used to watch Disney movies like Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Pinocchio, etc. when I was little and it wasn't a problem. My parents are more conservative than I am and they liked it, so if that's all that Kiki's is I'll give it a try.
Any more comments on these three (especially Nausicaa and Chrono Crusade) are welcome.
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Postby Heart of Sword » Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:29 pm

Kiki's Delivery Service-Yes I read the review here. Looks appealing, but the fact that the main character is a witch bothers me. Even if the witchcraft is very minimized, I still don't like the idea of witches being portrayed as good. What are your thoughts?

That movie bothered me. The witchcraft wasn't very minimized at all, it was very clear that she was a witch and she wasn't the usual "magical species" found in most Anime.

I'll watch Inuyasha, but Kiki...I don't know. It just doesn't sit right with this one. There's the verse that says witchcraft is an abomination to God. Witchcraft and magic are different to me. It's magic in most anime, witchcraft in Kiki, make your own decision.
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Get a good job with good pay and you're okay
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Shoutin’ in the street gonna take on the world some day
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We will we will rock you
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Postby Jeikobu » Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:30 pm

Well what do you say to most of the above posts that say it was pretty much the same as the magic in Cinderella, Pinocchio, Wizard of Oz, etc.? Do you disagree?
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Postby Ren_sama » Tue Feb 08, 2005 11:50 pm

You can always look in the Anime reviews section for reviews on those 2 anime. And if there isn't any topic on the anime you're looking for, you can always request for one.
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Postby MasterDias » Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:04 am

Kiki's Delivery Service: The "witchcraft" that is portrayed resembles chemistry more than anything that's even remotely occultic. Yes, Kiki is no different than stories like Cinderella or The Wizard of Oz.

Chrono Crusade: Termyt basically summed it up.

Nausicaa: I doubt that it has anything that you would find offensive. I haven't seen the movie but I have read a bit of the manga.
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Postby shooraijin » Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:11 am

Monster: {...}

MSP, what does that have to do with the three series he asked about?
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Postby Kisa » Wed Feb 09, 2005 3:35 pm

Kiki's Delivery Service
This is the only one on your list I have seen. I tend to stay away from witchcraft stuff as well, and it had me worried at frst, but it is not protrayed in a 'bad' light. I find that I forgot she was a witch and more looked at her a one of those magical girl type animes. There are no spells spoken and it is a very cute anime.
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Postby Jeikobu » Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:41 pm

Thanks for the suggestions, I think I'm definitely going to see Kiki's and Nausicaa. I'm still not sure about Chrono Crusade though, but it isn't sounding very good.
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Postby Ren_sama » Wed Feb 09, 2005 11:01 pm

Chrno Crusade is pretty good, though I don't think you'll like it. Sister Rossette's best friend is a demon named Chrno for one thing, and there's violence as well. It's also a little contradictory, because Rossette is a nun, yet she goes on missions to defeat demons with a awesome-looking gun. ^^;
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Postby Jeikobu » Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:00 am

I like good vs. evil, but it can't really be good vs. evil when a good character teams with an evil character. There is no good demon. Besides, the demon fights other demons right? Remember that the Bible says "a house divided against itself cannot stand".
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Postby Sesshoumaru » Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:57 am

Chrono Crusade looks really really good. Reminds me of Hellsing, another fav of mine. I'll DEFINITELY check it out
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Postby Saint Kevin » Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:10 pm

I've seen about 4 or 5 eps of Chrono Crusade, and I find it to be a fairly enjoyable anime, but I do think that the creators are using Christianity (more specifically Catholicism) to forward the plot, without knowing a whole lot about it.

Yes, one of the protagonists is a demon (that would be Chrono), and he is bound to the soul of his 'contractor' (that would be Sister Rosette). This means that Chrono cannot use his demonic powers without using up some of the life force of Sister Rosette. The one time in the series that I've seen him use these powers, it was against his will (Rosette convinces him to do it).

Chrono may be a demon, but he strikes me as quite a lovable character. Also, there are characters in the story that are called 'Apostles.' These apostles aren't apostles in the strictest sense, but have supernatural (presumably God-given) powers. In my mind this was just some name that the creators came up with that sounded cool, once again, using structure/nomenclature of a religion for their own purpose.

My overall impression though, is that even though this could make Christianity more misunderstood in Japan, it is a very well done anime, with some fairly good english VA's to boot (sorry, I watch dubs).

Maybe when I watch the whole thing...I'll write a review or something.
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Postby Jeikobu » Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:22 pm

Sesshoumaru: If it's like Hellsing, I know I won't like it.
Saint Kevin: The thing that bothers me, again, is the fact that a main protagonist is a demon. That's just not right. That's messing with the line between good and evil. This is a demon in the spiritual sense (and not a youkai or something like in InuYasha), right?
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Postby Sesshoumaru » Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:57 pm

Jeikobu wrote:Sesshoumaru: If it's like Hellsing, I know I won't like it.

Never said that. It does have similarities though. Chrono is bound to Rosette, same way Alucard is bound to Integra in Hellsing. Only thing is that Alucard is free to use his powers. Integra only uses a LVL 1 Art Restriction to take the final seal off of his powers
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