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American embelishments on Inu-Yasha? Also, A thing on Sailor Saturn

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American embelishments on Inu-Yasha? Also, A thing on Sailor Saturn

Postby Neosevangel » Tue Aug 31, 2004 2:25 pm

I just thought of something interesting on Inu-yasha. I'm not sure on this but in the japanese version don't they call the so called 'demons' youkai? (I've never seen the Japanese version). Hm....last time I checked youkai actually meant bewitching apparition. But I don't know the kanji they used for the word nor do I know if they actually call them youkai (they may even call them all yashas). But if it is you think America called them demons just to get to the American audience? (for who knows what reason) Who knows I'd like here your thoughts about it.

Also, is Sailor Saturn really an outer senshi? I mean its stated in both the manga and sort of the anime (correct me if I'm wrong) that she's a forbidden warrior not a protector of the outer solar system like neptune, uranus and Pluto were. this is probably said because her planet is in the outer solar system and she hangs out with those senshi the most. But Jupiter is also a far out planet but she's considered an inner warrior. If saturn showed up in the first season and joined with the team then would she be considered an inner? I personally don't think she's either like Sailor Chibi moon. But what do you guys say about this?

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Postby Psycho Ann » Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:58 pm

It's a different thing to translate a word literally and translate it to what it means/represents. For 'youkai' the closest meaning in english should still be 'demon'. Since it's written the same in chinese (or kanji) as 'yao guai' which will translate more or less to "weird/unusual/abnormal apparition" it basically means 'demon' anyway. (This is kinda like translating Indonesian's 'masuk angin' which means 'to get a cold' as literally 'wind in'. XD XD ) Fans just like to use the original Japanese terms since it sounds cooler and more close to the original.

I believe there's a rule that counting someone as an outer or inner doesn't depend on the placement of the actual planets. And since I also do believe that Naoko really didn't plan things that far and so she had to improvise a bit with all the outer senshi. Saturn can still be considered an outer senshi since it takes the other three to get her anyway XD And Chibi-usa could be considered an inner as much as Usagi is.
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Postby Kisa » Wed Sep 01, 2004 6:31 am

I agreee with Psycho Ann on the Saturn thing . . .
I watched it alot when I was younger and Saturn was a different senshi, but she was still an outer. The inners were also the ones who were actually part of Queen Serenity's court, the outers protected the kingdom from afar. (also points to Anns comment about it took all of the outer senshi to get Saturn . . .)
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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Sep 02, 2004 5:04 am

Hmm... I don't know all the words used for it, but I know I have always disagreed with the "demon" translation... Because that conjurs thoughts of malevalent spirits, when these creatures in the Anime are really just sort of mythological animals or anthropomorphic creatures (like Inu Yasha or Sesshoumaru) I Know there are different names, and yet they all seem to get translated "demon" or even "devil" but a demon to a christian is a spirit, whereas what gets translated traditionally as demon in anime and such is supposed to be a physical being...

As for saturn, um... I guess I never payed that close attention... I always thought she was an outer because that's who she was with all the time... Hmm... I haven't seen S or SuperS since they were on Cartoon Network, and then I only watched like 2 eps... I had the first TPB of SuperS, but of course that didn't have Saturn in it... I guess I don't know much abotu her. I never got the S manga. Oh well...

Hmm... I don't think I learned much more from Stars, either... Maybe because I never got through the whole thing. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Psycho Ann » Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:15 am

Oh, "youkai' IS a negative term, there's another term for ghosts, 'small gods' (as in Princess Mononoke), there is a term for 'devil' as well ("akuma" if I'm not mistaken). It's same with chinese culture that 'youkai' really are troublesome spirits (ranging from playful kitsunes to destructive 'oni' or orges). So I still don't see anything wrong with the translation ^^ It's closest you can get with english anyway XD XD
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Postby termyt » Thu Sep 02, 2004 9:22 am

We don't have the bevy of words for supernatural being in English that they do in Japanese. Or perhaps we do, it's just that in our own culture, the images that are brought up at their mention don't fit well, either. I don't especially like the demon reference because of the Christian definition of demon, but once you get past that and realize the InuYasha demons are physical creatures and not fallen angels, it works well enough. After all, I think "demon" works better than sprite, fairy, troll, elf, dwarf, or god.

I always thought of the terms "outer" and "inner" senshi were more of a convenient labeling system that wasn't used by the characters in the show. In any case, it seems to me that the inner senshi would have to be Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter for two reasons. First, the term "inner" most likely comes from the fact that these are the four planets (excluding Earth) that are closest to the sun. But more to the show, they are the girls that hang out with Sailor Moon (surrounding her as their planets surround Earth) and are all her same age. The others belong to different age groups and are represented by the outer four planets of the solar system. Saturn, even though she is the youngest Scout and the other outer senshi are all older, is still an outer senshi because she is a Sailor Scout, her planet is farther from the sun, and she is not in Moon's inner circle of friends.
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Postby Nate » Fri Sep 03, 2004 4:37 pm

I am a Sailor Saturn nut (look at my avatar) so I know a bit about her, but I'm a little rusty as I haven't read the manga in a while (ahem).
Inner and outer planets are classified in reference to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Therefore, yes, Saturn would be considered an outer, but Jupiter would be too. I agree with Psycho Ann, Naoko just hadn't thought that far ahead and just kinda threw Saturn in with the outer senshi, and Jupiter's an inner 'cuz she hangs out with Usagi.
Saturn gets the raw deal in the anime, she's only in a handful of episodes. She never appears in SuperS in the anime, but she does in the manga. Also, as I noted on another thread (SPOILER ALERT!) in the manga Sailor Saturn is the one who destroyed the Moon Kingdom to try and get rid of the Dark Kingdom. Therefore any memories of her by the outer senshi (who apparently know more about the Moon Kingdom than the others) probably wouldn't be very good, and they would indeed refer to her as the Destroyer as that is her only purpose as far as they know.

And I got a box set of all the Sailor Stars eps fansubbed for a hundred bucks off of ebay. It's the third best season. (Ranking best to worst: S, R, Stars, original, SuperS)

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Postby Rogie » Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:24 pm

I've always seen the whole outer-inner thing as Jupiter was included because Earth technically doesn't have a senshi (Mamoru and Beryl's warriors protected the earth), and so to make the archetypal anime team of 5 soldiers, Jupiter was included since it was the first planet outside of the truly "inner" planets.

Regarding Saturn, I remember hearing or reading somewhere that Saturn was actually the leader of the outer senshi (much like Venus is considered the leader of the inner senshi, but only if you exclude Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon). I'm not sure if this is official, but I do believe that this is how it is seen (it might even say that in Stars, when Saturn and the other outer senshi return).

But yes, to answer the question, Saturn is a member of the outer senshi.
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