Postby Ashley » Sun Aug 08, 2004 12:04 pm
Well, I think you have to understand Paul wrote Corinthians as a letter to that church; it was divinely included in the Bible because there are many truths to be gleaned from it, but I do think it would put more of a historical context on that passage. I'm not saying you should totally ignore it, but instead think of it's proper context: it was something wrong in the church for that time, place, and culture. Just like the levitical dietary laws were the right ones for the Jews of that time, place, and culture--many of them are for sanitary reasons to keep the Jews safer from disease and such. I would say that expecting men of today to wear their hair only one way, or to expect women to keep a covered head at all times would be no less ridiculous than following the older testament laws.
Also, I recall a passage in I think Romans where Paul speaks of becoming all things to all men. I know several men at my church who wear long hair and are able to reach out to a different sort of crowd than I ever could. So I don't think it's right to say "oh long hair on guys is a sin" or anything like that. Now yes, if God convicts you (or in this case, your parents) of it, you need to obey that calling, but do so with discernment. Identify why you are convicted of it, and don't be overly hasty to hold others to your standards, especially on something that is in the long run so trivial lest you lose your witness to being legalistic.
Remember too God looks at the heart, not just the outward appearance. That help Kat?