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News for the Ladies and Gents.....

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News for the Ladies and Gents.....

Postby steenajack » Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:44 pm

How many of you are familiar with a particular anime series known as Hikaru no Go?
How many of you liked this anime a great deal so much you decided to buy it?
How many of you were upset that the rest of the episodes weren't released out on DVD (only 50 out of 72, and even still the last three weren't even released in the 75 total technically)? many of you knew already that they released EVERY SINGLE EPISODE out on i-tunes recently (Febuary actually)? That's right, all the way up to episode 75.
Now, I know there may be some of you who may prefer the Japanese to the English far as I know, all of the episodes are dubbed into English, including the last three....idk if they've released the subs, but I do know that all of the subbed episodes are available on Viz's site legally if you'd prefer that.

Anyway, I guess it's obvious that I'm a big fan of this series so I'm really excited about this. But, I'm curious as to what other people thought about this? Then again, I'm not even sure how many people are fans of this anime/manga....I know of a couple, but.....anyway, go ahead and post your thoughts on this below if you'd like. Also, just to get things stirring, go ahead and post your thoughts on the series as well: Manga and Anime if you wish.
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Postby Atria35 » Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:36 am

While that is indeed awesome, I don't own an IPod. Or anything that I could download that onto, unless they allow it straight to your computer >.>" It is pretty neat, though. I think I'll just be happy that I have most of the manga at my local library.
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Postby mechana2015 » Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:13 am

iTunes does allow download straight to your computer, so long as you have iTunes installed on it.

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Postby steenajack » Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:37 am

What mech said. ^^
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