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Heatguy J

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Heatguy J

Postby Zedian » Fri Apr 16, 2004 5:13 pm

I just started watching this show a while ago, I was shocked to see MTV 2 of all channels play it. Though now they have stopped showing it, anyways it has the same character designer that did the designs for Escaflowne. And the show is kind of similar to Cowboy Bebop, J's voice sounds much like Jet's. So far I have enjoyed it, it's not too original but the dialouge is sharp and there are some cool ideas.

Has anyone here seen it ?
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Postby righteous_slave » Sat Apr 17, 2004 9:01 am

Yeah, I'm watching it right now actually :) It seems to only be on saturday mornings, but since it's MTV, you never know what the schedule might be. What I've seen of it seems pretty interesting, but that's just a couple of out of order episodes.
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