Excel Saga question.

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Excel Saga question.

Postby Momo-P » Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:23 am

Sometime ago (actually years, but oh well), I watched the first three volumes of Excel Saga. At that time I was a Christian, but in the middle of cleaning up my act so-to-speak, so I ended with giving the show up. Now after looking back, I almost wonder if it's possible for me to rewatch it.

I once heard up to episode 17, the show wasn't too bad. Considering I was a volume away from episode 17, that doesn't surprise me. Yes there was stuff I didn't approve of, but overall I really don't even remember a lot of it. Most memories I have were of the stuff that wasn't so bad, which makes me wonder if I could watch it. I mean...if I'm just focusing on the clean stuff, I don't see why not. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air even has some tasteless stuff with all the sex jokes, but it's not ALL about that.

Before I start investing and junk though, I obviously just want to make sure. Anyone who has seen up to at least 17 then, could you please point out to be anything pretty bad you remember? The only stuff really coming to mind right now would be, maybe three or so tasteless jokes, Hayate with some kid "riding" game outside a store and...ya. I also know about the Ropponmatsu "rape" thing, but not much, so if anyone could expand on that and the love episode it'd help. ^^;

Just asking because I really loved Excel Saga and would love to rewatch it again.
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Postby TriezGamer » Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:08 am

It's been 2-3 years or so since I last watched it, and honestly, if you made it to that point and weren't overly offended by it, you should be good through the end of episode 25. Episode 26, on the other hand, should probably be avoided if you're even remotely offended by anything. And I mean pretty much anything.

But I may be forgetting something.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:36 am

I've never seen anything past the first episode, but here's the review, for reference:

[color="DeepSkyBlue"]4 8 15 16 23[/color] 42
[color="Orange"]WELCOME TO MOES[/color]


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