Anime Madazine?

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Anime Madazine?

Postby mai » Sat Jun 16, 2007 8:50 am

I'm looking into getting an Anime magazine subscription, mostly for the pretty pictures ^-^ I got a few issues of newtype however it is expensive, often I wasn't interested in the anime on the dvd, way to much gundam and the reviews didn't seem very objective. The two I am interested in are Otaku USA and Anime Insider, what are your opinions? are they worth getting?
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:38 pm

I don't know about Otaku USA,mainly because that's rather a new one,on the other hand from what I have seen of Anime Insider I would say that it's a good one to get.Though it is depended on what you are looking for aside from the pictures.
If you go with Anime Insider one of the advantage is that they list when DVDs and manga are coming out.I suppose the other mags do the same thing but I have only read Anime Insider.
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Postby ADXC » Sun Jun 17, 2007 10:03 pm

Hmm Anime Madazine? I think you mean magazine. Well anyway Ive been getting Newtype USA for a while, its okay. But today I bought OTAKU USA. I really like it as well. But also remember that OTAKU USA is a new magazine. It just put out its first issue and its Bimonthly which I think means it come out every other month. But yes though I agree you should buy it. There aren't many anime magazines out there and you can use all the help you can get. OTAKU USA also comes with a dvd and a poster. But make sure you buy one with the plastic on it, otherwise there might not be a dvd. (Probably because it was stolen.) And I will check out this Anime Insider as well. Im not saying Misuki lover didn't do a great job or anything Im just saying im going to check it out for my self. Well good will hunting my magazine friend!
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