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Link Posting

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Link Posting

Postby Stephen » Tue Oct 12, 2004 2:26 pm

It has come to the staffs notice...that there is a problem with posting links on CAA. It seems it only goes about a week or so and someone decides to post a very questionable link to a site. They have been cultist sites, devil worshippers..etc. Please do not post links of questionable nature on CAA. There are many reasons for this. One being the fact we have very young members here on CAA...and its the staffs job to make sure that CAA remains kid-friendly. And two, things such as Google search pick these links up...and we end up with the worst kinds of trolls popping up. So please, if you must share a link with it with PM and not over the main forums. Thanks.
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Postby agasfas » Tue Oct 12, 2004 2:53 pm

It seems it only goes about a week or so and someone decides to post a very questionable link to a site......So please, if you must share a link with it with PM and not over the main forums. Thanks.

Your talking about questionable links only, correct? If so, that sound like a good idea and a good measure to follow given that there are younger people out there. Good clean fun. :jump:
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Postby Stephen » Tue Oct 12, 2004 2:59 pm

Oh yeah, its fine to post links...just not ones that are like...bad content wise. Its common sence. If you find a site about a devil worshiper named chim chim...don't be posting it here....I know people feel the need to share things when there shocked...but we don't need it on the boards.
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Postby agasfas » Tue Oct 12, 2004 3:06 pm

I see. I totally agree, good call.
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.." Prov 17:22

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Postby Kinkosami » Tue Oct 12, 2004 4:30 pm

Yes good call, I agree.

Good going. :thumb:
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Postby Ashley » Mon Oct 25, 2004 1:37 pm

I'm sorry you feel you were wronged, Tofferer, but you also have to consider the current policies of this site. We are not here to judge one denomination's actions against another, nor to even get into denominational warfare at all. As for not being " a truly Christian site" I fail to see how not allowing members to tear into each other along denominational lines makes us any less Christian in purpose or nature. We are here to unite one another as a body of Christ, not tear each other down, and THAT is why links like what you posted are taken down/closed, and why we do not allow politics or theology to be debated on site. If our stance forces you to feel like you must withdrawl, again I am very sorry to hear that and I do wish you the best regardless. If you want further clarification or to continue this conversation further, please PM me.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:08 am

This is going to sound cold but, it's only common sense to not post questionable links like that...

Ashley, Tofferer's right. Things like that should be discussed. Sin and heresy are too important, especially in the church. If a demoniation is doing anything against what's in Scripture, let it be known and talk about it.
Maybe it will be torn down, but not if its foundation truly is in Christ. If it is torn down, it was ment to be. Or it might be reformed.

At least, that's my understanding.. so far...
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Postby shooraijin » Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:21 am

If you wish to do that, then the TheologyWeb link is at the top right.

While we stand firmly on our Christian grounding, interdenominational squabbles are often wind up petty and pointless, contribute little to a further understanding of Christ, and they have no basis on a site that is primarily interested in anime that's compatible with a Christian walk. Otherwise, we turn CAA into every other Christian message board, and that's not what we're here for.

Our mission and our intent is unique. Tofferer is entitled to his own opinion, but his thread is not appropriate for this site. I'm sorry if he dislikes it, but there are other places he can publicly air it.

As a discouragement to making this thread a flash point, it's locked; take any further discussion to PM.
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