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Postby Master Kenzo » Wed Jul 09, 2003 3:25 pm

Technomancer wrote:Malheursement, je n'utilise pas la francais pour un longtemps. Je peux practique, mais je n'ai pas le temps.

I spoke French back in school - but it's over now till Sept.

And I can understand most of what you're saying...

Malheursement [uhm], je n'utilise pas la francais pour un longtemps.[I havn't used french for a long time] Je peux practique, mais je n'ai pas le temps.[I could practise, but I don't have the time.]

Am I close?
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Postby EdHead » Wed Jul 09, 2003 3:27 pm

shooraijin wrote:Depending on the language, it could be very difficult to find someone well-qualified to administer who also speaks that language well.

Even assuming that happens, the vast majority of this forum probably doesn't speak it (there are people from all over, English being the only language most of us have in common), so it would likely suffer from underuse. :(

Yeah, it'll probably go underused... :sniffle:

But just in case, I can speak Spanish!
Preety good in fact. ;)

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Postby Technomancer » Wed Jul 09, 2003 3:44 pm

Malheuresment= unfortunately

whoops, I wrote peux, but wanted veux. Kenzo's translation is correct, although what I meant to say was

I want to practice, but don't have the time.

(pouvoir- to be able to, voulouir- to want). I took French up to OAC, but dropped it part way through.

*edit: practice, not practise *wince* ;)
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Postby Ashley » Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:46 pm

Well, to be just wouldn't be used enough to justify adding another admin on board. Perhaps in the future, as the need becomes greater, we can consider it, but for my dad says,
"it's hard justifying the need."
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Postby Master Kenzo » Fri Jul 11, 2003 9:28 am

True true. English would be best for now. IMO. IMHO.
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Postby DoMiNiQuE » Wed Jul 16, 2003 7:45 pm

or how about this...


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Postby andyroo » Wed Jul 16, 2003 8:03 pm

Speaking of ascii code, Does anyone know what ASCII stand for?
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Postby Rashiir » Wed Jul 16, 2003 9:00 pm

American Standard Code for Information Interchange or something like that...
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Postby andyroo » Wed Jul 16, 2003 10:42 pm

Hey, thanks.
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Postby DK_Sol » Sat Dec 13, 2003 12:55 pm

Wow cool!! Different laguages.
Well I just download an Al Bhed<-> English Translator. Wohoo! I can write what ever I want in Al Bhed ^^
I'll try it now.

Al Bhed: Rammu Baubma ruf oui tuehk?
Famm E zicd fyhdat du dno drec rana cehla so vneaht dumt sa ypuid ed.
Du pyt E teth'd cyjat dra mehg vun ed j.j so pyt cunno.
^^ Furuu!! E lyh doba drec myhkiyka.

English: Hello People how you doing?
Well I just wanted to try this here since my friend told me about it.
To bad I didn't saved the link for it v.v my bad sorry.
^^ Wohoo!! I can type this language.

Isn't cool. Is that language the characters used in Final Fantasy ^^
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sat Dec 13, 2003 10:13 pm

What ever you do DO NOT
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