I've been playing around, and I figured out that we are unicode aware, but not 'named entity' aware. This has some interesting implications. The obvious one is that we can type in hiragana/katakana/kanji unicode vals and have them display. For example, I can type:
- Code: Select all
は じ め ま し た
and get: は じ め ま し た
The board does appear to try and supress non-unicode 'named entities.' For example:
- Code: Select all
&034; = "
" = "
If you would like to play around with unicode and hiragana, you can go to my hiragana tools page and get a list of characters under the 'all hiragana unicode characters' link toward the bottom of the page.
Interestingly, this applies to all areas of the site, it appears. I played around with the ' character (&034;) in the spoiler buttons, and it has the same 'bug' effect that I documented earlier. Hmm.
Anyway, long story short: Using unicode gives people without access to a 'character palette' the ability to enter hiragana/katakana.