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for the Oekaki...

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for the Oekaki...

Postby Daiko-chan » Mon Oct 04, 2004 11:28 am

-as you well know, CAA has a lovely oekaki board on site, but what I would like to know is if we could get a slight update to it, as in Shi-painter Pro

for the uninitiated, this is an extremely powerful Java applet that allows for even more control (and usage of more layers) for oekaki art

-this is one of the BEST applets out there, and I think that it's a shame that we don't have this

it would be a great gift and aid to all who use our oekaki here. -of course, this is free and even better there is an easy way to update the board so that we will have Shi-painter (it does not even require previous knowledge of any complex programming language!! yay!)
[when you get to the site, make sure to get this from the lower area of the site where it says, "Oekaki Poteto 5.4.1 (unofficial) Latest version: 5.4.1 Requirements: Unix/Linux with PHP and MySQL New for 5.4.x: Shi Painter is here!" because this version only has this.]

so, would you guys be willing to add this for our sakes?
(it would make oekaki-ing easier in some respects, and this is a good mod, it even has full support for Shi-animations)

Okay, Shi-painter aside, I have another request to make:

could we have a specific area of the gallery for art created on CAA's own oekaki?

I noticed that we don't archive any of the beautiful art work from the board there, and it makes me sad that so many pictures that have had so much time and effort put into them have been lost to the automatic delete function- it would be so nice to have them here... I understand that we should not do this without the artists' permission, but if they are amenable then the art could stay on this site, yes?

...Regardless of whether these requests of mine are fufilled or not, I thank you in advance, CAA is a decent place to be, and it is here that I have learned to oekaki [more specifically, I'd like to thank Pooch, Pepper Kittie, ShiroiHikari, and the rest of my fellow CAA oekakiers- thank you for giving me aid and inspiration as an artist- I've grown thanks to you]

yes, thanks all.

(let's give back to our wonderful oekakiers...)
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Daiko things:
[online shop] [some artwork at DA] [blog of a saint in training]

:thumb: GOOD totally FREE art programs:
[Art Rage] -emulates traditional media
[Pixia] -this is for digital art and photo editing...

I don't think I will ever post my own autobiographical story in the CAA's Who's Who or in the Welcome Area because as a forumite I was raised so that I should never do such a thing- I am open to change though...
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Mon Oct 04, 2004 11:45 am

hey, this sounds like a good idea to me. we need a new applet if for the simple reason that the moderation end of the current one is a great big pain. I'd love to see this happen.

hmm, about the gallery, I think it would be cool to have an oekaki sub-section because it might encourage people to post their art on the main site and not just the oekaki~

I will definitely present this to the rest of the staff. ^__^
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