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Pirates of the Galaxy

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:31 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Life has been totally altered as we know it. The year is 2143 and Earth has been almost destroyed from poor leadership and war. Many people have moved to various bio-domes in space in order to live in peace....but war and crime extends to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Governments are ralleying to destroy the civilizations of space.
Such is the birth of space pirates. Made of different peoples for different walks of life, they have a common goal: freedom.

I am looking for very dedicated people to play this rpg. Please be very creative.

Here is the character sheet.

Hair color:
Eye color:
Markings, appearance, etc:
Side: (Random government or pirate)
Position: (first mate, cook, etc)

There needs to be somewhat of an balance between sides, and if your character is a captain (whether gov or pirate) please indicate the name of your ship. (Please....don't all try to be the big cheese.)

This rp is futuristic, so elaborate space droids, fighter planes, and robots are good.

The maximum for right now is 2 characters.

More information will be posted later.


PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:22 pm
by Anystazya
hmmm.....I want to join this RP, as a pirate...hehhhh...I'm in three currently active-ish RPs (Dragon Children, Roddenberry High School, and Glamor & Glitz), plus two that are in the RP Ideas section (I dream of...Harley? and Dream Warriors) ... it would definitely be fun to be in a bunch of RPs like that, plus this one...however, I'm leaving Tuesday for just over 2 weeks, and I'm unsure of how much computer time I'll get during those two weeks....

I'd still like to join this RP, despite all that. Is that okay?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:41 am
by rocklobster
would it be all right if I do a tribute character? I think it'd be cool to have the most famous space pirate in anime: Captain Harlock!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:30 am
by Phantom_Sorano
You both are fine with me....I'm a very easy-going gm. As long as you don't go against CAA rules, I don't care what you do.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:35 pm
by Davidizer13
Name: Matthew Trenton
Gender: Male
Race: African-Indian heritage; cinammon-colored skin
Height: 5'6"-6'0"
Hair color: Black, cut short
Eye color: Brown
Markings, appearance, etc: Slender; looks a bit shorter than he actually is. Wears a blue coverall/jumpsuit and a half-pair of glasses over his left eye, which helps him do his job.

Age: 32
Side: Sirius Confederation, a Manchurian-British colony project.
Position: Mechanic on a Solifugid-class strike bomber, the Nixon Duster. (thanks, bigsleepj)

Description of ship: The Solifugid class of ships was developed by the Israeli Space Administration about 10 years ago, several years after the appearance of the first pirates at their colonies. Named for a class of desert arachnid most well known for the wind scorpion, or "camel spider," its size is somewhere between a cruiser and a fighter, and is heavily armed and armored, making it excellent for making attack runs against larger ships; i.e., a "bomber." It usually carries about six crew and is capable of short-to-medium-length FTL travel, as well as being self-sufficient, though a newer variation has lost this capability and crew quarters with it, designed for being carried on larger ships, and allow for more crew and weapons/armor.

History: He was born to a family of engineers who helped set up the colony; the second of three children, and followed in their footsteps, working on the colony's expansions and being drafted into the Confederation's spacegoing defense forces, two years before the events of this RP.

Personality: He's quiet, speaking only when necessary, preferring to work at whatever's going wrong with the ship that day. It's not like he doesn't like to talk to people, it's just that he likes machinery better.

Sorry if I'm adding too much to the story's 'verse, but hey, that's what I do.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:01 pm
by silver_wolf454
Name: Aadon
Gender: male
Race: artic falftaur (fox anthro with four legs almost like a centaur)
Height: 5'8
Hair color: white
Eye color: blue
Markings, appearance, etc: black muzzle and ear tips, white fur, two back tipped tails.
Age: 18
Side: pirate
Position: I'll put him where he can be used
History: *unknown*
Personality: Very sweet and a bit shy.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:33 pm
by rocklobster
My character: Captain Harlock
Description: see attachment
Bio:Harlock is the archetypical romantic hero, a space pirate with an individualist philosophy of life. He is as noble as he is taciturn, rebellious, stoically fighting against totalitarian regimes, whether they be earthborn or alien. In his own words, he "fight[s] for no one's sake... only for something deep in [his] heart".
Ship: The Arcadia

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:14 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Wonderful character, Mr. David! Accepted.

I like yours aswell, Mr. Rock. Accepted.

Please keep in mind that I am very eager to hear y'alls ideas for the storyline. Make adjustments and add things where you see fit.
I'm also looking for a co-gm.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:23 pm
by Anystazya
Rock, hopefully you got my pm...and when I said 'a few details' I meant...basically, creating my own character, and placing her on your ship...^^' this should be fine, right?

Name: Jessika Fayr (or just 'Jess')
Gender: Female
Race: A Caucasian father and a mother with Middle Eastern roots
Height: 5'7''
Hair color: chocolate brown
Eye color: icy blue
Markings, appearance, etc: very, very tanned skin, and has a star-shaped birthmark on her arm
Age: 21
Side: Pirate
Position: Officially, cook...
History: Jess doesn't like to reveal much about her family and past. She was picked up as a cook Captain Harlock's ship, although her talents don't stop there. Jess often says the life of a pirate is much more exciting than her boring life before.
Personality: Jess is much of a tomboy, but a surprisingly good cook. She likes playing with knives (:lol: lol) and enjoys a good fight. She has a loud voice of reason, but isn't always calm and sweet with how she gets her opinions across.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:26 pm
by Lil_Ninja
I might be interested.
I have to post characters later though.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:36 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Very good, Miss Anystayza. Accepted. Also, I am looking for someone to be the top Government pirate and the top Freedom Pirate.

I usually don't like to play head characters in my rpgs...I just like to make obstacles for you guys...and act as the Porter from time to time ( see Macbeth for more info on the pun).

If interested, let me know.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:59 am
by Davidizer13
I'll take the top government position; I've got an idea for that character brewing. It'll get posted when I have a bit more time, probably this afternoon or tomorrow.

(Note: If I can't have two characters, disregard this.)

Name: Ayra Grenville
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Height: 5'5"
Hair color: Dirty blonde, tied back in a short ponytail
Eye color: Blue-green
Markings, appearance, etc: Usually wears a gray flight uniform. Has a fire in her eyes and needles in her gaze.
Age: 49
Side: Northern Alliance, made up of most of Scandinavia and western Russia.
Position: Admiral of the Northern Alliance Space Defenses, currently captaining the NAS Preybird

Ship description: The battleship Preybird is an engineering and logistical masterpiece, at nearly a mile long, containing upwards of 4500 crew and several wings of fighters. It is the pride and joy of the Northern Alliance fleet, having been completed several months ago. It has two options for defeating pirates: Surgically slice them to pieces with its countless turrets, missiles and cannons, or hack them apart with the "Pachelbel," the ship's largest gun. It is a particle cannon of the highest caliber (both literally and figuratively), with a ~300-foot barrel, and identical ones can be found defending planetary positions. It is especially effective against large ships, as many unlucky pirates have recently discovered.

History: She first distinguished herself in the Sino-Russian War as a pilot, then moved into several command positions over the course of the campaigns of the pirates, making her a natural choice to become the fleet's Admiral, four years ago.

Personality: Cool, calm, detached, as you would expect a veteran captain to be. Some would call her antisocial and uncaring, but those who have served with her would say otherwise, that she cares well for those serving under her, and they wouldn't have any other commander to serve under.

Looking forward to starting this thing.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:44 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Very good, Mr. David! I am throughly impressed. Accepted.

Mr. David, you are also granted full custody of government authority. Do what you see fit.

That still means someone has to step up to be the Pirate lord...or whatnot.

Also, when it comes to characters, my only thing on that is do not create so many that you cannot control them. If you can handle six, then that's great. Please don't go over a dozen....that's all I ask on that.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:18 pm
by rocklobster
If you like, I can create a Pirate Lord. Just tell me what you want in one and I'll see what I can do.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:48 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
I simply need someone to take charge over the pirates. In my own rpgs, I don't like to be the head honcho. I like to make a good playing environment, and usually stay on the sidelines.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 3:25 pm
by Lady Kenshin
I wasn't sure if I could handle joining, but I just can't resist an rp by Phantom, can I?

Name: Captain Cherry White
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5'11"
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Markings, appearance, etc: Has the ASF's logo tattooed on her neck.
Age: 30
Side: Hail the American Socialist Federation!
Position: Captain
History: Raised from the age of five by the government's captain-training program after being determined to have ideal characteristics.
Personality: Very dedicated to her government... and no other. Determined to do anything, even sparking war, that could advance its cause.

Rock, do you mind if my next character is just below yours in ranking?

Name: Stephen Lackhome
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'6"
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Markings, appearance, etc: Keeps his hair in a ponytail and wears glasses. Slender.
Age: 25
Side: Pirate
Position: First mate
History: Raised from the age of five by his Lord.
Personality: Although he projects loyal and trustworthy, Stephen has ambitions that supersede his loyalty to his Lord.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 5:53 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
You flatter me, Miss Kenshin. Both are accepted.

I have noticed there are no Pirate Captains hardly. At this time, fill free to create your own.

I am also still looking for a person to lead the pirate's revolt.

Now....for the comic relief!

Name: Cap'n James Lark
Height:6' 1"
Hair color:black
Eye color:green
Markings, appearance, etc: Cap'n Lark parades around in old space pirate suit with a toy parrot sown on the shoulder, an eye patch he moves around frequently, a pair of astronaut boots, and a large sombrero.
Side: Pirate
Position: Captain, first mate, cook, lookout...etc. Cap'n is the only man on an old space cruiser which he affectionately calls "Uke-Moshi"**.
History: James Lark's past is just about as unusual as his appearance...he isn't even sure of his real name. All he does remember is waking up outside of a tavern and wandering around until seeing the name "James Lark" on a tombstone. He has been that since.
Personality:james is a very passionate reader and consumer of "beverages". Most of the time he refers to himself as The Porter, from reading the works of Shakespeare. He is quirky, rash, rude, playful, and quick-tempered. He is, however, very kind and humorous.

** Uke-Moshi is the Japanese goddess of vomit. **

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:41 pm
by Davidizer13
A goddess of vomit? Is that all she did, or was she one of those Greek-type jack-of-all-trades deities, for whom vomit is just a side job?

Either way, she (the ship, not the goddess) is space junk, if us wonderful, hygenic, good-looking, law-abiding government folks have our way. And Cap'n Lark'll still provide comic relief, in the "LOL wat an idiot" kind of way.

(Nah, I'm kidding.)


PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:48 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Well, one thing I have learned from most serious stories is that it has occasional comedy. I usually play serious roles, so this is a good oppurtunity to try something new. Besides...Cap'n Lark will be elusive and playful fun for your team to try and capture.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:25 pm
by Anystazya
Ooh-kay, I was suddenly inspired to make a new character (or two XD I should be able to handle 3 for this RP ^^). Which, I probably shouldn't be doing, seeing as I'm totally on vacation right now (lol :lol:) but whatever. This is my first time creating a male character for one of these RPs \o.o/

Name: Sammy Crow
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Height: 6'1''
Hair color: Green
Eye color: Grey
Markings, appearance, etc: He has a tattoo of a bird across his entire back, and the words 'Fly Free' are tattooed on his arm.
Age: 19
Side: He doesn't consider himself on any side. He was a 'mistake child' and after his mother died, knows nothing of who his father and real family are. But...he has a ship and travels around on it by himself, trying to stay away from both the warring governments and the pirates.
Position: Captain of Himself XD
History: As stated above, Sammy was a child that wasn't supposed to be born. His mother died when he was fourteen, and he's lived on his own ever since. He wishes someday to find out who his real father is...but there's also a fear for who that might be.
Personality: He doesn't trust people very easily. But for those who get to know him (and those he opens up to) he has a sense of humour and is easy to be around.

Sammy named his ship the Azette, after his deceased mother. Because he's not one of the real pirates, he doesn't have any special guns or combat equipment. It's hardly big enough for a small crew, but he loves and cherishes it.

Name: Julia Cayvor
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Height: 5'5''
Hair color: Blue (usually tied back in a loose braid)
Eye color: Sea-green
Markings, appearance, etc: She has a special necklace from her mother, to remember her family by.
Age: 17
Side: Pirates, sort of (she hates the governments and gets along with most pirates)
Position: Loves to help in any way she can, but...the only thing she's much use of for is cooking and cleaning. Thanks to Sammy, she can also be of some use with a pistol.
History: Julia, who prefers to be called 'Lia', knew Sammy before his mother died, and is one of his very few friends. Because of this, she'll often ride around with him on his ship. She has both her mother and father, plus a multitude of siblings, but would rather be out in space, seeing new things and places with Sammy.
Personality: Julia really despises the governments, but is usually very genuinely kind. She loves to help out Sammy, and always believes in giving people a second chance.

:P, those are my two new characters...I think Jess will still be my more main character....but, yeah. I wanted to have more than one :lol: And, sorry, I dunno if I'll do a government-type person...I might later on, once the thing is started...then again, maybe not...this is three characters now......ah well. XD Well, I may also want to add a government person to use for my plot schemes (for the record, I've spoken with Soran, and I'm the co-GM person XD)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 12:05 pm
by silver_wolf454
Does anyone have a ship where I can put my character?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 1:02 pm
by rocklobster
you can always come to the Arcadia!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:15 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Yay! We are actually getting people...I might create a rpg that works....*gasps*

For the record, Davidizer13 is the head of all Government action. If you have a question about something, that's his department.

Anystazya is our co-gm. *cue applause* She will help with setting the story and causing scenes in my absense and/or ignorance.

Miss Anystazya, your characters are accepted. Congrats on your first male character!

And to sound like a broken record, I still need a strong writer and leader to take the position of Pirate Lord.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:31 pm
by Anystazya
heehee, wonderful, Soran ^^ I am honored to be the co-gm :cool: Perhaps I should create an RP soon??? XD Despite having a bunch of others to keep up with...maa, I have ideas (plus, these RPs are really great to have, because other than them, I've been having a writer's block of sorts :stressed:)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:46 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Actually, once I get a pirate lord, I will send Miss Mary the request.
These rps are so much fun. I still wish I could participate in more...hopefully I can get a good idea for a short story or manga from them. lol

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:11 am
by Derek_Is_Me
Once I'm done writting my char. I'm going to post him. But I don't think he'll be done until this afternoon. But I can't wait to start this RP it will be fun. XP

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:18 am
by Phantom_Sorano
I look forward to seeing you.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 3:25 pm
by silver_wolf454
I could play the pirate lord if you like. ^-^

I'm assuming I make it up myself yes?

Name: Samantha Gearhart


Race: Caucasian

Height: 6'2

Hair color: Blond

Eye color: Green with gold flecks

Markings, appearance, etc:
Image (credit for this picture goes to it's owner.)


Side: Pirate Lord ( well...lady...anyway.)

History: When Samantha was a little girl her father was a pirate captain. He told her she could be anything she wanted to be. When the government solders took her father away to jail Samantha swore she would grow up to be a pirate captain just like her dad. After many years of hard work and a growth spurt or two she now leads the entire pirate revolution. She will tak on anyone who's man enough to try her.

Personality: Brave, compassionate, just a bit arogant and feministic.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 4:32 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Congratulations, Miss Silver, you are our Pirate Lady! (Because you have Hamlet quoted in your signature and you are the only one who has shown any interest).

I hope you can handle the pressure.

silver_wolf454 is head of the pirate resistance.

I'll see Miss Mary right away.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 4:58 pm
by goldenspines