Temporary goodbye...kind of

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Temporary goodbye...kind of

Postby teen4truth » Sun Nov 13, 2005 6:04 pm

I am not exactly leaving the board, but lately I really have not had much time or erm 'spiritual umph' to go posting on all the boards I am a part of. I will start posting regularly on them again when I feel that God is telling me to, but until then please just pray for me. I have been very lazy and kind of fallen in my walk lately and I need to spend more time with God. I have not even done my daily devotion in like weeks, and I miss it so much...yet I can not bring myself to do it. Thankfully God worked it out so that my pastor's sermon today was just what I needed-it was about falling away from God and how to get back and stuff. Do not worry guys, I do not mean that I stopped believing in him or anything, its just been kind of...blah lately.

wit luv from abuv,
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Postby Slater » Sun Nov 13, 2005 6:38 pm

k baibai!
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Postby Scribs » Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:11 pm

goodbye t4t, and may I add that I like your idea of putting a goodbye thread in the welcome section. It makes sense to have comings and goings in the same place.
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Postby termyt » Mon Nov 14, 2005 5:32 am

Kyrie Eleison Down the road that you must travel
Kyrie Eleison Through the darkness of the night
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Postby c_hunter » Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:28 pm

see you some time soon, and don't spiritual starvation take over, bad thing to happen, keep on walkin' in God's will. GOd bless!

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God bless.. :jump:
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Postby Roy Mustang » Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:40 am

See you when you get back!


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Postby teen4truth » Sun Nov 20, 2005 5:12 pm

Thankx guys^^ love ya all.
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Postby teen4truth » Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:35 pm

Well guys I am still kind of blur, but thankx for all of your prayers. I still do not think that I will be getting on much...but perhaps with this new school semester I will be able too.

Love you all,
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