The Return of the Zar

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The Return of the Zar

Postby Zar » Fri Nov 12, 2004 11:26 am

Hi ya people, its been awhile since i posted anything. Man this semester is kicking my butt, then helping me up only to kick it again.
Anyway, for those who remember, I'm still the neighborhood Zar I haven't dropped off the edge of the planet. Come to think of it though i never really posted that much anyway, well I guess I'll try to post some more stuff from now on. Don't hold me to that though. I'm so busy
Well I'm hyped about the fact I only got three more semesters to go to get my BFA in graphic design then I can finnaly be school free, I can't remember not going to school since I was like six or something.

Anyway Drop me a line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumb:
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Postby termyt » Mon Nov 29, 2004 12:21 pm

22 posts in one year, I'd say you are correct in your assessment. Do better! Every neighborhood needs a Zar and ours is no different.
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Postby Zar » Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:12 am

LOL. everyneighborhood needs a Zar thats hilarious. Anyway about the graphic design question, I love graphic design you get so much creative freedom and you get to spend whole class periods on the computer its more fun than work to me. The only thing that gets me is the whole perfect craft thing every cut you make when your mounting stuff on illustration boards has to be perfect or else their going to lower your grade because of your sucky craft. Turned in my portfolio yesterday to get into the higher level courses in the program. I hope you guys be prayin that I get accepted, these teachers are pretty strick on CRAFT ( I hate that word)
I go to the good ol University of Memphis and most of my time is spent their so I only drop by CAA every once in awhile, as you can see from the soo little posts any way I have to go develop pictures for photography, design a comic cover, and listen to my geology teacher talk about rocks(Please No More ROCKs.......................)

I'm tryin to post stuff, just cant get to it
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Postby Zar » Thu Dec 16, 2004 7:50 am

Hey is anyone out there good at comic book inking and stuff like that, I really trying to incorprate some more of that in my work. So if you know alot about what kind of pens, paper, and other stuff that the professionals use help me out . Please
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