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We all wander, but we never get lost

Postby Celtic_Moon » Mon Jul 28, 2003 12:13 am

We also sneeze so loud that wakes up the dead in Ohio, or maybe that's just me*shrugs* :lol:
O.k., well, a little about me:
The name is Celtic Moon simply because I'm Irish American Also, I'm a Cancer /Leo Cusp and I'm trying to get in touch with the calmer Cancerian side of myself. My birthday is the 24th of July.
I'm married and my husband is in the army. He's a practicing wiccan and I'm dabbling in Theology at the moment...(born catholic and well....) We don't have any children yet and don't plan on having any until we move back home.
My first anime ever was Sailor Moon. My favorite inner is Kino Makoto/Sailor Jupiter. My favorite outter is Meiou Setsuna/Sailor Pluto and my vote for best couple in the series is Haruka and Michiru.
Back in New York I rode horses and did cross country jumping. I also biked along the Erie Canal and went hiking. Here in Texas, I wait until around 7:30pm and go running with a friend of mine.
In both places I like to swim, shop and read.
People usually describe me as a friendly person with an open mind and a positive outlook. I have a good sense of humor and even if I don't agree with what you have to say, I'll let you say it.
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Postby weisskreuz/chic » Mon Jul 28, 2003 3:50 am

welcome to the forum
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Jul 28, 2003 9:46 am

Dabbling in Theology? What does that mean?

Oh, and hi, glad to have you with us.
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Postby WhiteÃ…ngel » Mon Jul 28, 2003 1:03 pm

I didn't think people just dabbled in Wiccan religions... I guess that's like being a luke-warm Christian, whatever it is he is trying to achieve by dabbling he won't get any power from, in the same respect a Christian who doesn't live for God's glory alone won't see the blessings of being Christian.. " If Baal, then Baal, if the Lord, then the Lord" Back in those days when Elijah showed the people that God answers when called it was a bold explanation and proof. How unfortunate that we have to learn to have the relationship before he will show us his full glory. I lived with a devout Satan worshiping stepfather for 4 years before we figured it out and left... I accomplished many things with the powers that the Devil can provide.. I have accomplished sooo much more since becoming a Christian and having a strong relationship with the Lord due to my focus of always glorifying Him. I hope that you both learn that man will always fail you, but God made you for a purpose... and His ways are the only ones worth following. It wasn't until I did my soul searching and studied all things that I could make the decision to accept that it is through grace alone that I exist and the Death and reserction of God made flesh that I am saved. That is what we try to protray here and in the anime and manga that will be produced. Just as it is too difficult for a rich man to understand how to minister to the poor that he has no grasp of their life style... it is as important that when you become a Christian... you can express the understanding and comparison of what a wiccan or searching life is like compared to the relationship and knowledge given to those who serve and glorify God always ... after all where does the Devils abilities come from to share them with wiccans... Does he not have to ask God for every little thing.

I don't mean to challenge your decisions... I just hope you make the change I made .. You will be blessed!

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Postby Celtic_Moon » Mon Jul 28, 2003 1:55 pm

In respect to my husband's religion-and yes, the USarmy chaplin's handbook does recognize Wicca as a religion-I did a bit of studying on the subject. The Devil has nothing to do with Wicca or with paganism in general. I don't mean to seem rude or anything. But it always helps to make an attempt to be informed about other subjects. Wicca is a nature based religion which invokes both a god and a goddess. Instead of worshipping in a church and praying to God as we do, he does rituals.
Infact he and a friend once healed another friend's broken arm thru one of their rituals.
As for the dabbling in theology. I'm trying to learn more about my religion and other religions. I like being informed about not only my beliefs, but the beliefs of others as well. I feel that it helps me get along with others better when I learn more about them.
That's really about it.

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Postby Technomancer » Mon Jul 28, 2003 2:23 pm

Quite so. We may disagree (on many points) with Wicca's theology, but it would be a mistake to simply consider it to be Satanism or what popular stories consider to be witch-craft. Like any religion, it must be considered first on its own terms if we are to understand it in any useful fashion. There is also a lot to be said for gaining a proper understanding of the world's various religions and mythologies, although I am rather skeptical of any claims to "powers"
The scientific method," Thomas Henry Huxley once wrote, "is nothing but the normal working of the human mind." That is to say, when the mind is working; that is to say further, when it is engaged in corrrecting its mistakes. Taking this point of view, we may conclude that science is not physics, biology, or chemistry—is not even a "subject"—but a moral imperative drawn from a larger narrative whose purpose is to give perspective, balance, and humility to learning.

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Postby WhiteÃ…ngel » Mon Jul 28, 2003 4:31 pm

The military, the workplace, schools... the world is the world and the beliefs and practices lean towards darker and darker thoughts... We ( Christians) already know about these things and when they will happen.
The point I am making is that not only have I done my research, I weighed the options. There are only 2 powers .. good and evil.. in the spirit realm there is no grey area. The largest accomplishment that Satan accomplished was to make people think he doesn't exist, that being in a mother earth religion is somehow different because you aren't directly serving Satan. Anything not of God is evil and the pride and selfishness that comes from those things will lend the proper fruits for thier type. The earth didn't spawn you... it was created like everything else and as you should respect your mother and father , you will learn to respect our father in heaven. One day every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Chirst is Lord. These things can't be changed, but when you start to see them you will have a choice. His love and grace is there for you and you can get nothing but good from it.

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Postby Psycho Ann » Mon Jul 28, 2003 5:33 pm

God and goddess? Isn't that just right up the alley of idolatry? Worshipping *anything* is considered idolatry, and that includes the image of nature. And if the person just "uses/studies" the belief and not get-down-on-knees-and-grovel worship, how can that person be so sure he/she can outsmart the supernatural? They may think they're just using the "availible potential" when in fact it's vice versa. Bondage of the soul, happens immediately, unbreakable unless with His blood.

And magical healing, etc is very real. It works, it can help, but don't be deceived. Will it help you get your salvation? Nope. Will it make people turn to the powers of the air than Him? Yes.

Voodoo, Wiccan rituals, Indonesian "santet" curses... they all "work", but if these "miraculous" acts don't come from God.... then *who*?

And we all know where it comes from, stated clearly in the Scripture.

And isn't it common sense *not* to take "candy", all "good" and "sweet", from the father of all lies? ;)

I pray for you and your husband, Celtic. The longer and more focused your walk in Him will reveal the ugly truths and darkness lingering off that very path. Now that you've received Him, the opposition will be scrambling to knock you off that road--I pray your mallet (read: faith) will not splinter and break after beating those losers off. XD
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Postby Jimmothy » Mon Jul 28, 2003 8:39 pm

Hello :shady: . I'm sorry but if you invoke a fake god than that is paganism and just because it is recognized as a religon doesn't mean it is not pagan(the tempel of set is a recognized church :mutter:). Anything that is not Christian is pagan.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Jul 29, 2003 8:46 am

Umm... I'm going to make an umbrella statement over everyone else here. We aren't attacking you, nor should our comments be intended as such. I believe the responses arise from a genuine concern for your future/relationship with God. So please, don't feel defensive, we're just doing what we believe is required of us.
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Postby Rashiir » Tue Jul 29, 2003 9:27 am

I'd second that. We're just worried for you because it sounds like you're walking on treacherous ground.
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Postby EireWolf » Tue Jul 29, 2003 1:59 pm

Hello Celtic Moon! Welcome to this place. I hope you don't feel like running away after reading all of this; as uc pseudonym said, please don't read them as attacks.

I feel a sort of kinship with you, for lack of a better word. I, too, love nature and feel that my soul would be empty without it. In fact, if I were not a Christian I would most probably be a Wiccan. But God has warned me away from that path, knowing that it would eventually lead me away from El. I won't go into why it's dangerous, as others here have already done that. But it would be giving credit where it is not due, instead of to our glorious Creator alone.

I'm also interested in the Celtic culture, but most specifically in Celtic Christianity. Here are a couple of good books, both by Esther de Waal of Wales:

Every Earthly Blessing: Rediscovering the Celtic Tradition


The Celtic Way of Prayer: The Recovery of the Religious Imagination

Anyway... do you still ride horses? I used to, and I miss it SO MUCH! I had my own horse for several years when I was younger. I never showed or anything like that, but I loved my horse. I miss him. *sigh*

Again, welcome! Feel free to PM me if you like.


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Postby Celtic_Moon » Wed Jul 30, 2003 5:09 pm

That's a cheer used to mean a hundred thousand good wishes on a happy life. Or something like that.
I'm not worried about my spirituality. I have a healthy relationship with God. Actually, after reading thru these posts again, I went thru my Bible and something had me turn to Corinthians. This verse came at me:
For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband. Else were your children unclean, but now they are holy.
Oh, and thanks for the books, Eire Wolf, I'll look them up :thumb:

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed Jul 30, 2003 5:53 pm

Well Celtic Moon, I'll be praying for you anyway, and welcome to these boards. ^_^
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Aug 30, 2003 7:40 pm

ShiroiHikari wrote:Well Celtic Moon, I'll be praying for you anyway, and welcome to these boards. ^_^

My Ex was wiccan at one time, and really it is very dangerous. I don't know everything about them, but it is not christian and not in any way compatible with Christianity. I pray he becomes a Christian

Wicca is a false religion just like buddhism, shintoism, hindu, Taoism, cosmic humanism, secular humanism (and it's other side, Satanism... they are the same thing), marxism, and foundless atheism. If you are yoked (meaning if he has pull in your life) with him and he's Wiccan, it's very likely for him to pull you in. It takes more effort than normal to stay with God when you're married to someone who's not. And that being the case, you may want to avoid things that will make it harder such as TV, secular music, fiction novels, and Movies. (anime falling in that group) because your defenses are allready going to be weakened.

on to another part of your message

and as for Haruka and Michiru... Um...

Ok, don't freak out when I say this, but I have very strong beliefs on this

1. I have one major Gay friend (well, he's struggling and trying to leave the lifestyle) so I don't hate them... I dont' participate in jokes and talk that insults Gay people...

2. Homosexuality is WRONG... no ifs ands or buts about it...

3. While the Bible does NOT teach that as one friend said "All sins are created equal" (that was laughably mixed up) what it DOES put on the same level (the worst of sins right under blasphemy) is lying and heterosexual sin... Who of us is completely honest all of the time? Or, for that matter, most of the guys and a lot of the girls here probably struggle with sexual issues even heterosexual. However, for us to, for instance, say masturbation as an end to a fantasy, or Homosexuality is ok is to go completely against the Bible. Now, I love Sailormoon (the show(s) I mean) but Homosexuality is a sin. That doesn't mean we stand on the street corners saying "You're a sinner and you're going to hell I hope you burn" like many people do, but if we wink and give a justifying nod to it, we are in big trouble. I do believe that Sexual sins are the most harmful to us as Christians... Homosexuality being about the hardest to escape. Um... Yeah, anyhow I got off on a lecture here, but I don't think that Haruka and Michiru are a good couple... Nor do I think that Zoicite and Kunzite are a good couple. Nor do I think that it is ok for those teens in Onegai Teacher to have sex before marriage, or for Mizuho's Mom to try to seduce Kei. So yeah... Um... I dont' know how to end this...

Well, in any case... I dont' think it's right to look at Haruka and Michiru with warmth in reference to their relationship... YOu can watch the story and take the good with the bad, but to accept that aspect is not good...
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Postby Michael » Sat Aug 30, 2003 9:05 pm

<For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband. >
What about Genesis 2:24?
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Postby Rashiir » Sat Aug 30, 2003 11:15 pm

Wow. Good detective work. I had no idea who those people were. Um, yeah. And what Bob said.
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