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Sherlock Mini-series

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:43 pm
by musicaloddball
There's a BBC mini-series called Sherlock that's been airing on Masterpiece Theatre. It's also available on the PBS website if you want to watch it. Anybody watching it? I just finished the second part, and I really like it. It has lots of action and suspense, but it has a heart and mind, too, if you know what I mean. There IS a very small, short passing reference to homosexuality being ok in the first episode, but it was just so short, I ignored it easily.

But it's probably not for people who like the old Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes stories, because they've kind of turned Sherlock into a total snob. :lol: I personally was never interested by the old Sherlock Holmes stories so this is much cooler to me.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:47 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
Actually, it's pretty true to the original characters and Sherlock Holmes always was a bit of a snob. I've seen the second episode. I missed the first and third (final) episode but I'll catch them another time.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:32 pm
by Atria35
Oooh. I will totally check this out!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 5:18 pm
by goldenspines
Sherlock + texting = must watch.

I watched the three episodes of the first season as they aired here. All were excellent and very enjoyable; the third one was the best by far, though. And on a news release on BBC, a second season is to be aired in the future. :D

What I like most about the series, like Warrior 4 Jesus mentioned, is the fact that they incorporate so many of the original Holmes stories into one and give them a fun new twist (since we're in the 21st century) and they definitely stay very true to the character's personalities despite being in a different time period (three words: four nicotine patches). Including a few minor points (for the sake of all that is wonderful, don't read unless you've seen the final episode):
[spoiler] Like Moriarty, for example. He's still very much the same antagonist we all know and hate/love to hate, but in a very different way. Not the same twisted older man that some of us knew him as. But the part is still pulled off nicely and keeps you on the edge of your seat.

And that ending. THAT ENDING. It caught even me off guard and I'm an avid Sherlock Holmes fan.
The ending reminded me of The Final Problem so much so that the second season better be as fantastic as The Adventures of the Empty House (in the Return of Sherlock Holmes) was. [/spoiler]

Plus, I really like the cast of the show. I think the main casting for Sherlock, Watson, and even Mycroft was spot on.

And if that doesn't convince you. Sherlock was scripted by Steven Moffat. You must all go watch it now.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 6:53 pm
by MomentOfInertia
If I had more free time this would be really interesting, but for now I'll just mark it for later.

Sounds cool though.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:02 pm
by Yamamaya
Let me just say that if they ever make a live action Death Note movie, the guy who played Sherlock should play L.

Sherlock wasn't a snob, he was just completely obsessive and insane. He's completely apathetic towards everything in life save for solving mysteries. That's what makes him such a good detective. Nothing slips by his notice. I must say that I feel sorry for Watson. Watson is an intelligent man, but he's no match for Sherlock. That is keeping to the spirit of the original books however.

The one thing that irritated me was .[SPOILER]They ended the series on a freaking cliffhanger! Did Sherlock die or did he live? Looks like we'll have to wait. [/SPOILER]

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:32 am
by musicaloddball
I saw the last episode last night. Awesomeness. It just kept getting better and better.

OK, you guys are probably right if you say this Sherlock is true to the original characters. I haven't read many of the original stories. I actually only read one.

Yamamaya (post: 1437055) wrote:The one thing that irritated me was .[SPOILER]They ended the series on a freaking cliffhanger! Did Sherlock die or did he live? Looks like we'll have to wait. [/SPOILER]

[SPOILER]He and Watson must have survived since they're making another season next summer. That was some crazy deadlock ending though. From the look on Sherlock's face, it looked to me like he was about to shoot the bomb. I mean, after the screen went dark, I was expecting to hear a shot (or two or three.) But who really knows?[/SPOILER]

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:30 pm
by goldenspines
@ Yama and Musical:

[spoiler] If Moffat's scripting is awesome and I know it is, you can read Sherlock Holmes' stories, The Final Problem then read The Empty House for why there was a cliffhanger and for full spoilers of what may happen in season 2. O:

My prediction is that either Waston will barely live and wake up in a hospital room and Sherlock will be presumed "dead" (then make a triumphant return) or both will be thought dead, then come back and freak the heck out of Lestrade. XD;

I kind of hope they will go above and beyond that simple storyline, though. They haven't disappointed yet, I don't think they'll start now. :3 [/spoiler]

Too bad we may have to wait until next fall for the 2nd season. :C