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Has CN/Toonami gone insane?!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 4:53 pm
by ChristianKitsune
Okay, so I am watching this movie that Stan Lee and Cartoon Network made together. In fact I have watched a few of these movies....and I gotta wonder, "Has CN gone crazy?!"

Sure these are good story lines. And the animation is pretty decent... but The content in these movies is definately not for kids under the age of 14 (and while the target audience is for kids 11-17 that's quite a gap).

I am watching a movie right now, called the Condor... and my goodness! I have heard the B word, the A word, the S word..and other curse words. There was also a "Back Flash" Scene.... And a few scantily clad women...(complete with fanservice shots D: )

As an adult this movie is a bit disturbing, XD I mean I am thanking God right now that my little sister isn't watching this.

The other movies weren't innocent either... Mosaic, though a pretty interesting movie, had curse words too....

It all makes me laugh, has CN gotten way more lax on their content now? O_o It's a bit confusing and a bit disturbing. I guess I wouldn't be posting something like this if this came on at like 9 pm...but this is like 6/7 pm air time! Couldn't younger kids be watching this stuff? XD

I sound like an old lady I know, parents shoudl monitor and not me...I just found it a bit wierd...

On another note: WHAT DID THEY DO TO TOM!? XD he looks so wierd!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:37 pm
by Mi-Ru-Me
I read you loud and clear It seems that because people keep pushing things likke kid movies that have crude words or worse as well as numorous uses of Gods name in vaine. The more they do it the more lax companies get about it so if people dont make a fuss it will get worse Like late nigt comedy central with the f word actually on air next theing we know AS will start uncensoring their stuff then it just moves down the line of entertainment. And for all its worth its not right for kids to have to hear this. They dont need to grow up yet.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:48 pm
by CrimsonRyu17
Yeah, I totally know what you mean. I even saw the few last minutes of Iron Man, or so I believe it was called, and it was just basicly a nude woman covered in mud fighting the man character. If I were a parent, I'd be seriosuly ticked.

Cartoon Network is going along with the rest of the main media. Nudity, profanity, using the Lord's name in vain; it's only logical. This world is corrupt with sin and it's spreading even further to the younger audience.

On another note, Cartoon Network has transformed Tom into Thomas.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:54 pm
by Roy Mustang
ChristianKitsune wrote:On another note: WHAT DID THEY DO TO TOM!? XD he looks so wierd!

Tom got a new look last week for Toonami's tenth anniversary.

Col. Roy Mustang

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 6:33 pm
by ChristianKitsune
i know WHY he was changed...but that doesn't mean I have to like it...

Oh really?! I didn't see that! XD I was out of town for a while..woah strange Toonami, very strange.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 12:02 am
by The Doctor
Some can call it a ratings grab. Shame and sin sell apparently.

But that's only the small picture. There's a much bigger picture to all of this.

Remember, we are in the physical realm, but there is another realm that coexists with us: the spiritual realm. And there is a spiritual war raging around us, and this is just a part of that war.

I interpret alot of the crap being shown to young children today as Satan trying to corrupt the minds of children (depending on your definition of crap).

Best thing you can do is pray.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:08 am
by rocklobster
They went insane a long time ago. It was when they put the Goonies on the network. I won't even get into why that is almost not a kid's movie.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:49 am
by beau99
ChristianKitsune wrote:Okay, so I am watching this movie that Stan Lee and Cartoon Network made together. In fact I have watched a few of these movies....and I gotta wonder, "Has CN gone crazy?!"

Sure these are good story lines. And the animation is pretty decent... but The content in these movies is definately not for kids under the age of 14 (and while the target audience is for kids 11-17 that's quite a gap).

I am watching a movie right now, called the Condor... and my goodness! I have heard the B word, the A word, the S word..and other curse words. There was also a "Back Flash" Scene.... And a few scantily clad women...(complete with fanservice shots D: )

As an adult this movie is a bit disturbing, XD I mean I am thanking God right now that my little sister isn't watching this.

The other movies weren't innocent either... Mosaic, though a pretty interesting movie, had curse words too....

It all makes me laugh, has CN gotten way more lax on their content now? O_o It's a bit confusing and a bit disturbing. I guess I wouldn't be posting something like this if this came on at like 9 pm...but this is like 6/7 pm air time! Couldn't younger kids be watching this stuff? XD

I sound like an old lady I know, parents shoudl monitor and not me...I just found it a bit wierd...

They show things like that at certain hours only. They know kids (most of them) are required to be in bed at that time, so they can get away with it.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:09 am
by Mi-Ru-Me
problem is that cartoon network is in eastern time so the rest of the country get these at earlyer hours like me in central time.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:45 am
by ashfire
I guess they didn't run any disclaimers or warning before they show these Stan Lee movie series about adult situations involved in them.
Maybe they should move them to later times and move the other shows up.
I think Turner Broadcast System should be held responsiable about this. How many more of these Stan Lee series are they going to show?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 12:19 pm
by ShiroiHikari
Before I get started, let me say that I'm not trying to start a fight, just stating my opinion on the matter.

I dunno...personally, I don't see what the big deal is. So it's got some curse words in it. (Transformers: The Movie has curse words in it. >_>) Also, what about people like myself who grew up with movies like Alien and Back to the Future and other PG-rated stuff? I didn't turn out as some depraved menace to society. o_o

As for it being on Cartoon Network, well, maybe kids don't watch the network at that time of the night. I mean, if you're going to argue against something like this being on CN, then what about some of the stuff on Adult Swim? Just because a kid should be in bed instead of watching TV doesn't mean they are.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 12:25 pm
by Nate
I find it hard to believe CN showed this "without warning." Every show I've watched on CN, they at least put the TV rating (y'know, TVG, TV14, TVPG, etc) in the upper corner before the show starts, and I've seen them do it even as often as whenever they come back from the commercial break.

By the way, if no one knows this, I'll go ahead and say it. As cable channels, Cartoon Network and Comedy Central do not have to adhere to FCC guidelines. The only restrictions placed on them are that they can't show hardcore pornography. They do often edit shows to make them appeal to a wider audience, but they don't have to.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:45 pm
by mitsuki lover
I only turned on the last five minutes or so in order to be ready for BoBoBo-BoBo-BoBo so I may have missed the main reason for the complaints.
Saturday tends to be different on CN in any case since all the shows are more
action oriented to begin with.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 8:38 pm
by ChristianKitsune
the fact is that at 6 pm Central time, or 7 pm Eastern times, kids are STILL awake. O_o as I said if this came on at like 9 or 10 I wouldn't be saying this, but it came on at 6. That's dinner time, many kids are watching tv at this time. Heck, it's only 5 in the Mountain time.

I was bothered by it, but not as much as I was concerned for any kids who were watching was a bit wierd in my opinion. They showed a very very scantally clad woman... I mean there was one scene where she was wearing practically nothing...seriously. It was like watching a live action super hero movie intended for teens.. and if I remember correctly the rating was like Y7 or PG. I have seen some of this stuff on adult swim...when the episode was rated TV 14.

I agree there is definately something going, I am really tempted to email CN about this.. XD it probably won't make a difference but hey, I am only 18 and I would have made my little sister change it if she were watching it...thankfully she wasn't.


I did it, I sent them some feed back, here is what I said:
Greetings, Cartoon Network!

I am an 18 year old College student, and I am a huge fan of your cartoons. (mostly your anime) (I believe that Cartoons can be for everyone!)

And for the past few weeks, I have been watching your Stan Lee movies, such as Mosaic, The Invisible Iron Man, and recently, The Condor; on your Toonami programming block.

As an 18-year-old College student, I must say that I found these movies were alright for teens closer to my age. They had the action, the drama and even the comedy that I think we can understand.

However, I also feel that these movies weren't the best for your younger viewers. I believe your target audience is towards the 11-17 year old age group right?

Not that my opinion matters much, but I felt that a lot of the content in these movies shouldn't have been viewed by children younger than 14. There were swear words that I haven't heard in many of your other programming slots...I don't even think I have heard it in your anime, unless it was aired later on Adult Swim. On the movie Condor there was a bit too much skin shown, especially toward the end of the movie.

Where I live these movies came on at 6 pm...plenty of time for kids to still be up and watching what you are putting on the air. And I really don't believe that it's a good thing for them to see this kind of stuff. Perhaps next time you guys could move these shows to a later time? And move your other shows down?

Again, I find the story lines to these movies to be entertaining. The action was pretty good and all, I just worry that the younger audience would be affected in ways that probably aren't good. They are still kids after all, why not let them grow up a little slower? Their parents only have them for a little while, after all.

Thanks for reading.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:14 am
by beau99
^ While you have good intentions, CN doesn't read email feedback. You actually have to physically write a letter to them if you want anyone to read it.

Mi-Ru-Me wrote:problem is that cartoon network is in eastern time so the rest of the country get these at earlyer hours like me in central time.

I wish that were true in Arizona. We get the west coast feed here, which is bad for me, cuz I watch Moral Orel on Sunday nights and I usually miss the first run.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:18 am
by Mr. SmartyPants
I don't see what the problem is. Since when was anime for only children? It's not. It's for people of all age ranges.

The same applies for western cartoons. Not all of them are for younger children. Just because it airs at 6 or 7 doesn't mean it's specifically for little kids to watch. It's called Cartoon Network, not Children Network; and Cartoons have a wide range of variety.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:43 am
by ChristianKitsune
[quote="Mr. SmartyPants"]I don't see what the problem is. Since when was anime for only children? It's not. It's for people of all age ranges.

The same applies for western cartoons. Not all of them are for younger children. Just because it airs at 6 or 7 doesn't mean it's specifically for little kids to watch. It's called Cartoon Network, not Children Network]

Mr. Smartypants... I know what you are saying, however the problem is, Kids do watch this stuff... I know we can't censor things forever. But still, as an adult this stuff bothered me, and I have seen a lot of anime! It bothered me because of the fact that some of these movies shouldn't have been on CN it should have been on Adult Swim. That's how mature some of the content was. Or at least aired later, when little kids are in bed...or doing other things.

You're right, CN isn't Children's Network, but the fact is, Children of all ages watch cartoons. That's a fact. I remember when I was young I wanted to watch certain things because it was a cartoon... but I wasn't mature enough to watch. Heck, little kids watch South Park and stuff when they really shouldn't. :/

I know we can't stop everything, and we shouldn't gripe, but seriously, these movies had enough action to attract any action fan, that was okay, but it was the cussing and the sexual suggestions that bothered me...>_<. Kids don't need to see that... I didn't want to see that.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:47 am
by Nate
The main problem here, and don't take offense to this, but the main problem I'm seeing is that you're relieving the parents of their responsibility. This is like the arguments about violent video games, about comic books, all of that, all over again.

It is NOT the network's responsibility to protect children from offensive content. Sorry, it isn't. They're a business, and they do what they think is going to get the most ratings, because that's their purpose as a business.

It's up to the parents to be actively involved in their children's lives and ensure that they don't watch something they shouldn't. Anything less means you aren't doing your job as a parent. You can say that Cartoon Network shouldn't show things like this; why? As Ryan pointed out, Cartoon Network isn't a channel just for children, they have no obligation to cater to children. As I said, they are not bound by FCC regulations, so it's not like they have any legal obligations to show more offensive content later at night. They can show it whenever they want.

"They should show it on Adult Swim." Why? Adult Swim is there to show more mature things, true. But why should adults be forced to stay up late to see a show they want? Maybe some people have to wake up for work at 5 AM, they don't want to stay up until 11 PM to watch a two hour long movie. You could say that they could use the VCR to tape it, but then, a kid could use the VCR to tape it too, so that wouldn't really solve the problem, now would it?

Parents need to be parents. It isn't up to Cartoon Network to babysit kids, parents need to know what their children are watching and playing, and take measures to ensure their children aren't watching/playing anything inappropriate, instead of removing all this kind of content from television or games. Because last I checked we had freedom of speech in this country.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:14 pm
by beau99
[quote="Nate"]The main problem here, and don't take offense to this, but the main problem I'm seeing is that you're relieving the parents of their responsibility. This is like the arguments about violent video games, about comic books, all of that, all over again.

It is NOT the network's responsibility to protect children from offensive content. Sorry, it isn't. They're a business, and they do what they think is going to get the most ratings, because that's their purpose as a business.

It's up to the parents to be actively involved in their children's lives and ensure that they don't watch something they shouldn't. Anything less means you aren't doing your job as a parent. You can say that Cartoon Network shouldn't show things like this]
Very well said, my good sir.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:58 pm
by mitsuki lover
Another point to be made is that not everyone is going to be offended by the same thing.
Maybe because I started my anime viewing with Anime Unleashed instead of
Adult Swim or Toonami that I see things differently.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:39 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
mitsuki lover wrote:Another point to be made is that not everyone is going to be offended by the same thing.
Maybe because I started my anime viewing with Anime Unleashed instead of
Adult Swim or Toonami that I see things differently.

Right. And similar to what Nate is saying, certain parents may be more conservative or lenient on certain things that their children are exposed to.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:47 pm
by ICE-rocks
heres my opinion.

we'll as far as curse words go alot of people have been pushing the bondries. such as Cds I went out and bought a clean cd and heard the D word in a couple of there songs.

and also I thought thats why they took off IGPX from the cn lineup and moved it back to friday late friday night.

I dunno guess its just this world :(.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:13 pm
by beau99
ICE-rocks wrote:
and also I thought thats why they took off IGPX from the cn lineup and moved it back to friday late friday night.

No, it was moved due to low ratings.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:41 pm
by mssthang_1
yeah, i wuz watchin' the condor and my mom just happened to walk in on the part where the dude wuz like "what do you want me to sign" and she flashes her "girls" at him, and my mom freaked out and told me i should've changed the channel, so, i didn't watch the rest because of that part......i hate the way t.v. is lowering standards, you can barley get a good story without sex and swearing >.<

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:10 pm
by ashfire
I was in Target Sat and its on DVD before the show was CN Sat night.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:24 pm
by rocklobster
I agree Nate. I know all about Dr. Frederick Wertham's assault on my favorite superheroes. I won't go into his preposterous claims here.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:51 pm
by Fiore teh Duck
~.~ I still remember when they changed Tom the first time, years ago. I think it was during a Dragon Ball Z marathon (XD childhood rings in the distance~)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:27 pm
by beau99
mssthang_1 wrote:i hate the way t.v. is lowering standards, you can barley get a good story without sex and swearing >.<

As we've said before, there is no legal "standard" for non-broadcast networks. CN can legally show what they want when they want. The only reason they don't is that they would lose advert revenue.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:34 pm
by Yojimbo
I gotta go side with it's a matter of the parent's responsibility. If people actually took two minutes to use the V-Chip in almost every TV that's not 10 or more years old then boom the problem would be solved.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:36 pm
by ChristianKitsune
I am not saying I don't agree that Parents should be parents, Nate.. I dunno...I just know that what was on probably would have been better later in the evening... that's all. :/