Hah, I saw that same article. XD And I was blown away that the author thought Ben Stiller was so funny, 'cause I really don't like him all that much, especially compared to some of the others on that list. XD Anyways, I voted for Steve Carell (with Will Ferrell coming in at a close second). XD Both of them have made movies that push the envelope, but the real reason I voted for Steve Carell was because of The Office. I mean, who can resist laughing their face off at Michael Scott? XD
As for the others...
Robin Williams is ingeniously funny at times, and his improv. is killer. XD He's quite good in serious roles, too. Dead Poets' Society FTW.
Jim Carrey can be very funny sometimes (I personally loved him in Dumb and Dumber), and other times he can just be too over-the-top for my tastes. I love his more serious movies too, like The Truman Show. Fatastic.
Jack Black...eh. That's all I have to say. XD
Chris Rock is
kinda funny, but his humor has never really appealed to me. I preferred Chris Tucker's roles in the Rush Hour movies to anything Chris Rock has done.
Adam Sandler, I can't stand. XD
Owen Wilson...he can be funny, but I find a lot of his stuff to be too crass for my tastes.
As for Sacha Baron Cohen, I've never seen him in anything, and given the reputation of his most recent film, I really don't want to. XD