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Has the time come to switch monitors?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:40 am
by Dante
Is the switch from a 10-year-old 19-inch CRT monitor to a new 20 inch LED monitor worth it?

In particular, I'm considering making a switch, because I know it will drastically reduce the power consumption and reduce the oppressive heat-levels in my room (living in Arizona, with a CRT monitor in a closed room creates a small oven). I like the design and have heard that it's easier on the eyes, but I'm wondering if it's worth the $100 some odd dollars that they're charging (although these things have dropped dramatically since when I first saw them).

Another note: While I personally don't buy into such things - some say that CRT monitors release low-frequency radiation that can irritate others. My mother has always complained that she doesn't feel right whenever I have a computer on, or the TV is on, but while I personally think she just has an aversion to them (she's seems happy fine when she's on Craigs list), I won't entirely rule out this possibility. I know LEDs don't release this type of radiation, so it may or may not fix her problem... at least with my computer. Of course, if she did find out that this was the cause, it would likely be worth flipping out the TV down stairs too just so she could live in the house in peace.

Any thoughts?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:45 am
by mechana2015
It would also save you space since you wouldn't have the crt backend to deal with. You can also get some really impressive brightness out of an LED screen so you'll have less glare issues (if you've ever had them).

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:13 am
by Warrior4Christ
I think you mean LCD.

I was hesitant about early LCD monitors, but anything in the last 5 years has been pretty good, and for most people there aren't many things that CRTs are better at (colour reproduction if you're a graphic designer). Less power, less heat, less blurry, less space occupied - I'd go for it.
Or even better, dual monitor.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:16 am
by shooraijin
I was a very late convert from CRT because of the colour fidelity, but if you find a good IPS panel (not the TN junk you buy at Ye Olde Big Box Leccies) you will be impressed by the sharpness and the colour is nearly as good. Most Apple displays are IPS, but I use the NEC MultiSync EA231WMi, which is a 23" IPS 1920x1080 LCD monitor. It was about $300 but I'm sure you can do better now.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:08 am
by mechana2015
Nope, I mean LED. They're a bit pricier but they're really bright and crisp. The only monitor Apple currently sells is an LED and they aren't the only company selling them.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:42 am
by Valkaiser
Personally, I would keep the CRT (small collection of 20+ inch ones), but the heat issue might be a significant point. I have a high ceiling, and it still makes a big difference.

LED LCD's are far superior to CCFL LCD's in power consumption and life expectancy, but I don't know if they are reasonably priced yet.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:01 pm
by Dante
No, I do mean LED. They have an LCD screen in front of that to provide a crisper image, but they are LED monitors (Uses about 20 some odd watts instead of 110). I went down and took a look at the selection and they didn't show the one they had in the paper - I won't buy a monitor that I can't see in person (I have to see the image to know I won't hate it). But I did notice a pricier one there that was claimed High Definition, was about $40 more and was a lot cleaner then any of the others on display - if I end up going with it, I may shell out the extra $40 for a crisper image that's easier to read ^_^.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:12 pm
by Tsukuyomi
Meep, I voted for the first one xD I don't like wasting things, but you can always dump it somewhere where they can reuse the parts or something right? Go for the energy saver :3

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:46 pm
by Dante
Tsukuyomi (post: 1488296) wrote:Meep, I voted for the first one xD I don't like wasting things, but you can always dump it somewhere where they can reuse the parts or something right? Go for the energy saver :3

No worries there. I won't trash a perfectly good monitor. I will always store it around in the event that my new monitor breaks, one of my parents need a monitor for a computer (say my Dad finally really got into computers) or if we find someone who's monitor breaks, we'll give it to them. Given that I have no other spare monitors at the current time, that shows that they do eventually leave and find good homes down the line. Of course, I HAVE always wanted to make a real life animation of me doing this!


But I do like this monitor and think it will stay around regardless.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:54 pm
by Valkaiser
Unfortunately, CRT's get trashed frequently nowadays and they are NOT good for landfills (lot's of lead and stuff). I have had to start passing them over on dumpster raids because I have so many (though I do snip the cables off for future use).
I think I'm up to 20 17inch ones...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:23 am
by Warrior4Christ
mechana2015 (post: 1488268) wrote:Nope, I mean LED. They're a bit pricier but they're really bright and crisp. The only monitor Apple currently sells is an LED and they aren't the only company selling them.

Dante (post: 1488289) wrote:No, I do mean LED. They have an LCD screen in front of that to provide a crisper image, but they are LED monitors (Uses about 20 some odd watts instead of 110). I went down and took a look at the selection and they didn't show the one they had in the paper - I won't buy a monitor that I can't see in person (I have to see the image to know I won't hate it). But I did notice a pricier one there that was claimed High Definition, was about $40 more and was a lot cleaner then any of the others on display - if I end up going with it, I may shell out the extra $40 for a crisper image that's easier to read ^_^.

LED Display:
This article is about Light-emitting diode (LED) based displays. For LED-backlighted televisions, see LED-backlit LCD television.

LED monitor:
Did you mean: lcd monitor

The page "Led monitor" does not exist. You can ask for it to be created, but consider checking the search results below to see whether the topic is already covered.

They are actually LCD monitors but with an LED backlight, as Valk alluded to.
Using LEDs as pixels really doesn't give the greatest image....

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:39 am
by Dante
^- This is true. Unless you're using OLEDs though, but they're not on the market - at least not within anyone's price range. OLEDs though, are small enough to actually be their own pixels ^_^.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:51 pm
by Dante
OK! I went ahead and did it! O_O Oooh (grabs monitor and runs in a circle - THE PRETTY COLORS!). Alright, so I think this was a good decision, my video card is currently maxed out in terms of the resolution and the screen is crystal clear (nice and wide too)... DVDs look cruddy, but I think that's more to do with the DVD quality overall, I actually am thinking of hooking this sucker up to a blue-ray.

Thank you for the suggestions everyone, I think I'm going to be VERY happy with the outcome of this!


PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:21 pm
by Warrior4Christ
Haha, glad you like it!
I've seen some LCD screens have.. a more limited set of colours it can display, so dark areas of DVD scenes look kind of bad. But that's usually with the cheaper screens. If it still happens with bluray, then it's the screen...