Custom file types
PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 11:00 pm
If we have any other programmers on the boards, have you ever along your coding travels ever had to invent a custom file type for your needs? I've had to invent about 5 of them for The Traveller's Guide! If memory serves me correctly, here they are:
ADF (Animations Definitions File): Has basic information about a sprite's animation sequence(s)--that is, the bitmaps' paths, how long to display them for, etc.
MOB (Movable Object Block file): Contains info about the general behavior, stats and ADF of a MOB (that is, a non-player character or enemy sprite).
MAP, DAT, MIF: Map data. MAP is the header file with info about how big it is, which music is played, how many MOBs it has, etc. DAT contains info about each tile on the map--appearance, whether it's passable, etc. MIF, short for "MOB Initialization File", contains info about the initial settings, paths and placement of MOBs on the map.
Save file: One must be able to save one's progress, you know. ^_~
Configuration file: Right now, this is just player-generated info about which controls do what in the game. (That may be all it does.)
Fellow programmers, have you had to invent any file formats of your own? Let yourselves be heard! ^_^ (You don't have to say what they are like I did if you don't want to; I just want to rest assured that I'm not the only one that does this. ^_^; )
ADF (Animations Definitions File): Has basic information about a sprite's animation sequence(s)--that is, the bitmaps' paths, how long to display them for, etc.
MOB (Movable Object Block file): Contains info about the general behavior, stats and ADF of a MOB (that is, a non-player character or enemy sprite).
MAP, DAT, MIF: Map data. MAP is the header file with info about how big it is, which music is played, how many MOBs it has, etc. DAT contains info about each tile on the map--appearance, whether it's passable, etc. MIF, short for "MOB Initialization File", contains info about the initial settings, paths and placement of MOBs on the map.
Save file: One must be able to save one's progress, you know. ^_~
Configuration file: Right now, this is just player-generated info about which controls do what in the game. (That may be all it does.)
Fellow programmers, have you had to invent any file formats of your own? Let yourselves be heard! ^_^ (You don't have to say what they are like I did if you don't want to; I just want to rest assured that I'm not the only one that does this. ^_^; )