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Graphing Calculators are addictive...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 5:21 pm
by Asmi-chan
Okay, I got a TI-83 Plus calculator for Algebra this year, and ever since, I have been addicted. But it's so beautiful!

And that was before one of my classmates made the mistake of showing me some basics for programming. It's like I've discovered a whole new world! But's it's really sad, too... People in class will ask me, 'oh, you must have some really cool games on there,' and my reply is usual something like, 'No, I don't have any games.' And then they think I'm a total geek, so nothing else is new. Actually, I'm trying to figure out how to make my own games... An RPG would be fun...

But, one thing that kinda has me in a pickle (dill, not sweet), is the GDB, Graphics Database what-evers. I'm basically wondering what exactly they are, how to use them, how they differ from regular Pictures, that kind of thing. I still have the manual, but it's still a tad bit confusing. :?:

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 10:31 pm
by Fsiphskilm
Don't LET anyone Steal IT.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 4:58 am
by Technomancer
I didn't think you could put games on it. They're useful things anyways (especially for an engineer), although I've always used the Casio fx-6300G, and not any of the TI's.