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Looking for a host

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 2:56 pm
by rii namuras
(I'm looking for someone to host Miss Mollie's and my personal art website, Airisu Fearii. I'm quite honestly sick of all the free host websites, so I'd be very grateful if someone'd be willing to host us. I'm currently using both FreeWebs and Geocities. The current URL's .)

(Right now we're just art and a bit of manga, but once I get a better host ( ::wink wink nudge nudge:: ) I'm planning to add on, with reviews of books, movies, manga, anime, CDs, ect, uploading the rest of my art and manga (yes, the one I just have two pages up of), wallpapers, in the near future Miss Mollie and I plan on taking commissions, as well as some other stuff that I can't think of at the moment.)

(So if anyone's willing, please give me a PM.)