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Postby lexicalunit » Mon Nov 10, 2003 9:00 pm

SouthernSun wrote:i like my netscape. it's all the same basicly, netscape = Mozilla = Firebird. Apparently Firebird is an upgrade of Mozill and Mozilla is the Open sourse less buggy less AOL/netscape version of netscape. But i like Netscape Navigator, Any of the three are better than that horrid I.E. Why doesn't microsoft do anything about all these holes and security flaws, could it be that M$ don't spend Nearly as much time on their OS and Software as Apple and Linux do. I've never herd of Apple having these kind of problems (probly cuz not that many people own them) but on the other hand-> lots of major graphical institutes and colleges use apples. so they would be a target. I think microsoft use Cat-Mills, then they place them on top of keyboards and let them type Giberish for an hour or two. After this the code is saved and marketed as Windows/Internet Explorer. :lol:


Some of the same people that first coded on the netscape project latter joined the Mozilla project. Since Mozilla is open source and Netscape is not, AOL would have a heart attack if they found Netscape code within the Mozilla tree. Also Firebird is not moziilla in any way shape or fashion. It emulates some features of Mozilla and grew out of the Mozilla project, but it is an entierly different beast all together, this much is apparent in the fact that Mozilla extensions are incompatible with Firebird.

Also it should be noted that
" wrote:Mozilla Firebird 0.7 is a Technology Preview. While this software works well in most cases, generally well enough to be relied upon as your primary browser, we make no guarantees of its performance or stability in its pre-1.0 state and it should not be relied upon for mission-critical tasks.

FB is beta, so don't use it unless you know a thing or two about how a computer works unless you want to speend all day tearing out your hair.
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Postby inkhana » Mon Nov 10, 2003 9:31 pm

Actually, FB is not as hard to use as lexicon makes it seem. It apparently doesn't even rely on the registry, since it has no installation file. If you reinstall your system files (not reformat, of course...:sweat: ), I would guess it would still work. It still works better than IE , even in beta, IMHO (IE on my machine crashes daily, Firebird almost never crashes).

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Postby andyroo » Mon Nov 10, 2003 10:09 pm

And to add, Even though FB is considered a tech. prev. by the developers in mozilla that does not mean that is unusable and is in beta. It's not to a point to where they call it a full release. I would considider it an Alpha myself since beta versions normally have disabled features, are normally very buggy, and, if memory serves right, only Mozilla betas come with the debugger feature with no say by the user which is not so for FB (edit:it doesn't have one, period).

On the note of usability, FB is alot easer to use than Mozilla is. There are fewer menu items and it is for the most part very easy to move around the options window. Not to mention you can choose where you wan't your bookmarks stored which is not a feature of the full Mozilla.

Mozilla is for the most part, and esp. in compatability, Netscape but through open source has been made a whole lot more stable. Mozilla was started by the Netscape engineers. It is true that Mozilla and all of the other Mozilla software is different code wise, but it does not nessicarily mean that functions are being emulated.
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